Chapter 3: A Misconception

"Who the hell are you kid?" I wake up to some guy I don't know in the doorway yelling at me. What the hell did I wake up to? This must be Stella's brother.

"Dude chill," I say to presumably Stella's brother as I try to get up from the bed. All of a sudden in a blink of an eye he is in front of me with a knife to my neck. I look down at the knife and It seems to have a little vibrant red glow on the edge of the blade. It looks a lot like Stella's knife from yesterday.

"Who are you?" Stella's brother questions me with visible anger. There seem to be letters on his clothes that spell FBI. He's a part of the FBI. He must have just returned home from work. I need to get out of this situation. The knife blade is on the left side of my neck, and since my right hands open I can hopefully pin the knife to his leg and talk it out from there.

"Here goes nothing," I whisper. I push his hand inward towards his leg. It's now on a direct path to stab his leg. "Drop the fucking knife it's gonna stab you!" I exclaim at him and he drops the knife because he knows it will stab him. He's open now is my chance. I punch him in the face. It knocks him off balance and makes an opening for me to get out of the bed. I jump out of the bed as soon as I hit the floor. I quickly sweep his feet with my foot and grab the knife from the floor. I pulled that off. How did I do that? "What is up with this family and threatening people with a knife?" I question out loud.

"How the hell did you do that?" Stella's brother questions me while on the floor. I look down at the knife and I see that there is a switch that says sword above it. I flip the switch and the dense knife pops out like an umbrella into a traditional short sword.

"So this is why the knife looks so dense. Alright so wha---" I try to ask Stella's brother until I'm interrupted by Stella's brother coming at me with a gun.

"I gave you a chance to answer!" Stella's brother yells as he fires his gun. The bullet goes straight into my right arm, and I drop the knife. It's extremely hot. It feels like a blister but 1000 times worse. Stella's brother lunges straight at me as soon as he pushes me I fall onto the floor. Blood is gushing out at an alarming rate. There is a puddle of blood that starts to build on the floor. I look up at Stella's brother and he seems to be on the phone. All of a sudden Stella runs in with her pistol and immediately comes over to me.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE? HENRY GIVE ME AN ANSWER!" Stella demands an answer from Henry.

"Stella get away from him now!" Henry demands. This heat is unbearable. Am I at Satan's door asking him to turn the heater on? I feel sick like I'm going to vomit. It must be from the blood I'm losing.

"YOU ANSWER ME FIRST!" Stella orders her brother.

"I just had a meeting with the Bureau about possible spies from Russia. We have been tracking people who are suspicious and he has popped up in the investigation. He has no records, we don't even know his name, age, the only reason we know about his existence is from the cameras around the city." Henry informs Stella trying to convince her.

"Take my word Henry he's not a spy .I literally got drunk, passed out, and was brought home with no harm done whatsoever. If he were a spy he would know about our family and probably try to get info out of me." Stella says as she adds pressure to my wound. What happened to the goddess adding my records?!?!? She trusts me that much after one night? This girl is something different and I think I like that. Even so, her being different can't take away that Satan decided to turn the heater up as I requested.

"Stella please get an ambulance I need it," I say in a pained voice.

"Don't worry Kenzo you'll be okay I promise. I'll get an ambulance here as soon as possible." Stella assures me.

"Stella, I need you to listen. He is a threat and must be eliminated now," Henry says. A threat? I'm just an 18-year-old kid who was supposed to become a pro hockey star.

"What happened to due process? Kenzo isn't a threat, you can take him into custody and give him a trial." Stella tells her brother. Looks like the constitution has held up, that's good.

"Damn it alright I'll get an ambulance to make sure the suspect doesn't die." Henry says as he goes out of the room.

"Kenzo, I'm going to take the bullet out of your arm." Stella tells me. Suddenly above her finger is a light blue swirl of what seems to be AE. So AE can be in a physical form I wonder what else it can be used for.

"Alright, Stella do it," I tell Stella. I feel like passing out hopefully the ambulance gets here soon. My head hurts, I'm nauseous, I want to fall and pass out, and my arm is going numb. I'm losing blood rapidly. It only took a little bit of time to put me in a situation like this. That's modern tech for you.

"Here goes nothing," Stella says to herself. Stella puts her finger next to the wound on my arm. Suddenly I feel a cooling sensation. It feels like if you could have a small swirl of water on your finger and control it. It's twisting and turning in my arm I guess that she's trying to get the bullet out with her AE. I feel something lodge out of my arm and suddenly I start bleeding more than I was before.

