Chapter 52: Black Thoughts

The Machine pumped, whined, and beeped. Chopping noises as well liquid swirling. Bubbing in the large container the dirty liquor poured out of. Bodies piled on a conveyor belt, hands, legs, and torsos.

When the belt stopped and started again. The masher on the line, squeezed out whatever blood it could. The liquid transferred into a decorative Victorian bottle, a hexagon shaped glass. The liquid poured in the bottle once blood had been mixed with talein to add a bit more drunkness.

"Is the Fairy machine running?" called out the assembly worker. A worker near the upper floors responded. "We got some blood in the CASTLE!"

"What's wrong with it?" asked the floor manager.

"It's a body in the rotators!" said the worker. "It's spewing blood."

The worker stood at the bottom watching the bottles come out the liquid dispenser. Some were finished, with the brand on the bottle and pink theme cap. Darebácký Blood Drink-Liquor Brand by Sanguiselle marked on the bottle. Some bottles were pure black and a few with red floating inside the container like a lava lamp.

The worker grabbed the red bottle and shook it. He popped open the top and poured it in his hands. He knew better than to drink it.

The liquid came out slowly, it leaked out a bright red before turning darker. He rubbed his fingers together; the blood was coagulating. He sat the bottle on the floor and took the rag tied to his belt and wiped his hands. He picked up the bottle and made his way to the stairs, climbing up the top and coming to a door. He knocked on the door and stared his boss in the face. "Mr. Prince," his voice shook a bit. "Something's wrong with the machine. The blood is too thick."

Mr. Prince sat in his black leather chair in his red lit office. "I know… it's a body in the wheels."

"A body?" the worked questioned. "Yes," Mr. Prince sat up in his seat and got up from his chair. "One of the drunks got out of their cells. It's find."

He turned around. "Did you bring a bottle?"

"I did." The worker moved to his desk and placed the bottle on the desk. Mr. Prince took the bottle and pored it on his white carpet, but the liquid froze in time. "It's clotting. Too much Drunk blood poured out and got in the mix."

"How bad is it?" Mr. Prince scooped the clot out the bottle. A wad of blood in his palms. "I can make a gelatine." He slurped the clot like juice and immediately threw up. His eyes flamed a vivid pink hue. 'Just like what they used to give me.' He thought.

"It's fine like this… I'll make arrangements for another part of the factory. We're making jello!" he turned to the worker flashing his crooked teeth that went through his jaw. "Bring me another off the belt. I feel powerful!"




In the darkness of a closed off room. The imp held mouths open and pored the bottles down the throats of unwilling individuals. A pair of tongs holding the mouths of vampires and human, open as the liquor fell in. They gagged and choked; fountains of blood being spat out. "It's like holy water!" cackled one of the imps. "Look! Look! Tox! They're drowning!"

"Give them a break," told the snub nose imp. "He doesn't want them dead from lack of oxygen."

"Why would they need to breathe?" jested an imp, Snail with pointed ears and a flat face. "They just need to drink."

Toxic was not a follower mentally. An imp, yes. Unlike the others he had his mind still working. He could learn and wasn't keen on slaves. "It's not up for discussion. Don't talk. Just do."

He pulled out his cell phone and went to his contacts, PS.

Booger: I need a piece for the shipment

He wanted seconds; seconds turned into minutes.



PlasticSpoons: i'm So HaPPy yOu ArEN't dEaD

PlasticSpoons: vAmPiREs arE GoIng MiSsinG :(

Booger: I'm not a vampire

PlasticSpoons: At least not AnyMore

PlasticSpoons: I KnoW yoU DON't WannA tAlk

PlasticSpoons: THIS NeW beeR is sElLInG MORE THan JORdON's FEeT

Booger: He still making money?

PlasticSpoons: ThE nIgga Is DeaD

PlasticSpoons: WE aTE HIm!

PlasticSpoons: aT the SheltEr, a NIGgA WAs sUre HuNgRY

Booger: Prices, No-No

PlasticSpoons: DaREbÁCký Is THIrTy a BOtTlE fouR iN a Pack iS one HUNDreD anD tWENTY dolLarS. If GOT SoME pyNk on YOu, THAT'll maKe IT oNe HUnDrEd aNd sIxTY EIGHT.

PlasticSpoons: if You SeLlINg Me A body. i'lL gIVe YOU baCk foUR HUndreD aND EIGHTy.

PlasticSpoons: headCOunt BEeN mIghty gOod to A NIGga.

PlasticSpoons: I'M RICH

Booger: And a criminal

PlasticSpoons: oH, WhO GiVEs a Fuck?

PlasticSpoons: I dOn'T haVE The heARt tO sTArT caRinG fOR EVeRy DEaD aSS NiGgA

PlasticSpoons: I'M RICH



Toxic snorted a laugh. He put his phone into his back pocket. "Hey Tox! Why are we doing this again?" asked Snail. "I does seem mighty mean…"

"Who gives a fuck?" roared Ripper. "As long as we getting' paid that's all you need to worry about."

"But they get so sicky…," Snail's voice got small. In the corner of the square room. He gawked at Thankful laying down with blood on her face. In his own thoughts, 'How did you get back here?'

"There you go again!" Ripper's lips contorted. "Stop trying to fall in love! It's pointless."

"She's a friend…"

"FUCK THAT," Ripper growled. "Ain't no friend in a bitch, hoe, or whore."

Snail glowered, his voice deepened, "You don't have fucking friends. Back in Thrallmaster you were all about parties."

"Little brother, I set that shit up to get where we are now!" Snail rolled his eyes. His hand went to the lever next to the dentist chair. He pulled the individual up. He stared for a couple of minutes. Looking at this man's face and pondered his mortality. What was so great about vampires? Imps? And Fairies?

