IDFYL 12 : About Feeling

The star-studded night sky and also the crescent in the sky enabled Dira to give up without letup the call for someone who had accompanied her for her ride this afternoon.

Ardian Putra.

The name kept running through Nadira's mind. The girl sat on a study table chair in her room, which she placed near the window of the room facing the side of the house.

The girl sat comfortably sitting on the windowsill. Her eyes delved into the cool night. Her lips smiled faintly with a comfortable steady roar of breath.

Nadira shook her head softly, "ah, why do I keep thinking about ardian? Why do I keep that name in my head? God, I only worked one day. Maybe I'm just amazed at him." Dira mumbling softly.

There was a knock outside her room.

"Dira, let's go to dinner. Mom and dad are waiting at the dinner table." Said Rendra from Nadira's front door. The man spoke rather loudly.

"Yes. I'll be right down." Dira called back from the room.


Tuesday. The second day Nadira worked in the company of her own uncle.

Today the girl is wearing an innocent pink woman's shirt and is paired with a regular black span.

The girl was also wearing her favorite watch and did not forget the black flats shoes. Today she wore her back pigtails into one. She looks fresh and pretty in her style today.

Meisya and Dipta give spirit to Dira every morning. Rendra also tried to be the best sister for dira. This time Rendra was happy to drop off and pick up her brother, saying that being able to joke with Dira in the car was better than being in the house.

"Thank you for walking me." Said Dira after she laughed over the nickel joke Rendra had used.

"Haha yes.. What time will you pick me up?"

"Emm... I'll text you on the phone later. I'm afraid I'll have to work late. How?"

"Okay. It doesn't matter. If you're working late, just let me know. I'll pick you up anyway."

"Hehe.. Thank you very much. Looks like you're studying to be a good big brother to me." Then the girl kissed rendra's left cheek loosely. Rendra only chuckled and shook his head at her sister's manners.


"Good morning Lisa.." called Dira as she passed the receptionist desk. And it turns out Lisa was already there this morning with a distinctive smile.

"Even dira.. Owh! You're very pretty today." Lisa said favorably of Nadira.

"Really? Ah, you're so pretty, too. All right, I'm gonna go to my office. See you later Lisa."

"Ah, yes. See you around." Lisa said by waving her hand.

When we got to her desk, Dira immediately sat down and switched on the computer and also typed the flash drive so that the file she was looking for was in there. The documents she brought she put on the table.

Dira breathed slowly and leaned back for a while. It's still early. Dira doesn't need to rush through the paperwork.

"Hello Dira.. Morning.." Dinda greeted Dira with a warm smile.

"Good morning too, Dinda."

"What's wrong with you? Why are you listless?" Asked Dinda who had stopped and approached Nadira's desk.

"Ah, that's okay. I am well. I'm just a little confused about setting up a lot of paperwork in an early morning."

Dinda nodded in understanding. "Ah, I see. Don't get confused, you can ask me if you're having a hard time with something. I'll help you. I understood the admin job well before you were here. Just do it slow."

"Okay. Thank you, Dinda."

"You're welcome.. I'll sit at my desk."

Dira nodded in reply.

There was some ill feeling in Dira's mind. It was about her title. She was practically the top in the room and field. The position that monitors its members works daily and is also a major factor in the paperwork requiring direct approval.

The feeling that Dira felt was that she was the youngest person in the room. And in this room only Dinda and Karina were familiar with. Others did not, some employees just greeted her briefly, presented papers, told formally and there was no pleasantries.

While Dira tried not to jump in front of the others without running though. Dira still smiled and greeted them even though they could not get to know her.


"Crazy! I almost lost my important file. Especially when it comes to economic spending this week. Turns out the file was mixed up with some of my files on the table. What if we can't find that? Of course I will listen to Brahma's lecture." Said Karina by walking with Nadira and Dinda to the cafeteria.

"Ah, it's your custom. You never listen to my advice. I told you how many times that you had to make a lot of copies." Dinda nagged.

"I don't make copies in so many files. That's just not sufficient for me. I don't like to work twice." Said Karina complaining.

"Hahaha.. Karin, don't be lazy. Make a copy of the file not one minute. When you print your file, just print as many as you want. That's not a thing that will take time." Said Dira.

"Hehe.. Yes. I know, too. But I used to print once. Well, I'll always go twice." Said karina in defeat.

The three of them sat in a round table with three chairs. Lisa is not joining us this afternoon because a large guest is coming to the company and she must accompany Diani to join her in welcoming the large guest. That guest has the intention of working with this company.

Nadira was silent while enjoying the food she had ordered. The girl was reluctant to bring up the topic of Karina and Dinda. While Dira was playing with her own mind, while the two women in front of her spoke faintly in her senses of hearing.

There was something else that kept Dira's mind running all over the place. Makes her eyes glance to and fro. Maybe keep track of someone?

And again in her mind occurred only one name. Ardian Putra.

"Dira?" Call Dinda by shaking her hand in front of Dira's face.

Dira blinking, "eh? What's up?"

"Are you daydreaming? Hahaha your food won't last if you just daydream." Said Karina with a chuckle.

"Ah, I just have something on my mind." Said Dira.

"Thinking about what? You've only been here two days. Don't overthink things. You'll lose your head..hahaha." Said Dinda with a giggle.

"Dira, what time did you come home yesterday?" Ask Karina.

"I came home on time. Afternoon. Why?"

"I just want to ask. What time are you coming home? Weren't you the last one out of the room? I was stopping by the boutique store yesterday afternoon near our office. On the way home I saw you standing in front of the office with Ardian. Sounds like you guys are talking."

Dira scratching her itchy head. The girl was nervous. "Ah yes.. Ardian was with me while I was waiting for the ride. And he asked me if my legs were all right."

Karina nodded in understanding. "Ah, I see. I thought you two knew each other. You two look very close."

Dira smiled at the words from Karina. "Ah, yes. I met Ardian at the mall earlier and I spilled ice cream on his shirt. And yesterday we realized that we had met. Then Ardian returned the handkerchief I had lent to him."

"Wohooo! The green light. Looks like you guys are gonna be pretty close after this. Hahaha.." Dinda said. She saw Nadira's nervousness all too clearly.

Nadira is getting nervous. The girl could only play with a spoon and fork by stirring her food.

While Karina remained silent, there was no reaction whatsoever. But no one knows how much she feels or thinks now. There was a small feeling in Karina's mind. Karina doesn't like it when Ardian is close to Nadira.


"If you have time, come here. Just for a second. Accompany the evening's twilight. Once more. Let's have some laughter and laughter together. Accompanied by warm tea and some dry bread in a small tray."

-Nadira Aisyah-

"I don't know about feeling. A feeling I didn't fully understand at first. Until it slowly felt. It's called the fear of loss."

-Karina Adzana-