The mirrored tactic

It has been three months since Hash's coma. He was conscious alright could hear his parents talking. 

"I might kidnap your physical body anytime soon. The Berries that we've planted in the island were producing so much."

She heard Lo's voice, but he knew it was Liz. 

"Too bad the berries don't work on our son."

Hash could her movements and some pause on their conversation.

"He might have too much stress that his mind shuts down."

What the?! How could his father say that? Does he think he's weak?

"Isabel said that Vego mirrored our son's technique. They killed the king."

It's like there's an emergency allert ringing on his ears right now. Screaming danger!

"The Vego tried to penetrate inside Novalia bribing as many soldiers as they could."

Hash's soul would want to make a trip to Novalia right now.