"Stella, what just happened?" I say. It's way less hot in my arm. Strangely, it's nice and cool it would be nice if I wasn't fucking dying.

"I took the bullet out your arm using my water AE, but I'm gonna have to seal that wound so get ready for some more heat. There are different types of AE? Wait more heat? Well, it doesn't matter my arm is numb at this point. I want to close my eyes right now and drift away.

"Stella, thank you for helping me." I thank Stella. I don't even feel pain at this point, but I know I would if my arm wasn't numb. I look over at Stella and see her concentration on the movements she does with her finger. Her finger has a reddish-orange glow around it. I believe she's using it to close up my wound.

"Kenzo this isn't working I'm going to do something that might hurt a lot," Stella tells me. As she makes her whole hand glow just red and slaps her palm onto my arm. I feel a surge of pain through my whole body.

"FUCK THAT HURTS!" I exclaim.

"Sorry Kenzo, but look at your wound, it's closed up," Stella informs me with a smile. I don't know if I can keep up with this technology.

"Thanks, Stella. I owe you. I would have died without you." I thank Stella for all she's done. "I stopped the bleeding, but don't think you're out of the woods yet." Stella warns me.

"Stella, how long will it take me to recover, you think?" I question Stella. I still want to go into the military with this girl. Surely with modern tech, I can recover in a day or so right?

"Listen Kenzo you'll get a blood transfusion then you'll have to take a rest day then you're fine," Stella explains extremely quickly.

"Only one day?" I ask Stella, but suddenly paramedics come in and put me on a stretcher. That was like 4 seconds, how the hell. They put me on that stretcher so fast.

"Put the handcuffs on him now." A paramedic says as another one puts handcuffs on me.

"WHAT IS THIS?" Stella asks the paramedics.

"He's a suspect, he's dangerous." One of the paramedics explains to Stella. The FBI pulled this, didn't they? I just gotta hope I survive this.

"Put him to sleep!" Yells Henry suddenly a needle goes into my arm. In a second I slip into unconsciousness.

"Kid, how much work are you gonna make me do huh?" A familiar voice asks me in an aggravated tone. I know this voice though. It's the goddess, isn't it?

"Goddess what happened to me having records and papers in this world?!?!?" I question her in a panic.

"Listen, some things take time, and I might've been a little too into my soccer game..." The goddess explains as her voice trails off into embarrassment.

"YOU CHOSE A SOCCER GAME OVER MY LIFE?!?!?!?" I yell at the goddess.

"In my defense it was Messi and Ronaldo." The goddess explains. Okay well that is kinda fair... BUT STILL WHAT THE HELL.

"Can you do it for me now?" I ask the goddess. Please be able to do it now.

"Uh yeah I guess." She says with a snap of her fingers. "There ya go done." The goddess says with an eye roll.

"Thank you goddess." I thank her. THAT'S ALL IT FUCKING TOOK ARE YOU SERIOUS?!??!

"Kennedy, don't forget I can read minds." She says with a smug tone. Oh crap she can do that I totally forgot. "Alright well time for you to wake up in 3... 2... 1..." She says with a snap.

Suddenly I'm awake in a hospital bed with a lot of buttons on it. I know nothing about these buttons so I am not touching them at all. I look over to my right arm. It looks like nothing happened. In the corner of my eye, I see Stella who Is behind a glass wall talking to Henry. It looks like she's thanking him. Thanking that jackass for what? I knock on the glass wall from the hospital bed and Stella looks over and Her face lights up like a puppy or a lightbulb. Stella runs over to the room I'm in.

"Kenzo you're awake I'm glad," Stella says as she smiles at me. Damn, she's cute and what is that uniform she's wearing? Is that an FBI uniform? God, they haven't changed in terms of looks still purple with the yellow FBI.

"Stella, thank you for what you did. I owe you my life." I thank Stella. I'm really in debt to this girl. I must pay it back.

"It's fine Kenzo, you can repay me when the time arises." Stella explains to me. Yup, I have a lot left to do with this girl.

"Alright thank you, Stella. Anyways when do you think I'll have to go to cou--" I start to say but don't finish as I realize that I'm not handcuffed anymore.

"You just realized, you idiot, you're not in custody anymore. My dumbass brother didn't realize that technology can make mistakes, and the FBI can't launch counter spy operations, they just had a meeting about it." Stella explains to me. Good, so I must have records of my existence now thanks, goddess.

