Side story from the future

If papers have a mouth, Margaux thinks her planner will yell and curse her for putting too much activity in it. It looks like it is begging to add more days to the calendar. Even twenty-four hours is not enough for her schedule of activities. She has competitions, debates, theater, reports thesis, and exams, not to mention practice on the list, also organizational meetings.

She even forgot to put the schedule of her interview for her internship in the Corbis Group. It supposedly today, at one in the afternoon. The problem is, she has a class and can't skip unless she's sick. 

Class attendance is part of the grading system in their university. She has not paid attention to the lecturer. Her mind is hovering above her body, figuring out how to get to the interview. The lecturer for that class doesn't permit immediate requests.

"Miss La Agua!" Her lecturer has called her attention.

Margaux didn't hear. She was so focused on getting into that interview.