So this is a chapter for me to throw out things that are on my mind because even though I'm supposedly done with this, it kind of keeps its place in my head.
I'm writing this to allow anyone who wants to reply and allow me to understand things to do so.
1. Manami is manipulative. And... I guess she is, even without inherently bad intentions.
Manipulation is seen as inherently bad, but after a few hours of research I've learned that it's not really as bad as people always make it sound.
Manipulation can be used in positive and negative ways, which I do feel like Manami was doing.
She told Minoru the truth of her situation and would've truly let him walk away, however she did influence him to break the law and steal the Ultraphone.
2. The similarities between this and Ryuugi's TGWP. Yeah, it inspired a decent portion of this story.
I didn't think it was a secret either. I liked The Games We Play and wasn't trying to hide it.
I thought it was pretty oblivious and didn't feel like explicitly mentioning it until now. People on this site seem to love calling stories copies, and I'm just not a fan of that at all.
I've spent a very long time trying to make this story into something of my own, and it's feels like a massive insult to see comments like that.
If you feel like this story is copied in the slightest, please leave. I don't want you reading it anyways.
3. Minoru's decisions seems illogical to some, but then what's the logical decision?
Instead of stealing the Ultraphone, the opposite was...?
Becoming a traditional hero? Sure.
Spreading the news at a much slower pace? Sure.
But then this story wouldn't exist. I made this specifically for a different type of solution, and despite what stats may say, he's still just a teenager.
Teenager's tend to make stupid decisions, that's life. His stats don't make him the smartest or wisest person out there. They enhance things, yes, but that doesn't mean that he's immune to making mistakes.
4. This story is far from perfect, but I'm still proud of it.
I'm just a writer trying to get better at my craft, being okay with fumbling and failing on the way.
My stories aren't for everyone, and that's fine. If they're not for you, don't read them. But please, don't insult them.
I want criticism, not insults. A lot of people on the internet don't seem to understand the difference.
Will I come back to this story? Possibly, but I don't think I've had too positive of an experience writing it as of recently, so maybe not.