"So they have my records?" I question Stella. Things are looking good, but is this how fast the future is? It's kinda scary actually not just kinda it's really scary.

"Yes, they just made a big mistake so they said they'll pay for your hospital bill." Stella explains. I think now's the time to ask her.

"Stella, I have to ask you something important!" I exclaim trying to sound serious.

"Yeah what's up Kenzo?" Stella asks in confusion. Now or never I guess.

"Will you go into the military with me? I don't know if you guys still have the buddy program, but if so can we please do it!!!" I ask Stella. I really hope she wants to join me. It'd be way better than being alone in this world.

"OF COURSE KENZO I WAS GONNA ASK YOU IF YOU'D GO WITH ME ANYWAYS!!!" Stella exclaims in relief and joy. Wait what she was gonna ask me?

"You were gonna ask me?" I question Stella.

"Yeah I figured you were new to this world and I don't wanna go alone so best of both worlds ya know?" Stella explains her reasoning to me. That makes a lot of sense actually.

"Well then when can we do it?" I ask Stella. I hope as soon as possible I really wanna get to it ASAP.

"I'll talk to the guys at the bureau and get us enrolled in basic." Stella explains. The bureau huh. Wait, that reminds me why was she thanking her brother?

"Hey, Stella, what were you talking to Henry about?" I ask Stella. Hopefully, it's something good and not terrible like it has been when he's involved.

"Oh, he was the one who gave you blood for the transfusion." Stella tells me.

"So that means I have AE from him?" I question Stella further. If so I have some of the strongest AE in my system don't I?

"You sure do, and be happy because my brother is super powerful!!" Stella says in a smug tone and a smile. I wonder what you can do with AE fully. What is its main use and other uses?

"Hey Stella, can you explain more about AE to me?" I inquire.

"Wow Kenzo, that's a loaded question hahaha!!" Stella answers with a laugh. Is it really that complicated?

"Is it really that complicated?" I ask Stella.

"It sure is Kenzo!! So heres a article about it." Stella says as she pulls out her phone and hands it to me.

It reads: The U.S.colonized a planet that had certain radiation that gave us humans a certain mutation that could be used to enhance weapons, armor, and physical traits. It turns out that this could spread from blood transfusions. Naturally, people wanted this power known as Arcane Essence so the U.S. would sell this special blood to everyone because at the time it was a gold mine. Fast forward to the present day it has spread to the point where almost everyone has this mutation, but for it to be used for war it needs to be refined. You have to train to enhance your Arcane Essence. Specially made Weapons can be infused with the AE to be more effective.

"Is that all?" I ask in confusion. I swear Stella used some sort of elemental power.

"Not at all Kenzo." Stella says with a smile as she scrolls down the page. She stops at the subheading "elemental powers"

This section reads: AE can be used in many different ways, but one way that is worth noting is elemental powers. These elemental powers are able to be used by most people to a certain degree, but in order to use this skill effectively in combat you must have a great amount of AE. Small tasks are easy, for example most people can make their sword have a burning ability, but not everyone can have their sword engulfed in flames or in extreme cases use fireballs without a weapon even. The elements most common are Aqua, Ignis, Ventus, Fulgur. There are others, but they are much more uncommon.

Wait "Aqua, Ignis, Ventus, Fulgur" that's all in Latin. Aqua is water, Ignis for fire, Ventus translates to wind, And Fulgur is for lightning. Lightning? Huh that's a little out of place from the others, but nonetheless seems super cool.

"Wow Stella, that's a lot of information I don't know how I'm gonna keep up hahaha." I say with a laugh. I really hope I can keep up in this world.

"Yeah, but don't worry Kenzo I'll be with you the whole way!!" Stella exclaims as she puts her hand on my shoulder. Yeah I'll be able to keep up if I have her by my side. Either way I'd be able to after all I am Kennedy Higgins.

"Stella, can you talk to the bureau and get us enlisted into the military?" I request. We have to take advantage of the connections she has.

"Of course Kenzo!! Let me go outside and talk to them." Stella says as she heads out the room.

Stella walks up to this man who looks to be about 6ft. He has broad shoulders, a FBI hat on, and a jacket to match. While Stella is talking to the man Henry walks into my room.

"Hey kid, how are you holding up?" Henry asks while averting his gaze and scratching the back of his head. How am I doing?! That's all he has to say after trying to end my life?!

