The little dude liked Luna

The next morning, Hugh found Luna fascinating. He couldn't stop admiring her. The fact that Hugh and Roman were distant cousins, he shouldn't be jealous, and that he's only a baby. But he felt that he was taking Luna's time too much.

Hugh, on the other hand, liked him too. He was bubbly and was pulling him to go somewhere. He was pointing at Aris' car. Isabel was laughing when they found them at the makeshift garage.

"He wants you to teach him how to drive."

Roma took a double turn to the baby. Is it seruous?

"You can't even reach the brakes!"

He answered in a mumble like he was explaining something.

"No, young man, no driving until you're thirty."

Roman burst out laughing. Poor Hugh.

He took him instead and showed him a race app on his phone and teach him virtual driving. He cutely followed the instructions and soon he was virtually driving and was not bad.