Aux 7: Werewolf Crafting

The Eldritch Detail of Vampire Crafting

Werewolf Crafting

Vampires love dogs and cats. Very rarely will a vampire create the following




Sauttura a bipedal hellcat. Sauttura assists magics or Triks as dubbed by the Obayifo. Basing logic off the Egyptian belief that cats were guardians. Obayifo kept cats in their lairs as bait as well as keeping hunters away.

Idcus the creation of Idcus came from the Archangels. It said that one would need a plume of burnt angel wings. The wings must be burnt in hell. While on fire the wings must be dipped in holy water. One technique says to place a jar over the smoke, keep it contained and let a dead bird breathe it. It was believed by the Tribe that some of the angel's soul is singed making the soul stick. The other method was setting a dead bird on fire and praying to the ashes. Out of a 100 vampires within a vampire clan. 8 have a phoenix. It is said that a phoenix will kill family members within the clan that do not honor a life. Idcus make great messengers and sit on the graves of lost family members. Vampires keep a phoenix as a reward when the clan grows. Sometimes given to an elder to be thankful for long life.

---Old superstitions within vampire clans, If a phoenix's yell breaks glass. Someone in the family will die.

---If a phoenix's feathers fall off during the winter, you will have eight more days of snow.

---If a phoenix is not burning bright, your lover is a cheater.

---A sad phoenix promotes bad luck.

---Phoenix's chirps are a sign of good luck. If a phoenix chirps during the day, you'll be happy the next year or week.

Red phoenix's will lay many eggs while an Orange phoenix will lay one egg. If one egg is pure white and not silver or gray the young will be a girl. If the egg is darker, you have raised a silly child. A silver egg is a sign of good luck.


Miaibu are skeleton fairies that are summoned to collect the bones of the dead. A vampire may have a Miaibu for survival purposes. If the vampire has passed, Miaibu will take the bones and grind them into powder. The Powder from vampire's bones is called SPIT. Some Miaibu forms an attachment to their vampires and do rituals involving the powder to remake them. Miaibu are the enemies of phoenix for they strip feathers off of them.

How to make a werewolf:

A dead dog or willing

---Dog teeth (DO NOT MIX SPECIES)

---Chicken offering

---A silver whistle

The outline for a werewolf is different. Place a dog on the floor or ask the dog to lay still while you trace the body.

To make a werewolf big, trace the same outline again.

If the dog is unwilling or human, This creates what is known as a Muus. Muus come from angry and unwilling. The Soul is black. Once the soul is black, it will control the body more than the body controls the soul. In human beings, this is a vacant, or husk.

In Virginia, dogs suffer from a condition, Gypsy Tooth. Gypsy Tooth was discovered when Nacho, a poodle was exposed to vampire dust. Vampire dust can be mixed with food or drink. It was assumed that Nacho was a stray and ended up near Black and Black where the water is dark.

Dogs who died with Gypsy Tooth can be used. Using a set of teeth from another dead dog is still effective. Symptoms: Dogs with Gypsy Tooth will often rub their muzzle, chew on things. Usual puppy teeth will gather in toys, in older dogs, the teeth may break out of the jaw. Common symptoms in Gypsy Tooth include a crooked jaw moving to the left. Swollen tongue.

One-third of canines have a prosthetic muzzle. DOHRCC often gives dogs suffering from GT, Jawicate.

Werewolves love meat. Chicken is healthy for dogs. When donating a chicken be sure to tie the chicken to a pole or put the chicken in handcuffs.

The silver whistle is used to call a soul forth. There are three tunes to call a certain soul.

---Tune 1: The Bohemian Tune, a werewolf made from the bohemian are guardians. Often these wolves can stand straight with no arc of the back.

---Tune 2: The Brimstone Tune: This tune is often used to make a hell hound

---Tune 3: The Moonlit Tune: The Moonlit Tune can often summon a Coconosse. This is where man comes into play, A Conconosse is a WEREWOLF without fur. In urban legends, a man was seen running on all fours with glowing eyes. Coconosse has a way of stopping their prey. They run into them, cars, animals, or people. The first thing they go for is the legs and eat out the insides. A Coconosse has been seen standing with a hunched back as well as stalking. Vampires keep these creatures in HOLES to keep humans from leaving. Coconosse found in clans are tattooed with the family symbol from head to toe.

---Some Coconosse have their jaw protruding out their mouths.

---Some have black gums

---A nickname for Conconosse is The Deranged. It is said a Coconosse comes from men who died on the street. 'You treated him like an animal. Now they are what you made.'

Garlic keeps Conconosse away. Some say that they stray from burnt rice.