IDFYL 70 : Same Feeling?

Now their position has changed. Nadira lay comfortably and Abim was on top of the girl's body. Their scene is getting hotter and hotter. Nadira didn't want to end the kiss just like that.

Not only Abim's hands tightened the grip on Nadira's waist and neck. But now Nadira let her hands squeeze Abim's shirt collar very tightly.

The kiss was very sweet and intoxicating.

Even Dira felt that this was the first time she had found a kiss that she didn't want to stop in a moment. Of course Dira also remembers how her hot kiss with Ardian was a few months ago. When kissing Ardian, the hot sensation in his body was just normal.

In four months of being in a relationship with Ardian, Nadira only kissed him twice.

And now? Nadira and Abim do not have any relationship but they are both now biting each other and slurping on each other's lips. They have exchanged saliva.