The Belief in Segregation

Love Stewart and Enos Best were two vampires living in West Virginia,1309. In their lifetime, they were responsible for one hundred missing cases, 13 murders, 3 accidental murders, and one conspiracy against a church with a congregation of thirty-one people.

Love Stewart was born and raised in West Virginia between a black man, Lloyd Frazier and Sabrina Stewart. Lloyd was a made a vampire being trapped in his basement. Lloyd Frazier went to his basement where he kept his heater to the house. The basement door had frequent problems where Lloyd was unable to open it. One day, Lloyd missed a step, crashed down the stairs causing him to smack his temple on the ground. He blacked out and had been down there for three days unconscious. When awoke, he remained in the basement for 40 more days.

Love met his wife 10 years before when they were kids. Sabrina Stewart died from an unknown disease and was buried next to her father who suffered a stroke. Love went to Sabrina's grave and dug her body up. For years it was superstition that Vampires would hang around graves to indulge in corpse comforting.

Love took the body back to his home and dusted the body with salt. He kept an old ritual book i his house. Ill spells or Bootleg Rites, he used one of the Rites would states a person must make a contract with the soul.

Love asked Sabrina's soul for a contract of occupation.

Sinner: (Name)

Date: (XXXX)

Signature: _____________

The Ghytto issues this contract to a soul. By signing it, you hereby forfeit a piece of yourself as payment. Though a soul has been relinquished to you, it must be understood, souls collected this way are unpredictable and may lead to the death of the worshipper.

It should be duly noted that contracting a soul is purely arbitrary.

This contract asks that you do not mock the acts of segregation, if so. The contract is violated. Upon violation, the contract will burn and the worshipper will be forsaken and sins collected.

Love took a chance in trying to revive his first love. Sabrina, in the realm, refused the contract as she had met love in death. Because of her refusal. Another soul took the body of Sabrina Stewart.

Though Love had followed the Ill, the body was severely handicap. Sabrina's body could not walk or talk. Upon revival, the body laid on the floor and moaned. Acts of Segregation was defined in the Ghytto as separating both skin color, good and evil, as well as weak and strong. A very weak soul had been placed inside the body. Love couldn't stand that the body was named Sabrina and renamed them San-Were.

San-Were stayed in the home away from sight. Love would occasionally stick a hot rob between San-Were's legs as an act of torment. He wished the soul would leave the body. To Love, he understood that segregation told vampires should not meddle with humans as in breeding. But The Belief in Segregation with the religious practice kept weak souls from strong souls.

A vampiric belief stood: Survival of the fittest. Fit natured stood for mind, body, and soul.

In the book, it was written in the back of the book.

Do not bind the weak.

Do not abuse the weak unless you have crossed three.

Do not press the weak. (solicit)

Do not continue the weak from the grave.

Do not spread doubt

Do not make deals

Do not weaken the strong

Do not bother a brother

Love committed an act of violation when he abused San-Were with the hot rob. Though his intention was heeded. He tried another spell in which he forced Sabrina to bond. He repeated the same violation after the contract had burnt.

On April 25th, Love Stewart was taken by Maeyaji (Reaper). In the Ghytto, Masuri is a type of grim reaper, The Reaper of Bonds. There are 13 Grims in the Ghytto, the repeater of violation is Hambise. Hambise judges violations by using 50 chains to wrap around them, he drags them under and hangs them upside down. (Reasons why this form of death is not used anymore) He interrogates with three questions and no more. If he doesn't believe the answer is honest, the sinner stays upsidedown until the blood has run out the ears.

Enos Best married five white humans. He kidnapped 2 women and chopped off the other 3 penises. Enos swapped the original souls with Ill spirits. The occupants were zombies used as maid by Enos. This was a violation of his contract.

It is said that Enos attempted to make a contract with his own body but Hambise denied him because he 'lacked insurance'. Enos Soul was so badly shredded his eyes turned black and he was made blind.

Belief in Segregation of 1908 Humanity v. Subs.

In the court, out of a million discovered vampires and worshippers. 63% wanted equal rights. The rest of the number wanted to separate.

Judge Tracy Buck ruled in favor of humanity. "Human life will cease to grow if animals are free to roam. We are already suffering and should not be allowed to suffer more through fear of being eaten."

Although a good many of vampires came from Africa. Judge Tracy Buck believed in two things. A vampire that bites a human should be burned and vampires in jail would be sent home.

A vampirelogy came to the court, Melvin Everett. "Vampires are human. What they simply need is a reminder." To save vampires, Melvin Everett posed the idea of giving vampires therapy. The methods were strange. He was aware of Closet Trapping being a method to make a vampire. Melvin experimented with his neighbor, Travis Sheppard.

Travis at the time had declined being part of any experiment that Melvin wanted to do. Melvin asked five other vampires to be apart of the Awakening Experiment in which vampires would have their eyes taped open while looking at a light. Amog Vampires that knew of this 'underground experimentation. They called it Angel Murmur or Angelic Locking.

The side effect of vampires from this experiment damaged their eyes, many of which weren't of a supernatural nature. Vampires who reacted to the light in their eyes commented on whispers that were not their own. 'My soul is talking to me' granting the name Angel Murmur

Melvin created another stage in the experiment. He stood on the side of vampires while reading the bible for a week. Afterwards vampires spoke biblically. Three vampires Ralph Montgomery, Glenn Williamson, and Bonnie Neal became extremely religious.

