

I have no idea what Cleon used in making dinner last night, for as soon as we were done eating i went upstairs and slept off immediately.

After washing up and putting on another new pair of clothes i rebraided my hair, only to find a box close to my hair comb on the table. I braided my hair and picked up the box, i am sure it is not mine. If it is here, then it means Cleon was the one who kept it here. I opened the box to find it filled with money.

By the spirits! i exclaimed almost dropping it.

Cleon! Cleon! Cleon! i yelled as i left my room and went in search of Cleon still holding the box.

I found him sitted and eating breakfast.

Cleon, what is this?

What does it look like?

I know it's money Cleon, i mean what is it doing in my room?

I told you Evelinde, you are my responsibilty now and that means i'm in charge of your finances. You are to use that however you like, it's yours and if it's not enough let me know.

But i told you i will be paid my wage just like everyone else who work in the palace, at the end of the mooncycle.

That's okay, if you get paid that is. But i highly doubt my father will pay anyone in my employ, especially with everything that has happened recently.

But Cleon i can't possibly take this from you.

Why not, you work for me don't you?

Yes i know i work for you but, this is too much. Everything here is gold coins Cleon like do you know people who actually have gold coins in Aegalia? Only the rich and nobles use gold coins and i have a box filled with them, no helper or companion gets paid this much.

I know all i'm saying, won't change anything because i know Cleon enough to know he won't change his mind.

Come and sit down Eve and have breakfast, the money is yours and that's it.

I really want to punch or something, letting out a long sigh i turned and went upstairs to keep the box, while wondering how on earth he can afford to give me this much.

So what are we to do today? i asked settling opposite Cleon and reaching for a loaf of bread.

I don't know for now, i doubt we will be invited back to master Flynn's class especially since everyone is busy practicing for the upcoming feast.

You are crazily gifted why are you not participating?

I'm an abomination Evelinde i belong in the shadows not the spotlight.

So you are good enough to fight in the battlefield but not good enough for a competition?

Well it is my duty as a prince to fight and protect my kingdom.

And it is not your duty as a prince to participate in a competiotion that other princes will be participating?

It's fine Evelinde i really don't mind, you learn a lot as a spectator too, it's really not that bad you will see.

So what are we going to do today then?

Cleon was about to answer when we heard a bell ring.

Cleon what's that?

Someone's at the door.

I thought no one ever comes here?

No one comes in here for visit or pleasure Evelinde. Only few people look for me here and when they do it is all for important things.

Are we going out to meet whoever it is?

No, he is coming to us.

Not long after a soldier came in.

My prince, the soldier greeted with a bow.

Mathias, what is it?

Oh, i remember the soldier i've seen him once when he came to call Cleon and i.

My prince some of the soldiers at the west camp are down with a strange illness.

Strange illness?

Yes my prince.

How so?

About fifty of them woke up with boils all over their body two days ago, the physician was summoned and he administered some medication to them only for their condition to worsen the next day and even the physician is down with the same illness at the camp.

Why am i hearing of this now, and have you seen them personally?

No my prince i haven't seen them in person, a messenger bird was sent to me by Thaddeus and he said i should send help and i tried to tell you but you where in the dungeon and no one was allowed to visit you or pass a message and we heard you were suffering in there as well.

Hmmmm, go get my horse and bring it to the gates.

My prince, Mathias said with a bow and left.

Evelinde i will be going to the camp to take a look at what is happening, if you don't find it daunting you can come with me.

Daunting? Cleon not long ago we had nothing to do and now here we are with something to actually do and you think i will find it daunting?

You heard Mathias Evelinde, this might be dangerous.

Yeah i heard him, but i have you with me.

Really now, you trust me that much?

Well, i trust you enough to know you won't let anything happen to me.

Hmmmmm, go upstairs and pack a few things you might need, we might sleep over.

I went upstairs and found a bag along my other new clothes in my wardrobe. I picked two new outfits and some essentials and buckled the bag, i was about leaving when my eyes fell on the box of coins.

I went to the box and put some of the coins in a pouch and put it inside my bag.

I went to look for Cleon and found him in the garden picking some herbs and flowers.

All done, i said showing him the bag i am wearing.

Cleon put the things he picked in a small bag and placed it in a bigger bag by the side which he picked and walk towards me.

Here take this, Cleon's hands cradled a small, intricately carved wooden box, its surface etched with ancient symbols that seemed to pulse with latent magic. With a gentle flick of his wrist, he unveiled its contents before me, revealing a stunning necklace that seemed to emit a soft, iridescent glow.

I gasped in awe as my eyes fell upon the necklace, my fingers itching to reach out and touch the exquisite creation.

Cleon, it's... it's beautiful.

A tender smile graced Cleon's lips as he gently lifted the necklace from its resting place in the box. It's more than just beautiful, Eve, he replied, his voice soft yet resolute. "It's magical."

But why are you giving me such a magnificent necklace, Cleon? And how did you come to possess it?

It's a gift from a group of magical creatures I once encountered once. They were in grave danger, threatened by dark forces beyond their control.

I helped them out and In gratitude for my help, the creatures gifted me this necklace. As Cleon's fingers traced the delicate contours of the necklace, a soft, luminescent aura seemed to envelop him, casting a warm, ethereal glow upon the surroundings. They imbued it with a powerful enchantment, Cleon revealed, his voice reverberating with a whisper of ancient magic. A spell of protection, woven with the promise that no harm shall befall its wearer, no danger shall penetrate its shield. I've also added a spell to help me always know where you are, Cleon said as he put the nacklace around my neck.

I don't know what we are going to face but this will keep you safe and protected, besides i've been having this feeling lately that i can't shake off. I will feel better with you wearing this.

But Cleon, if it is to keep the wearer safe why are you not wearing it?

Hahahahahaha, Evelinde i don't need anything to protect me, trust me i have all the protection i need.

Now come, let's go.

I followed Cleon to the palace gates, where Mathias was already waiting with two horses and a bag i presume to be his straped on one of the horses.

My prince i did not realise the lady will be coming with you, i'm sorry i will go get another horse.

It's fine Mathias Cleon said, she will be riding with me.

Mathias took our bags, and Cleon helped me climb his horse and together we began our journey.

Cleon, i said as we were riding.


If you can teleport, why don't you just teleport us there?

I told you Evelinde no one knows of my powers i only use them for myself.

Oh, i see i said as we continued on our journey.