"Alligatum est." the invincible rope wraps around the three demons. Not today, demons. I chuckle at my conquer, unknown to me another one is coming from my back. Before I can turn around, she stabs me in the side of my stomach with a knife. Using my right leg to turn around, I use my left to kick her in the stomach too. An eye for an eye. I pull out the knife from my stomach, staring at my blood as it dripped down the shiny blade. I throw it to the floor and bend to grab her by the hair.

"You are so going to scream." I smile wickedly at her. "Hunc daemonem et me ad cumulum tormenti et doloris nos capietis."

We find ourselves in the cemetery, inside an empty tomb, alone and ready to get the truth out of her. "Providere sellam" a chair appears, and I drop her on it. "ligare manus." A rope ties her hands together behind the chair.

She laughs in my face. "I am not afraid of you. You are just a baby witch, and as such have no power. You do not frighten me a bit, baby witch."