Ralph started a church

Glenn didn't leave his house and his decor change from simpletic to religious. He kept a statue of an angel in his living room. It was reported that Glenn would make himself naked and grind against the statue. Glenn stole a mannequin and dressed it as an angel named Mariel. He worshipped the angels he made and even killed four people as a sacrifice. He was arrested at the age of 35. He told the investigators that Mariel would punish him and sometimes she would appear in his bedroom even though she rested on a stand with a metal pole in her back. Glenn stated that her voice was sing song and her eyes were blue and always blinking.

Bonnie started a cult behind it. She was a vampire and pulled out her own fangs and placed them in her forearm. She painted her skin white. She was interviewed, asked if she hated being a vampire. "I do." said Bonnie. "I can be prettier. Wiser." She held 310 vampires in her congregation. She conditioned 243 vampires to get rid of their fangs. 67 vampires were used as guards.

Iba was a former guard of THE WHITE PARADE. "We wore white cloaks at night and stood in the yards of vampires. Bonnie told us to say: over and over again, you fall on your face.

Bonnie wanted to convert vampires, "Vampires are lost souls. They don't believe in pure blood." and Bonnie was asked how she defines someone of pureblood. "As a vampire I was greedy, a sinner. But therapy made me realize… I wasn't. My blood is the blood of another, i tainted myself."

In August of 1912, Bonnie was sent to trial was trying to turn hug children ito lynchmasters. A young boy, Ernest Barber, lyched his friend who was a vampire. Earnest was set to rehab while Bonnie stood in trial.

In early September she escaped prison and broke into the home of a vampire family. She shot the father and kept the son hostage in the basement. Chancey Vansant had fangs growing into his bottom lip. Him and his mother did not speak for thirty days. Chancey told doctors he was 180 years ago despite being only seven. His mother appeared to be more fearful. Bonnie didn't condition the mother but instead fed off her.

Bonnie was shot dead in the head and buried under concrete. Doctors looked over Chancey and discovered that his suffering was purely due to a ritual. Doctors gave him and his mother dream catchers. The doctor theorized if dream catchers were made to catch dreams they could catch spirits that vampires worshipped.

'Chauncey was put through a ritual by Juvénal Raymond, to get rid of the spell. Juvenal told doctors and priests he had to be separated from his main body. His mother couldn't care for two so she put the other up for adoption however, she put her son up for adoption and kept the spirit. The real Chauncey became Zhaire Prince and Chauncey Vansant was the separation.

Segregation Laws

Separation Laws are invisible.

A vampire cannot enter the home or body of another unless permitted. Oe may not become a vampire through admiration (praise of lifestyle) vampires and humans cannot breed. Humans must not sleep, breed, praise, or gather with Subhumans.

It is noted that Vampires of Virginia and West Virginia; as well as the above colony states have African heritage. It is illegal to mock the religion through crude art. African vampires coming from the obayifo must abide by American laws as well as the placed restrictions for the safety of the people.

Vampires must not gather in one place

Vampires cannot reap bodies

Vampires can't breed or keep mortals

Vampires cannot hide sins (HOLE)

Vampires cannot drink the blood of ma or themselves

Vampires are not permitted to walk during the day

If a vampire is to leave their property they will be charged. After the charge is made, Vampires are limited to 30 - 60 days of LAND

Vampires tied with the Department must meet these rules.

Vampires have to right to ask for sanity ad ay vampire forced to be sane will be brought to trial

It is a vampire's right to remain but must stay unregistered. Unregistered vamps are marked as PB (Potential Bite)

Vamps that bite while unregistered have been committed a crime

Unregistered vamps that used to be registered (sundowners) cannot register again and all records wiped.

It is understood that vamps wish for a place of prayer and practice, Church Of Twilight is government-funded.

Illegal acts of worship are met with a fine that could be 1500 dollars

Black Market associations are met with 16 years in penitentiary

Vampire Children are taken if the parent is found to be offending and must regard their child while separate

Vampire children below the age of 16 are automatically registered with the department

After the age of 16 the child is cut from their chosen insurance unless otherwise decided by the child

Children inside the orphanage and are paid for, are registered with the DOHRCC. Once a child is pass the age of 16, that child is unregistered, whether or not with the orphanage

Children removed from orphanages are uninsured

Offending children that are orphanages will not be registered but labeled as PB

Children of offending parents are labeled PB

Depending on the crime, some vamp children will be subjugated to therapy as to remove any harm to themselves or persons

Vampire children have a right always to free education, Amalaric Thrall Master and Circe Cole.

Werewolves by Vamps are deemed as household pets.

A werewolf is a regular pet. Offending pets are treated like a common animal. Werewolves are required vet visits and neutered.

Unneutered werewolves pose a threat and the owner met with a 500 dollar fine

Werewolves that offend are put down.

Skinwalkers must show proof of Skin (amulet or other)

Vamps are free to protest and politics. Sangrinan Party ran by Congressman President Maddir

We are aware of the illegal, Contemporary People Group, Fanatical Blood March, ad the White Parade,

The White Parade is marked as a free group. The group hasn't been known to attack. However, the White Parade is a free group the group is not allowed to solicit.