IDFYL 08 : First Day Of Work

Today is Monday. The day that nadira has been waiting for has now arrived. The day on which he would officially become a full-time employee in a pretty well-known company in Jakarta. Nadira was holding the job she could afford and enjoyed it.

Nadira's appearance was modest. The girl was wearing the top of a woman's white long-sleeved shirt. The bottom of it was wearing a span of a young ash. She has a sloping bow to make it look neat. Nadira was wearing a bludru flat shoes in black because she did not like high heels.

The girl put it on her hair. She clamped her right side of hair to look neat. A small milk brown watch complete her left wrist.

And the last one, Dira was wearing an office coat with a company name on her left breast. That suit was given by Brahma yesterday. The suit was reduced to the tailor to fit in Nadira's body.


Nadira smiled in front of her room mirror while rubbing her lipstick with a flashy nude matte.

"Dira, have you finished yet? Your brother is waiting for you in front of the house." Meisya yelled for her daughter.

"Yes, ma 'am, just a moment."

Nadira was in a hurry and the girl ran down the stairs. Before leaving, Nadira said good-bye to Meiysa and Dipta. She also asked her parents for permission to have a good job.


"Why are you going through your bag?" Asked rendra.

"Oh, you're such a nag. I just checked my bag properly. If anyone was left behind, I'd panic later. Uncle Brahma has given me a task. Last night I was working on some files I kept on my own flash drive. Ah, I have a bag full."

Rendra nodded in understanding. "So, it's ready?"

Dira nodded.

Rendra smiled. He smile looks so genuine. "I didn't expect you to work. You're so much more adult than I am. Cheer up for your first day."

"Yes brother.."

"Sorry.." Said rendra.

Dira turned back, looking at the look on Rendra's face that looked serious.

"What are you sorry for?" Asked Dira snoring confused.

"I'm sorry for saying bad things to you. I made a joke out of you. Sorry for offending you on hearing my words so unseemly. I didn't mean to insult you completely. I just don't know how to deliver counsel properly." Said Rendra explained slowly.

"Ah, that's okay. I forgive you. Maybe it's your thing. Don't be like that to me again. I never made fun of you. You're different from mom and dad. Mom says you like to speak frontal. I've forgiven you."

Rendra looked at his sister and smiled. Then the left hand is gently stroking the head of Dira.


"Cheer up for your first day. May your first day of work be well received." Said Rendra. His car is in front of a company building

"Yes, thank you." Said Dira with a smile until her eyes formed a crescent.

"What time do you think you'll be home?"

"Said uncle Brahma, office hours are two in the afternoon. If Saturday is eleven o 'clock.. Why?"

"It's okay. I just wanted to pick you up if I'm not busy later."

Dira chuckled at what rendra said. It seems a bit strange to know that Rendra has always had Nadira's full attention. "Ah, thank you. Let me know if you'll pick me up. If you're busy, I can take a cab home."

"Yes, I'll tell you, sister."

"Hehe.. All right, then I'm going in the office." Said Dira.

"Yes.." Rendra once again smiled very sincerely.


A pair of nadira cranes now walked into the company lobby. The girl met a woman a few years older than her. She's at the reception.

"Excuse me.." Said Dira.

She stood out of her chair and smiled. "Yes? Good morning.. Can I help you?" The woman asked kindly.

"Can I see Mr Brahma's secretary?" Asked Dira nervously.

"Have you got any prior appointments?"

Nadira shook her head.

"If you don't have an appointment, then you can't meet Mr Brahma's secretary. My apologies." The woman said kindly.

"I'm sorry, I came here because I was contacted by Mr Brahma. I was told that I should see his secretary, Miss Diani. I was told to confirm the portion of the work I would fill." Said Dira explained.

The receptionist woman paused by seeing nadira's performance from top to bottom. Then her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry is that you called nadira aisyah?"

Nadira nodded and was relieved.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I do not know. Earlier Mr Brahma gave me a message that the one who had the name and came here was sent straight in and saw Mrs. Diani."

"It's fine. Which way should I go now?" Asked dira.

"Let me walk you. Mrs. Diani's room was next to Mr Brahma's room near the boardroom."

While dira nodded the sign that she understood what the receptionist was saying.

Entering the company's large enough room allowed the dira to be amazed by herself. Because there were parts of the room she'd been seeing. While Dira also saw all the employees sitting comfortably at their tables that were limited to narrow sheets to make work more effective between employees to discuss.

"Well this is Mrs. Diani's room, let me escort you in." The receptionist said.

Dira nodded and smiled.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Diani."

"Come inside." Said the lady from the room. "What is it, lisa?" Asked Diani when the receptionist named Lisa checked in and closed the door to the room.

"This is the woman Mr Brahma referred to, I brought her here to see you." Lisa said.

"Oh nadira. Yes, please sit down. Thank you, lisa, you may return to reception area."

Lisa nodded politely. "Okay, miss."