He took a deep breath and lowered him back down. "I'm taking a break." he walked away from the long chair, stepping over a body bag. He went into a dark hall and walked down it until he met a door. Exiting through it, he found light beaming him in the face. "Fucking Alexis…"





The drunken vampire stretches his hand to me. "He wants a body."

"A body?"

"something to… walk in."

He wants something to walk in? He doesn't have a body of his own? That would explain some things. Like being in my fucking phone.

?? Above the Rest ??: You want a body?

Counter999: I want that name

Counter999: Above the Rest. And your BS account.

?? Above the Rest ??: Why?

Counter999: It fits me better than you

Counter999: I am above. I am all. And below.

?? Above the Rest ??: Sounds like the in-between to me

?? Above the Rest ??: Where is my brother before I get… insensitive

Counter999: With La Dama in Mexico

He's with Thankful? I haven't seen Thankful in years.

Counter999: I'm just repeating the past. Because that's where they came from

?? Above the Rest ??: My brother wasn't made from a ritual!

Counter999: You mama has 30 something fucking kids.

Counter999: The DOHRCC could make some money off her. Fifty per child that's one hundred and sixty-eight dollars.

Counter999: The company would make money off you…

Counter999: That's probably why they are now.



Our mansion was raided by the DOHRCC. DOHRCC law sees over vampires. Vamps can't have no more than two kids. If you break a law, they might take one out of the two. Or both. Some think they only charge vampires that want to blend in with society. Be accepted, but they go after unregistered vamps too.

It's like stealing—No, it is stealing. I rub my cheeks. I woke up out of my grave. Unregistered vamps are buried under the concrete streets. Norfolk is cut in half. The nickname of my neighbor is Black and Black. We don't drive on the streets; you walk on concrete paths. Don't step on blood.

Now why the fuck would a vampire want to be part of society? Tried of hiding, tried of being hunted, tired of being questioned. Going out in the sun is saying, I'm here.

And of course, that shit is a threat.

It used to feel good. My mama built a whole apartment for the family. I lived on the second floor with my father. My brother wasn't born until we moved out of BnB.

"Why?" I say outloud.



?? Above the Rest ??: You had something to do with the raid?

Counter999: Yeah… shot ya brother in the head.


?? Above the Rest ??: Why my family?

Counter999: Well, your mother is a smart ass African.

Counter999: Back in the days when niggas carried baskets of fruit and water on they heads. Their was this nigga who talked about how the soul should be used.

Counter999: Well, not used. More like, they had opinion on what it was.

Counter999: So, there was three Africans.

Counter999: Asromiamun Jakande the first brother

Counter999: Quanda the second.

Counter999: and—you might think it's another brother. But it's not…

Counter999: Dede the sister.

?? Above the Rest ??: And this has what to do with my family?

Counter999: Your mother was praised at birth. Something so wonderful was born in a woman that couldn't give birth.

Counter999: she got pregnant through an Obayifo. I didn't know those niggas was so damn scary that hopped on women, but this blood clot was the angel Gabriel who commited sin and fell because of an infected.

Counter999: So, said the Lord

?? Above the Rest ??: Calling my mama a devil thing?

Counter999: Well, she is one hell of a bitch.

?? Above the Rest ??: Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Did I type Fuck you

Counter999: At this point, if you type it six times, you gay.

?? Above the Rest ??: Fuck you times two

Counter999: Nigga that is… I'm not about to scroll through this shit.

?? Above the Rest ??: Aren't you in my phone?

Counter999: No

Counter999: I'm a compulsive liar.

Counter999: I'm Bill Cosby.

Counter999: I robbed a bank when I was 13

Counter999: I have a vagina.

Counter999: It's like a drug. I can't stop.

Counter999: The DOHRCC said I was a sociopath.

Counter999: What you think?


Counter999: Stop it, I'm blushing.


Counter999: What do you believe in?

Counter999: *typing*

I've been talking to a nigga through a phone an di hate to admit it. It's fucking creepy.

Counter999: I need to get like a text to speech app on this thing

?? Above the Rest ??: JESUS CHRIST

Counter999: Hold on… let me look in the app store

Are you serious?

As my mother used to say. I'm not scared of the flesh—which makes fucking sense given I don't know what he looks like. My phone rings, a picture appears in chat of a good-looking man. I look better. What pisses me off further and further is that he's a light shade of yellow.

Fucking light skin niggas.

His lips are fucking wide and oversized. Prominent eyes dancing between a vivid green and blue. His teeth overlap his bottom jaw, two thick fangs and a couple poking out his neck.

Counter999: I'm a cannibal.

Counter999: I just feel so powerful

Counter999: See, here's something you know don't know about your mother

Counter999: She's a hoe

Counter999: Got gangbanged and shit along with Odile by vampires.

Counter999: She's a pimp.

Counter999: But she loves dick.

Counter999: Hold on…

Counter999: She wants to say something.

?? Above the Rest ??: My mother is in the body of a puppet!

Counter999: That's her cousin…






Pervious Text Messages from Iarius

SCARSXALL: Aleigha? Royce.

SCARSXALL: You aren't dead. Your mother would never let her children die.

SCARSXALL: Nobody is. She didn't bury you in concrete not even in dirt.

SCARSXALL: It was a holy fire. They couldn't pass through.

SCARSXALL: I never told you about my father. Though, I'm more of an uncle to you. You should know.

SCARSXALL: I have a father. I should be tell Warr this.

SCARSXALL: I haven't seen him since I was little.

SCARSXALL: I'm mixed.