
The next few weeks were a blur. We trained every day, but after our initial dungeon raiding, we didn't find too many other places to get good experience points from. Despite that, I refused to spend the points I gained, even after three additional levels from some smaller dungeons.

Rather than trying to rely on levels though, the time was spent training my skills, both old ones―Seiryu's techniques―and new ones―Water Manipulation and Poison Affliction. I got them to manageable MP costs, so I could use them more frequently than originally. A month of consistent training really helped my physical stats too, which were all close to 30―but they weren't quite there yet.

While I didn't want to use my stat points on my physicals at all, the ability to boost myself up to Seiryu's penultimate technique was promising enough to break such a thought process. Regardless of Azure Dragon's Ascension, I really, really didn't want to use my stat points on physical stats.

Beyond my strength, we worked a lot on teamwork, and even more on our plan.

We crafted our original plan into the best one we could, we crafted three other plans in cases where the original wouldn't work, we even created back-ups for those back-ups. We wanted to stay prepared.

We watched any old videos we could find over new Pro-Heroes, trying to keep our information relevant to what we may run into. We even went as far as to check out the registration of schools like Aldera Junior High for any students who may've been dangerous to run into on the streets, but we quickly abandoned that line of thinking after realizing there weren't many to think about on top of the fact that we were launching the plan in the middle of the day in the middle of the week just to avoid students getting wrapped up in everything.

We planned for situations for if All Might somehow, someway arrived at the scene, but most of those plans ended with "get the hell out of there as fast as possible."

We even went out of our ways to go get more skill books. We talked to Kazuho―who was extremely happy to see Manami in good condition even though she didn't know who I was at first―and got skill books for dancing, boxing, several sports, chess, and miscellaneous other skills of varying importance.

Any skills that gave me passive effects were a god-sent gift, so I tried to find them as much as I could. Through my newer skills, I gained a 20% boost to every stat besides Luck. I appreciated the boost to my stats, seeing as the boosts couldn't be taken away because of their passive nature.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any of Tokotachi's books. Even researching them on the internet gave me shady locations at best and vague hopes at worst. I kept the books in mind―because they were absolutely the best skill books I'd came across so far―but was willing to put off looking for the books for a little while.

And yet, despite all those skill books, I had no solid idea of what I was walking into.

"We're walking into a delicate minefield here. Don't set off any mines."

Ah, but good ol' Dabi was willing to tell me.

"Have you set off any mines before?" I asked, feeling a small smile rise onto my face.

I could see the corners of his lips begin to rise.

"If I did, I was strong enough to handle the explosion. I don't know if you are," Dabi shrugged before continuing. "Everyone knows something about the Black Market, but this is the Black Market. There are a lot of good heads in this business, and it just so happens that I've got a connection to one of the top heads. Just try and remember the golden rule."

"The golden rule, eh? Never double dip in ranch?" I asked, sounding completely serious despite the stupid nature of my question.

That one got a rush of air out of his nose.

"While important, no, not that one," He shook his head. "The toes you step on today may burn down your house tomorrow. Not everyone is a powerhouse, but there's enough of them hiding out to be wary. I don't know just how much that applies to someone who can see the levels of people, but still."

I nodded.

"If the three of us ever need to come back together, it would be better for us to not have villains itching for our demises," Dabi shrugged, planting curious thoughts within my head.

For now though, I shook the thoughts away, making sure to stand up straight and straightening out my dress shirt. We were going to a business establishment, so Dabi and I made extra sure to go out and buy some clothes just for this. Well, really it was just me buying clothes, but the point still stands.

We both're wearing navy blue dress shirts and black slacks―which I thought I looked pretty damn fantastic in―which is good enough to pass as people who belong in the Black Market apparently.

Of course, I wasn't going in as Minoru Mineta either. Nope, with a little help from Disguise and Manami's information I entered the forest as Minoru Mineta and left as someone else. This was the very first time I had become Meng Zhang.

With light blue hair―bordering on white just as Manami had suggested―light blue―bordering grey―eyes, and a dragon tattoo on my back that was underneath the name 'Meng Zhang,' I was pretty sure connecting me back to Minoru Mineta would be pretty difficult.

"Got it. Besides that, anything else I should keep in mind?" I asked, running a hand through my hair.

"Try the food responsibly," Dabi replied seriously.

I snickered.

"What sort of advice is that?" I grinned, glancing up at the full moon high up in the sky.

"Hey, you'd be shocked of how well middle-aged men and women can cook when they have nothing else to do. Might as well try some foods you'd never get a good chance to try anywhere else, for a decent price at that. That's how I enjoy myself before something big. Besides, a few days from now…." Dabi's voice wandered off as we turned down an alleyway, presumably going towards our location.

I frowned at him.

"What, we might be either imprisoned or dead?" I asked. "Screw that; we're gonna succeed, and I'll make sure that happens. That Ultraphone is basically ours already. I'm not gonna start hoggin' out cause of fear all the sudden. Don't start saying stupid stuff, idiot."

