Taz invasion

Chargol, the Taz leader had heard about Novalia's success. Soon after he captured the Vego soldiers, he went their himself to disguise as a merchant. He assess the kingdom and it didn't have much arm forces. He also studied how the kingdom managed to imprison the soldiers. By using both combat abilities and their fire weapons. The only place he couldn't get access as a foreigner was the palace and the newly crowned king's barracks. 

Since he was hailed as crowned prince, street crimes was almost gone. Except for those political crimes. Very impressive, but Chargol believed that Taz was still the most organized country in the world. Novalia maybe wealthy but he will soon take it away. She saw the queen and she has the most exquisite beauty. He would love to have her in his bed. 

The security was focused at the capital. So he would scatter his army allover the kingdom so he could weaken the force. Using the fire techniques that his kingdom specialized.