IDFYL 108 : All Explanations From Dela

Rendra immediately stood up from his seat. Even though he felt a little doubtful because at this hour there shouldn't be any waiters still working to serve guests. Because at this hour they should have all gone home.

The knock on the door grew louder. And finally Rendra opened the door to his hotel room after his feet were near the door.

After the door opened, there was a girl that Rendra recognized very well. That girl is Nadira. How could Nadira come here and find his whereabouts?

"Nadira? How can you--"

Rendra's words were forced to stop because Nadira went straight into the hotel room.

Nadira's footsteps stopped when she saw Dela sitting on a chair wearing a knee-length dress. Nadira's eyes were shocked and looked at Dela with disapproval.

Nadira crossed her arms and she looked around the spacious hotel room.