Aux 3: DOHRCC insurance application

Another auxiliary for niggas

Here's an example of life in Virginia for vampires. Fill out this form like a vamp.







DOHRCC insurance application



---Date of Birth

---Reason for visit

------Looking for asylum


------Looking to integrate

------Seeking sanity

------Seeking supply

---Credit card information

---Jobs (current or previous) /If there is more than one please address it to the consultant/

---Are you an addict? (If yes, you will be assigned therapy)



---If you are an addict, have you been an addict for more than 30 days?



---If yes, please specify the total days, months, years, hours.

---Are you a recovering worshipper?



---If you are a worshipper, please specify your goal.

---Are you a witch or vampire or imp?



-----Other? (unintentional)

---If you are a vampire, do you have children? Please list the total number of children.

---If you are a vampire, are you married?



----Other? (unintentional) Please note there are many marriages amongst vampires. (UE, CHM, SHOE, etc)

----If married, how many husbands do you have?

----Who is the first husband?

----Is the first husband a Maul?

----Please fill out the below considering all ALIVE husbands

------Job (start/end)

------DOB (Year: Alive or Dead)

------Previous crimes if any.

------Have you ever been divorced?




----Who is the firstborn child? Please fill out the following below

----Does the first have an inborn Wryck?

----Did you consume vampire blood while pregnant?

----Is the first Pynk? If so please specify the start date on the Pynk-out.

----Was your child born in a HOLE?



---How long was your child in a HOLE? If not skip.

---Was the child kept by a Maul?

---Is the Maul the father of the first? If not, please specify.

-------Have you ever been a LYTCH?




----What was your past? Please specify if you can recall.

----Are you aware of your body?

----If you are an LYTCH, do you have any souls? If so, please specify.

----Have you ever been part of a TRAP HOUSE?



----How long? Write in the start and date-time.

----Are you looking to be changed?



(If you have selected yes, Be aware that the drug Zubeinsein may cause (insomnia, dizziness, headache, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, hemorrhaging, bleeding too much or too little. Discoloration of the skin, yellow eyes, kidney failure, blindness, blood clots, green eyes (Wechridiaceous) can cause SEEKING (Ebonlarteri Disorder); also common: lethargic.)

----Have you consumed menstrual blood for survival? Be aware if you do or have, you have contracted Disembodied Anemia, you have to be flushed and given Aejaeh Eiht. (Symptoms taking this medication include: pelvic pain, numbness in the feet or hands, joint pain, stiffness, unusual vaginal/penis discharge)



----Please write in the date you last consumed menstrual blood.

----Are you a homeless vampire?



----How do you consume your blood as a vampire?






------Are you a felony?







----What have you been incarcerated for?

------------Hole containment


------------Biting the Unwilling


------------Black Market Haul

------------Illegal Worship

------------Illegal Rituals

------------Dangerous practices

------------Recollection of child

------------Unpaid bills, fees, child support, etc.

----Do you own a car?




----Did you purchase your car?




----Was the car ever used as a haul?



----What is the ID of the vehicle?

--------Is the car registered? If so, please state who owns the car.

----What is your CI(Creature Identification)? Note: Your Creature Identification is on your registered CCID consisting of eight numbers and letters.

----------New Register (Selecting this you will need a new form)





-------Are you a vampire through ritual?



-------Are you in school?



----------------If you attend Thrallmaster (Ghytto or other). What is your purpose of education?

------------------------Ritual practice



------------------------Finding my roots


----Are you a conscious Drunk?




----Why do you commit cannibalism? Note: You will be sent to therapy regardless





-------Mental illness


------------Are you aware that Sociopath or Immanist (DOHRCC definition) is a religion? Ridiculosusism?



-------------Are you a former Hooligan of the Ridiculosusism?



----------------------If yes, when did you join?

------Who invited you into Ridiculosusism?

Noteworthy: Ridiculosusism is a New Religious Movement praising the essence of blood. They are conscious Drunks. The two known divisions are The Laugh Track and The Comedians. Both Divisions have concealed motives. Though activity in both groups is very low. The DOHRCC has received word of IMP sightings. Imps are made due to the frequent consumption of humans drinking drunken vampire blood. With the consumption of Drunken blood. A new virus was discovered in a small child in Canada. Faemissiscephal may vary from Chlorfaunus which is found in imps. There is no known combo.

------------Faemissiscephal and Chlorfaunus are found in people who consume drunken vampire blood. However, Chlorfaunus or HYPR is considered a skin disease while Faemissiscephal is a mental disorder. Out of 8000, about 0.1% of people have this disorder.

Faemissiscephal also named DREM is a new mental disorder. Registered as a sub-class linked to Sociopath, Given the history of vampires. About 15% of vampires have an ancestry known as the GRAIL. GRAILS have different colored blood. It is assumed that people who are given access to this rare blood experience a type of euphoric aura. Not much is known about DREM, Subject reported that felt carried away by a strong odor. This scent was never present but the subject hinted at the scent of cherries. Cherries is slang for Droplets of blood.

-Strange side effects of DREM include

-Discolored breath

-Pinkish breath

-Dilated eyes

-Long nails

-Misshaped Jaw (occurs in stages)

-White hair

---------Did you or do work for the Black Market?



---------If you worked for the Market, which location?

-----------Main building (Virginia Beach - Dismantled)

-----------BLOOD Plus in Wise (New)

---------Have you had your yearly blood test?



--------If you received a blood test which one did you receive?

-------------Inheritance Blood test

-------------REDD detector test

-------------UMB draw (standard)

-------------HAH test for Chlorfaunus (brand new) done through the nose.

Are you a vampire with Heliophobia?



Are you a Witch with MOON?



------Never heard of it

----Are you a former left-hand walker?



----Has your left hand been removed?



----Are you right-handed?



----Have you used your left hand for evil?






------If you have used your left hand for evil, specify what kind.

---------I write backward


---------Illegal magic

------What do you use your right hand for?








Please sign this form with your registered name and give to the respectable DOHRCC officer. If this form was done by email. Print this form and send it to the company building New building located in Wise, Virginia.

//If this form was granted by the building in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Please use a wax seal and have it delivered to Regal Prince. //