"This is dangerous."
"Wasn't it your idea?!"
"Wasn't it your job to stop me?" Pandora and I ditched the mall after we realized Julie was semi-stalking us. Now we sat at the top of a stopped Ferris Wheel. As two people that are afraid of heights, I am not sure how this happened.
"You insisted!"
"Well don't you wish you would have stopped me now? Being stuck so many meters in the sky can really do something to a person...especially if they happen to be afraid of heights. I should sue the owner of this entire carnival."
"How are you so calm in a situation like this?!" She snatched my phone when I tried taking pictures...still posted one to my story with the hashtag 'never again'. While I didn't plan on being here, I try my best to not panic. Physically of course. Mentally I am a trainwreck.
"It was supposed to be like in the old time movies, my knowledge of the probability of it getting stuck was blinded by...I don't know."
"We're going to die! Some movies have this thing rolling in the ocean!"
"Now, now, if you think negative like that you may bestow upon us bad luck. I believe that you would likely be better not panicking." I smile but she does nothing in response. Emergencies like this were unlikely, so how we managed to be here was confusing.
"Bad luck?!" Before I can attempt to help her calm down, a fireman opens the door to our riding cabin. "Oh my!"
"You would have heard the sirens if you weren't yelling at me..." This was infact true; since the cabin was shaped very round, her echo covered that of the sirens. I had been listening but looked over to see the trucks below along with ambulances and concerned relatives.
The fireman didn't exchange words with us as we climbed down, unless he was cautiously telling us to watch our step. Among the frantic relatives, none were hers or mine. My parents only bothered with me when I had to appear to a party with them or when they took me to Oregon. Though in Oregon we went to most parties. Especially these twins' birthday party, they were a few years my senior I believe. Their birthday was on June 21st, although it was an odd day I never said anything. I was simply their for the view; having older siblings must have been a plus for them.
"To think we have school tomorrow, this year has started off bad."
"Aamon...it's the last week of school." Memories rush me from the previous year and I sigh. Sometimes I loose track of time , this case was bad.
"Are you sur-"
"I'm sorry for panicking Aamon." Homo Sapiens tend to feel this feeling that eats at their mentality as a cannibal would flesh. I didn't feel guilt, if I did it I meant it. Pandora was my best friend so I couldn't hold anything against her. We had stopped for ice cream before started our drive home. And by 'we' I mean she.
"No need for an apology, wasn't your fault anyways."
"Are you sure?" I nod and pull into my drive way.
"Of course sweetheart, now time for you to get some rest. I unfortunately need to stay up and finish that boo-"
This cut-off wasn't planned in my head. In fact, I didn't know what wad happening at first. Then I realized Pandora had initiated a kiss between us. Her lips were hot against my own, engulfing my entire mouth. Assuming she craved this wouldn't be an understatement. I was dominated immediately, leaving my thoughts to only catch up and feel. When they finally did, I pushed her off of me. A sudden brief movement, she didn't speak afterwards though. Instead od speaking, she simply grabbed her purse and got out of my car. I waited until she gets inside before getting my phone out and dialing my soul brother's number.
"I thought someone killed the killer." I did in fact have another 'friend', except this one was mentally ill. This friend was laughing at me with his raspy voice. It was barely lighter than mine, but that was understandable seeing he was shorter than me. Needed a voice to match his height.
"Oh well I'm surprised you answered, mentally facility finally ruled you as incurable?"
"Ha, please, I wouldn't do that to my lover. His soft heart couldn't completely understand my mind nor handle me being gone."
"Mhm I bet, having vulnerable lovers is your style, am I right?"
"More dependent on me the better of course, though this one is quite different. I won't kill him if he gets too pestering." This serial killer was the most skilled of all I knew. "Unless you get him first Mr. Serial Killer."
"I called you to ask you something, what do you do if your best friend kisses you?"
"Kiss them back, use and manipulate them, kill them. So many choices to choose from. Can even do all three." This why I don't call him, he always wants someone dead. I called him when my dog died and he had the audacity to laugh and continued to hang up in my face.
"Well I had no choice but to kiss back...but I don't like her."
"You know what to do then, this will hunt you for years if you don't. Most of the time this happens, the friendship rots like a bunny with fly-strike. She will haunt you forever unless you take care of her...unless you secretly want to marry her."
"Anakin, I like someone else. But are you saying-"
"Aamon, I am flattered, but my dear wouldn't like that. I don't want to kill you so lose hope. Yes. I am saying kill her."
"How do you expect me to-"
"Wait wait wait! I will visit soon enough, so wait a few days...."
"...Then we commit crime."
"Bingo Bingo Aamon."