New Game

"Hey Mom, I'm going to the store!" I called out to my mother, reaching up towards the handle to my front door. I waited for some response, and after a moment, received one.

"Okay, just make sure to grab some cabbage on your way back! Oh, and don't get into any trouble!" My mom replied from the kitchen, the sound of the fridge opening echoing through our home after she was finished.

[New Quest Created!]

Go grab some cabbage!

Bring back some cabbage for your mother. Don't mess it up!

[Time Limit: 2 hours]

[Completion Reward: Your mother's finished meal, increased closeness with your mother, 50 EXP.]

[Failure Penalty: Leftovers for Dinner, increased nagging from your mother.]

Do you accept this quest?


I shook my head before clicking yes.

"Alright Mom, I'll be back!" I closed the door behind myself before clicking my tongue.

Just a week ago my life had changed. My Quirk, Pop-Off, had suddenly gained a roommate of sorts. The Gamer, as it titled itself, was my newest Quirk. It had essentially turned my life into a videogame.

I still didn't really know the extents of it, but I had a basic grasp on what it did. And hey, it didn't get rid of my original Quirk, only became a plus one, so I didn't mind too much.

I took one of the purple Quirk-formed balls from my head, sighing as I tossed it up into the air before catching it.

My life couldn't even be turned into an erotic game, or a puzzle game that would then lead to several erotic situations, it just ended up as a generic RPG game. Truly a shame of unprecedented proportions.

With a thought, a blue screen that only I could see appeared in front of me.

[Name: Minoru Mineta]

[Level: 2]

[Class: The Gamer]

[Title: None Equipped]

[HP: 200/200]

[MP: 150/150]

[Strength: 5]

[Vitality: 5]

[Dexterity: 5]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Wisdom: 5]

[Luck: 5]

[Points: 5]

[Yen: 1,000]

It was a simplistic screen that placed all my attributes into simplistic numbers, but they were all at a measly five. It really hammered home a few thoughts that I'd had recently.

I'm just too weak. Normally it wouldn't have mattered to me but….

"How will I ever get a proper girlfriend if I can't even protect myself?!" I groaned as I took a Quirk-formed ball within my hand, angrily throwing it at a wall of an alleyway.

The ball stuck and bounced for a moment before settling. Using my Quirk like this was stupid and dangerous, but with stats like mine, was I really gonna hurt someone even if I didn't aim towards a wall?

I let out a sigh before walking over to the ball, going to pick it up. Before my hand got to the ball, a light ding filled the air and a blue screen appeared before me.

[Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created. Skill: Fling.]



[You have acquired the quest item: Cabbage.]

I got a notification for just about everything. Sleeping, eating, studying, even taking out the trash and doing the dishes. Odd thing though, I'd received a "Dish-Washing" skill, but hadn't received a "Taking out the Trash" skill. My Quirk was finicky.

I got home quick after getting Fling and gave my mom her cabbage before going out again.

Two short bus rides away, I stood in a clearing with a few trees, within Kashifu Forest. I couldn't see anyone from the streets, but it would only take a few short minutes to get over there.

My level had risen to two after a week of taking small quests from my mom. Normally they were things like getting food from the store, taking out the trash, or doing the dishes.

My Dish-Washing skill had risen to three after opting to do the dishes every day for the past week.

My levels and skill levels rose independently, and after receiving Fling I'd been inspired to try and level it up. It was my very first skill that required MP to use, so I was curious of the rate in which it'd level up.

I took my purple Quirk-formed balls into my hands before throwing them and activating Fling. They flew straight and true until they slammed into the tree that I was aiming them at. I kept on going and going until I suddenly felt tired.

Upon trying to use the skill again, the ball flew in a lazy arc before landing at the base of the tree.

"Uh… Status," I called, causing my status screen to appear before me.

I scanned for any irregularities and found one. My MP had fallen to zero.

I clicked on the bar, curious, and something small came up.

[MP: Regain 1 Mana Point every minute.]

Upon learning I'd have to wait over two hours, I groaned, and fell onto the ground dejectedly.

After a minute or two of just staring into the sky, my mind began to wonder. I didn't know what I'd be doing with this new ability, so I sat and thought for a moment.

After playing so many RPGs, I've learned that the only way you can get all romance options is if you're strong enough to protect everyone.

You have to beat every boss, even the secret ones. You have to protect the girls, and sometimes even the boys so that nobody becomes depressed, in every situation imaginable.

Maybe it's shallow, but if that's the case, I'll become strong. I'll be so strong that I can protect everyone I get to meet in my future!

It was an admittedly odd realization, but it was one that meant a lot to me.

However, if I wished to become strong, I didn't know exactly how I'd become strong. Which stat would be the best to invest in?

In all honesty, being super strong like All Might would super awesome, but I didn't know how many points I'd need to get to that level of strength. People called him the Number One Hero for a reason, so I could only imagine his strength stat being in the upper thousands, but that may be a massive overestimation.

Scrolling past Strength, I only had to look at Vitality for a moment before pushing it off.

It would be good to able to tank hits in the future, but I wasn't gonna get into any fights anytime soon, so I ignored it.

Dexterity was certainly nice sounding, but it wasn't what I was looking for either. It was worth keeping in mind though.

Intelligence was still not worth noting in the grand scheme of things. If it worked like video games, it would help my magical abilities, or make my Quirk stronger, but wasn't that interesting either. And even if it affected more normal intelligence, I wasn't looking to get straight A's right now anyways.

Wisdom was the weirdest choice by far. Being wise like an old sage could be sort of cool, but that wasn't the kind of hero I wanted to be anyways.

Last was Luck, and while being clear in some senses, was the vaguest option out of all of them. I clicked the stat, but nothing appeared.

I clicked my tongue. My Quirk had a bad case of being vague, unspecific, and spotty.

Well, scrolling through the options one-by-one didn't help me at all. Luck was certainly cool, but it didn't seem that useful. If it wasn't going to consistently rain down lightning and pain on all my enemies, I really didn't want it.

I didn't even know if my levels and stat points were finite, so I didn't want to throw them in a stat that had no clear results.

I scanned over all of them again, and this time I found some light interest in Intelligence and Wisdom.

"I am going to school. Maybe some easy A's wouldn't be too bad…." I hummed, pulling my phone from my pocket. I searched up the definition of Wisdom, stewing over it for a moment.

"The quality of having experience, knowledge, or good judgement," The screen read.

If that's the case, wouldn't I make a better decision if I had additional points in Wisdom?

With a genuinely anxious sigh, I put my first five stat points into Wisdom and confirmed my decision.

I don't know what I expected, but nothing worth noting really happened. The only change was as if my very own vision had become clearer, even though my vision didn't really change at all. My decisions were slightly clearer, and with that, I pulled a metal bat from my inventory.

My Inventory had shown itself to be one of my most useful new abilities, with the ability to store more than I could physically carry into an… altered space was useful. I didn't know to the extents of what I could carry in my Inventory but holding things like my metal bat wasn't a problem, so I'd worry about it later.

I slammed the metal bat into the tree.

"I will become a hero unlike any other!" I yelled out to the world, starting my legendary adventure by whacking an innocent tree with a bat.