He chuckled, shrugging dismissively.

"It was a joke," He gestured towards the end of an alleyway, which was probably our location. Didn't seem like there was any doors though. "Or an excuse to use my tab on food, your choice."

"Y'know, I don't even think my body has set limits of how much good I can eat. I will run your wallet dry," I sighed. "Rather than eat a buffet on my own, we'll do it together."

"You… want to celebrate?" He sounded surprised.

I nodded.

"Yeah. It would probably be smart to lay low for a long while after the mission, especially because of the effects it can have on villains and heroes, but we should celebrate after everything is said and done," I took a breath.

"It'll be a while, yeah, but it… it isn't impossible to do," Dabi slowly nodded.

"And hey, I'll let you see my incredible skills of picking up girls if everything goes well," I grinned.

He snorted, "Another reason to stay alive then."

Dabi looked over to me, looking down just a tad bit. Without a word he walked forward, and pressed 5 bricks into the wall, causing the bricks to pull inwards and open a stairway to seemingly the underground.

Dabi walked in without a bit of hesitation, so I did the same.

We walked for about three minutes in total silence before we encountered a wall at the end of the path. Dabi took an annoyed breath.

"Open up, I don't have time to waste today," In response to his words, the wall pulled in, allowing us to enter it. We did so and then I was introduced to the world underneath the one I was so used to. And surprisingly, it didn't look much different than a festival.

The sidewalks were filled with people of all different shapes and sizes, but most of them looked friendly. Those people were enjoying different booths that were selling all sorts of things. Some were selling candy apples, some were selling books, some were selling weapons.

In all honesty, it wasn't anything too shocking.

Dabi and I walked without stopping. He spoke without looking over to me.

"Entertain yourself for a little bit. Ah but…." He looked like he was mulling over some thoughts before he let out a resigned sigh. "Can I keep your mask for a little bit?"

I looked at him with a confused expression, trying to read his expressionless face. After a moment I sighed, sticking my hand in my jacket, and pulling Vasukak out of my Inventory. Dabi outstretched a hand, and I sat the mask in it, holding it for a moment.

"Do not let anyone put the mask on, even as a test run. They may very well die from the initial effects alone," I spoke seriously.

Dabi nodded, so I let the mask go. Dabi turned and walked away, presumably to do as he said he would. I turned back and looked at the shockingly expansive space.

If there are booths, there must be games too, right?


As I sunk my sixth basketball in a row, I could feel Dabi's presence approaching me. I didn't turn to him as a small smirk grew on my face, all because of the poor booth owner's attempt to scam me.

I ended up walking around for a while and stumbled upon a game that was rigged, but it was rigged in a way that only affected every fourth person to play the game. The owner of the booth added some clever electromagnetic waves on the hoops and basketballs of his game, creating a situation that would only really occur every fourth person who played it.

It was clever, and would've probably been easy to get away with, if he didn't run across someone who was basically a master of using electromagnetic waves. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't cast me out either, based on his very own rules.

Eh, I liked to think I was helping him. I was just embarrassing him and taking some of his money, who knows what the other people around here would do.

Ah, but in my effort to embarrass the booth owner, a small crowd formed around me. I think Dabi was having a hard time with getting through it, so I sunk my seventh shot then offered a free try to whoever wanted it.

I passed off my ball and met up with Dabi.

"Did you get what you needed?" I asked, smiling. "You were kinda quick."

Dabi looked at me blankly before walking ahead, walking back to where we once came from. He nodded after a little bit.

"What was with the crowd? Just making a few shots doesn't seem worth all that attention," He asked. "And yes, I was quick, but I got what I wanted without worrying."

Dabi tossed me my mask, but also another one that was like it. The second mask had two slits where eyes should've been, but also holes on the temples, as if to make a straight comparison to Vasukak. It had blue symbols that covered the mask in its entirety.

"What's this?" I asked, even as I Observed the mask. I'd gotten used to asking questions I may've been able to easily gain answers for.

"A mask that connects us. Even for villains, we need things that will distinguish us from other villains. It helps us distinguish groups," Dabi nodded. "It's made out of a material that will allow you to cast your Quirk once and it should hold its effects for a while."

It made sense. I hadn't really thought about it but knowing who your allies were and who your enemies were was one of the main reasons why hero―and by extension, villain―costumes existed at all. Something as simple as a mask could gain you an ally, or an enemy.

So then Dabi came down here just to unite us through a mask? Well, I guess that was a smart decision in the long run.

"So then we're all set up for tomorrow? We'll go over the plan several times tomorrow, so I don't see much point in doing it right now," I noted, receiving a nod from Dabi as he took back his mask and I put Vasukak into my Inventory.

"Besides get a decent night of sleep, nothing really," Dabi shrugged.

"I would offer you to stay at my place but…." I didn't finish.

