IDFYL 143 : After A Long Time Of Miscommunication

Ardian ate hungrily. The man ate toast with a delicious sandwich-like filling.

In the middle of the table where the two of them were sitting, there was also a pizza circle that was still intact.

Nadira also ate the same toast as Ardian. The contents of the toast are chunks of beef that have been cooked deliciously topped with a delicious mentai sauce too. There is a complete lettuce and tomato leaf in it. The girl was also eating voraciously.

But since then the two of them did not talk to each other. Nadira focused on her own cell phone.

The girl ate with her right hand, and her left hand had been holding her cell phone. Her face looked a little nervous. Like waiting for message notifications from other people.

Ardian watched Nadira. The man was still chewing and half of his toast was left.