IDFYL 54 : Parent's Plan

"Why are you talking to me here?"

"Why did you just come to my house on Saturday?"

"Your mother asked me to come there. I also didn't know if Nadira was at your house that day. If I had known, then I wouldn't have bothered to come to your house."

Ardian sighed in exasperation. "Whatever happens between you and my mother, I will never agree."

Hearing that, Karina glared at Ardian. The look in the girl's eyes was very angry and looked disappointed.

"You know who your mother is on. She will always be on my side, Ardian. And it's your girlfriend who started this kind of competition, not me." Karina said firmly.

"What do you mean?"

"One week ago, I had a private talk in the pantri room with Dira."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nadira herself asked me about all the past that happened to us. She also asked how I feel about you right now."

"Then what did you say?"