He knew my mom was home, but that wasn't really the reason why I'd worry about him being over.

I took after my mother, even in her blatantly perverted tendencies.

Dabi may've been an unconventionally attractive man, but he was still a man so… I'd rather him not be in my home with my mother. I have a feeling she will act a fool if something like that happened.

"It's alright; worst thing happens, and I'll just have you heal me a few times before the mission starts," Dabi stretched, yawning. "What about you? Are you gonna be training all night?"

I took a moment to think before shaking my head.

"No, I wanted to get my physical stats up to 30, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Instead, I have a theory for one of my abilities, but I'll probably need all night to successfully do it," I nodded.

Dabi nodded, silent. We approached the forest without another word exchanged between us, a peaceful silence falling between us.

We got to Dabi's campsite, and I was ready to walk away and leave him there, but he spoke up before I was gone.

"If this one mission changes how hero society holds itself and it stops you from being the hero you once wanted to be, what will you do?" He sounded serious, so I turned to him and looked him in his eyes.

I'd thought about it a lot. If I really changed how society saw heroes, what would I do? Would I really train to be a hero, or would I continue as a wise villain, as Meng Zhang?

The answer is that is―

"I don't know. I have no idea what I'd do. I can't even remember if I wanted to ever be anything beyond a hero. But to be honest, I don't know if I really wanted to be a hero anyways. I think… I think I'll just have to figure it out afterwards. I'll definitely still train, getting stronger, but I don't think I've ever thought that far ahead," I spoke honestly, receiving a low hum from Dabi.

After a moment, he spoke.

"I wanted to be a hero when I was still a Todoroki. But everything―my body, my family, and my mind―took that away from me. The only reason why I'm here is because of somebody who put me through the ringer when they found me. I got the name Dabi from them―from her, Kagenori," He admitted with a small laugh. "But tomorrow, tomorrow we are heroes. It won't be easy, it won't be smooth, but it will be worth it. That… is enough for me."

As he let out a sigh and fell to the ground, the words above his head were covered in blue energy, covering up his information before the energy faded. My eyes widened as I read over the new info.

[Foolish Blue Flames]

[Lv. 57]


I nodded.

"Tomorrow, we give it everything we've got," I told Dabi, receiving a small smile from him as he began to relax.

I walked away, going to do my last piece of work.

I softly held my hand on the trunk of a large tree, beginning to pour mana-created water into a tree, which was quite taxing, but I hoped it would be worth it. I went as far as to turn off all my active skills and give the theory my full attention.

Water rushed through the tree, which held the water for the next part of the plan. I took a deep breath then gently pulled the water from the tree, a large bubble of water floating within the air, carefully controlled by Water Manipulation.

If this was going to work, I'd need a lot of water, and because the sea was so far away, I decided that fueling the water into a tree then taking it all out would be efficient enough.

I focused everything I had as I pushed a hand into the orb of water.

I fueled it with mana, only stopping from moment to moment to allow my MP to naturally restore itself. As the MP I dumped began to approach 10,000, I could suddenly tell I no longer needed to give it anymore.

I don't know how much time passed like that, but it was worth it.

The water pulled away from my hand without my input, but a few moments later, I could feel a small hand of water touching mine.

I opened my eyes to see a being of pure water in the shape of a little girl, only three or four feet tall, with flowing white hair and dawning a gown of dark blue water. Her eyes were a pure black color, like the infinite depths of the ocean.

If I did what I was trying to do then….

[Due to extensive and specific usage of Water Manipulation, you have summoned a creature of water. A new skill has been created due to this unique usage of your skill. Skill: Elemental Summoning.]

"Ah, so I guess you're the elemental, huh?" I asked, but upon receiving no response further than a happy nod, I let out a small sigh.

It made sense, not having vocal cords to make noises and all. She was just a being of pure water after all.

As if to prove me wrong, words that weren't mine filled my mind.

You're not scared of the sea. Good.

That was her voice? She sounded kind of how I expected her to sound, if more… watery? Her words had a certain reverb to them, as if she were in an echo chamber. It was trippy experience, one that I wasn't sure of how it was even possible.

Even science had to shrug sometimes.

Let us swim together, unique child.

And she was calling me the child? Jeez, I didn't know if she knew exactly what she looked like, but I guess her words made sense. The sea was pretty old….

I nodded despite her… word-thought things, and she… smiled―god, I could not understand this elemental at all―before falling into a puddle.

I am called Shui. Call my name and the seas will rage with you, Minoru Mineta.

I had to sit for a moment after her final words, the words splashing around within my head. I slumped to the ground next to the tree.

I gave the tree a soft pat, almost as if thanking it for the help. I'd been putting the trees of the forest through quite a bit as of recently, so even if the gesture was odd, I felt genuine about it.

Maybe that's why….

[Due to a deep connection with nature and trees, you have received a new skill. Skill: Wood Manipulation.]

Ah… that was an interesting addition.