I hate it when he talks to me like I'm a baby even though he's four years older than I am.

"By the way," I say to him, "Kourt wants me to invite you to her party tomorrow. I told her you won't agree so I'm just telling you in case she asks you if I did."

I see color creeping up his cheeks and he surprises me by saying, "Uhm actually, I'd love to go. It's been a while I attended a party so tell her I would make it."

My eyes widen at him. "What do you mean you would make it? You hate high school parties, and you were my excuse to not go." I grumble.

He shrugs. "Yeah. well, I'd be bored at home so why not just go, you know?"

My frown deepens. "B-but you won't have anybody there to talk to."

"I can invite a few of my buddies."

Stumping my feet, I almost cry. "Why can't you bring those buddies home and hang with them here instead?" what is going on here? Why is he being so difficult and weird? Extremely weird. As soon as Rémy graduated high school, he forgot what it meant to be in high school. He let go of everything in high school and never associated with anyone from high school besides my friends and me and that is because we are his sisters. So, hearing him say he wants to attend a party filled with high school kids is suspicious.

Rémy just smiles at me and say, "Look nice." and walks up the stairs leaving me dumbfounded.

The girls come over to my house to prepare for the party. I don't understand their reasoning and why we couldn't just go to Kourt's house to get ready since that is the venue for the party. I don't argue or try to point that out rather I just cooperate with them and fake being excited.

"Ugh." Alina groans. "I've been trying to get a hold of Siobhan to make sure she isn't bailing on us but she's not picking up. I swear if that girl bails, I'm going to kill her."

"Let her be, Lin. She's with her boyfriend. She can't keep putting us first before him else he'd break up with her at this rate." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes. "Typical Chanel. I don't care if he breaks up with her. We come first." she says with a flip of her hair to the back. Her hair is black, wavy and very shiny. She spends three hours every day curling it and making sure it's perfect.

"Rémy is coming to the party. He's bringing a few of his college buddies though." I know this would distract her. She doesn't care about Rémy as Kourt does, but she wouldn't miss up the opportunity to show off her body in front of older boys. She always says she doesn't flock with the young and tender-hearted.

Kourt nearly screams the house down. "Are you shitting me right now? He's coming? Did he agree? What did you do to convince him?"

Alina applies mascara to my faux lashes. I normally don't do makeup but whenever we dress up, we dress up. We go all out.

"Nothing. Dude, he's coming and that's all that matters." she squeals and hugs me smearing my mascara in the process. Alina is pissed but doesn't say anything. Shocker.

"Ohmygosh I need to change my outfit. Gimme something sexy, please Chanel." she bats her lashes at me.

I roll my eyes already exhausted with this conversation. I love spending time with Siobhan the most because she's quiet and normal unlike these two. "He knows all my clothes remember. You look hot in your jumpsuit. You look like cat woman or that lady in grease, I think Sandy Olsson is her name."

"Really? I guess I'm sticking to the jumpsuit then. "We are seventeen and all they think about is boys, boys, boys, please give me a break. It's as though high school is about the richest group, squad, boys, hot boys, parties and bullies. It's idiotic this concept. She's wearing a red leather jumpsuit that hugs and brings out her shape. Her hair is parked in a high ponytail with styled edges. Alina is putting on a black sleeveless shirt on khaki pants and black boots. She's tied the edge of the shirt to expose just a little of her stomach while her hair is down. I am wearing an orange two-piece outfit, a maxi skirt that has a slit on each side and an off-shoulder crop top. My hair is parked in a messy bun held up by a small cream scarf. I wanted to put on flip flops because who doesn't want to be comfortable? I got scolded by the girls and was given brown leather sandals instead. We look hot. Like goddamn college hot.

We arrive at Kourt's house in time to make sure everywhere and everything is set for the party. Kourtney being an only child and the only heir to her father's furniture company has as much freedom as she could use. The maids answer to her, and she gets whatever she wants whenever she wants. She's not the type of girl you say no to.

Guests start trooping in at past eight, music is blasting so loud you have to yell to be heard, pizza is being passed around and there is a long line at the keg. The party looks great being our first time throwing a party. I would say we did well. When Alina said she'd invite the whole school, she meant just the popular and rich people from each class. Still, the place is packed. Alina leaves Kourt and me to go mingle with some of her other friends while we sip on whiskey. I'm not supposed or allowed to be drinking but just a little sip wouldn't hurt. I guess.

Rémy comes in with his buddies a while later. I don't see him but from the way Kourt become mute and stiff beside me, I could tell he's around. Alina comes back with a glass of punch for me, I take it noticing the glass of whiskey in my hand is empty.

