Margaux's internal chaos

Few days after Margaux's surgery. Aris brought her and Lo to the amusement park he went the other week.

"Wow! Nice."

She runs to touch the railings of one of the rides.

"But I don't get it. What do we do in this place?"

The park was empty because Hash rent it for a day for them to freely stroll. 

"What we do is hop on in, and go for a ride."

He got in to a mini train.

"Come on in!"

Two girls got in. 


It's the first time Lo was able to ride on this moving things that she saw on the roads. The wind that blew on her face felt good.

They were currently riding on the safari trail. Which lead them to the animals.

"Aris, I still don't get it. Why does this carriage tour us to see the animals? What's special with them?"

Margaux was really confuse. 

"I guess people of this country killed most of them. Now there's only few of these animals left. So they value them more than gold."