"Well I've been healed it feels like, but I wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't try to kill me." I say as I shoot Henry a glare.

"Yeah I get it, but that's why I came in here. I really want to apologize for everything. I'm sorry Kenzo..." Henry apologizes. The thing I can't get past is WHO THE FUCK TRYS TO KILL SOMEONE IMMEDIATLEY LIKE THAT?!?!

"Alright I accept your apology, but I have a question. Why did you attack me so quickly?" I question Henry.

"Well... I don't know if Stella told you or not, but me and her lost most of our family because China had hired the second ranked family to kill us. Ever since then I have been super protective over Stella because she is all I have left..." Henry explains with a shaky voice. He must be reliving some events.

"I understand it Henry, don't worry. You're a good big brother." I tell Henry as I give him a pat on the shoulder. He is really just trying to protect what he has left. Even though what he did was crazy I understand.

"Thank you Kenzo, listen Stella told me you and her will be enlisting in the military. All that I ask is that you please keep her safe." Henry explains to me. Stella told him? Must've told him when she went outside the room.

"I promise you I will keep her safe with my life." I promise Henry as I put my hand out to shake his hand.

"Thank you Kenzo, but before I let y'all do this you will need this." Henry thanks me as he gives me what looks to be a badge. It has leather covering it, but you're able to lift the leather to show the badge inside.

"What is this?" I ask Henry in confusion.

"It's our family crest. It demands great respect and it'll help you when you're in the armed services. Our family has fought for the USA for centuries, so we are very well known and have lots of connections." Henry informs me. A family crest? Huh that makes sense. Well Stella did tell me their family was super strong so it makes sense why it would demand respect.

"Well thank you so much Henry." I thank Henry for the crest.

"You're welcome kid, well I gotta file some paperwork see ya kid." Henry says as he gets up.

"See ya Henry." I say to him with a wave. A few seconds later Stella runs in with papers in her hand.

"KENZO LOOK!!!!" Stella exclaims in excitement as she pushes papers in front of my face. I start to read the paper out loud.

" 'This document is an official government document. We the people recognize Stella Larson and Kenzo Higgins as official enlistees of the US Army. You are to report to fort Anchorage for basic training on december 27th.' " I read the paper out loud. No way she already got us enlisted!! Wait the 27th that's only 4 DAYS?!?!? How are we supposed to get there in that little time?

"I DID IT KENZO!!! WE ARE GOING TO BE TOGETHER IN THE MILITARY!!!" Stella exclaims as she hugs me.

"YOU REALLY DID STELLA!!!" I exclaim in excitement as I hug her back. There it is again, I feel safe whenever me and her are close. This girl really is amazing.

"Alright so we are gonna celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas then we will be heading out." Stella says with a smile.

"Oh yeah, Christmas Eve is tomorrow. I totally didn't realize..." I say in disbelief that I didn't realize.

"Yeah and you will be celebrating with me." Stella says with a smug smile as she gives me a playful push. I wonder how we are going to celebrate it.

"How are we going to celebrate it?" I ask Stella.

"Uhhh I didn't think that far..." Stella says embarrassed, but she has a grin nonetheless.

"How about we play some hockey?" I ask Stella without even thinking. I wonder if they even still play hockey this far in the future.

"Hockey? That's random, but sure!!!" Stella says. So it does seem like it is a thing. Thank god my heart was gonna break.

"Do you think we could go play some pick up tomorrow?" I question Stella.

"Yeah we can, but I need new gear. I haven't played since I was about 9 years old." Stella explains. So she used to play when she was younger? That's really cool!!!

"Yeah I was drafted 1st overall in the NHL draft in my time. I was regarded as 'The next great one', so yeah I'm like the best at hockey. Buuuuut all my gear is gone since I was transported here. And when she transported me here she took off all my gear and put me in the clothes you met me in, so I also have to buy some." I explain to Stella. This girl has no clue how great I am at hockey!!!

"Oh really, is that so hotshot? Buying hockey stuff shouldn't be a problem after all my family's fortune is split between me and Henry. That also reminds me we gotta buy you some new clothes because that shirt has blood stains on it now and a hole." Stella informs me. Oh my Mom Jeans shirt? I'm currently in a cotton white shirt I'm assuming the hospital gave me. As comfortable it is it isn't very fashionable I'd say

"Can we go shopping today?" I ask Stella.

"Of course we can Kenzo!!!" Stella confirms.