"Siobhan still isn't here and she's not returning my calls." Alina says through gritted teeth. She's really pissed.

"Calm down, Lin. They're probably on their way here." Kourt tells her. I nod in agreement while taking a large gulp from my glass.

"Humph." she flings her luscious hair over her shoulder and walks back, returning to her other friends. By that I mean boys.

"That guy over there has been checking you out." Kourt whispers to me.

"What guy?"

"The one standing beside Rémy. He's been staring at you since they got here. I think he wants to make out with you." she scrunches her nose up as she says the last sentence then she giggles. The alcohol is already hitting the spot. I'm not one to talk cause I'm feeling so light and tipsy. Anyway, I turn my head to where my brother is standing, and my eyes immediately get locked in his. Light blue eyes like the early morning sky pierced mine in a heated stare. I became too scared to look away, so I allow my eyes to trail down his body. He should be at least 6"4 tall with his dark brown hair. He's muscular but not overly muscular, that was hot for his age. He's putting on grey joggers and a black polo that clung to his upper body. Who wears joggers to a frigging party? I laugh.

"Hey, guys. I'm so sorry I'm late. Jarett's mom took more of my time than I thought." Siobhan says. That's when I notice her standing in front of Kourt and me with a frown on her face.

"You should apologize to Alina. She's pissed at you." Kourtney replies.

"I will, I will. The party looks dope by the way. Did I miss much?"

"No," I say. "Kourt and I have been standing in this same spot since we arrived sipping on this punch. I think we're anti-social. Right Kourt?"

She laughs deep resounding laughter from her belly. I know what I said wasn't funny but seeing her laugh triggers my laughter.

"Oh boy. You guys are drunk." Says Siobhan shaking her head at us.

Kourtney ignores her. "Now that you have company, I'm going to go mingle with your very hot brother. You guys shouldn't leave, okay? Sleepover." she slurs then walks away, surprisingly straight, to go meet her Rémy. I need to sleep, I feel exhausted and at the same time, I have this strange urge to dance and let loose. That's weird because I never let loose. I pull Shiv's hand leading her to the dance floor where I start dancing. I don't even hear the lyrics of the song, just the beat and it makes my heart pound with adrenaline.

A hot intense guy glanced over at me, and I feel my cheeks flame up. I don't usually blush but this time, I make sure to use it to my advantage. This time, I won't let him just look away, I want him hooked on me, unable to draw his eyes from me so I dance for him. I put my whole heart into my dance routine, swaying my hips and moving my upper body suggestively. I could feel his eyes on my body as he drags his gaze from my feet to my eyes then to my hips. He licks his lips then whispers something to the guy beside him before making his way to me. Thankfully I have liquor courage, so I won't make a fool of myself. When he gets to me, he leans in and whispers in my ear, "Hi beautiful."

"Hiya back." I whisper into his too hoping I sounded just as sexy as he did and not like a hungry cat.

"Can I have this dance?" ohmygod!!!!! How do I say no to this fine piece of human standing in front of me... I cringe at that. This is so not me talking. It's the alcohol. Nodding, he takes my hand and spins me around so my back is to his front. I can do this. I am sexy and hot and beautiful and I can dance on this demigod. I close my eyes and start whining my waist in time to the beat of the music.

Okay, so I'm a Hispanic American. My mom is Spanish while my dad is American, but I look more Spanish than American. The music takes over my body leaving me in a trance where there is just me, the music and the hot guy.

"I'm sorry to take her away from you but I need Chanel right now." Shiv says pulling me from Mr. hottie. I groan at the loss of his touch. We were just starting to enjoy ourselves.

"Alright. I'll see you later, Chanel." I love how my name sounds on his lips. So sensual.

Shiv and I walk towards the entrance. "What's going on? You guys say I never let loose and the one time I'm letting lose you aren't letting me."

She rolls her eyes. "I need your help. Jarett called; I think he's in danger."

"Pfft. He's a man. He can handle himself. All men can." she stops walking which make me stop walking. She gets in front of me shaking me with force.

"Jesus, Chanel. Snap out of it. We need to get to Jarett like yesterday. I need you to sober up. goddammit." ha. Angry controlling Siobhan is a very sexy Siobhan. I laugh. She frowns deeper. We walk out the door to the road. Shiv doesn't know how to drive, I'm too drunk to drive, I thought about getting Rémy but I don't want Kourtney to break my head. It's also too late to get a cab so we decide to walk. The GPS tracker says Jarett is just fifteen minutes away from us.

The street is quiet, the night air is chilly making the hairs on my body stand up. Either that or something really dangerous is about to happen.