IDFYL 136 : Talking With Future Sister-In-Law

The girl's right hand reached out to Nadira. And the owner of the right hand smiled sweetly at Nadira.

"Introduce my name is Serly. I'm Alex's youngest sister. Sorry if I'm late to greet you. I forgot that you came to this house at lunch time. Honestly, I was tired and slept in my room for a long time." Serly said. She is very friendly.

Nadira smiled and grabbed Serly's right hand. "My name is Nadira. Nice to meet you, Serly."

"Me too. Would you like to tour the mansion with me? I'm sure you feel very lonely here and you're tired of seeing Alex."

Hearing his sister's words, Alex sighed softly. Serly is like that. She likes to prank Alex at a certain time.

Nadira looked at Alex first before answering Serly's question. She asked Alex's approval.

"Sure, you can tour the mansion with Serly. I think you two should know each other well. Then I'll go to the third floor. I should call my parents and ask them when they'll be home." Alex said.