Chapter 28: Glitter and Fake Bitches

"What the fuck was that?" July slammed the door upon entering the home. The girls looked at him, "Thank you." said Cedrica with a brown curly updo. "Welcome and all that jazz." July bolted the door shut with the second upper lock. "What was that?"

"The puppet man?" questioned Torielle. "He's been stalking us since we left Canada." said Cedrica.

"Y'all from Canada!" shouted Mokiri from the kitchen chair. "What was that?" Cedrica squinted. "Don't worry about it, we got a TV in the kitchen. It has a shortage in the remote and it be turning on randomly." July gave the kitchen a side look. "Oh..."

"I'm not a fucking TV!" yelled Mokiri.

"You guys came from Canada?"

"They lying!"

July rolled his eyes, "What's y'all again?"

"I'm Cedrica." said the girl with the curly updo.

"I'm Torielle... I mean you can call me."

"What you mean?"

"I found out that I'm adopted." she made air quotations around the word 'adopted'. "My birthname is Yahoska Bumigida Jr."

"Junior?" July grimaced. "I ain't never heard of a girl named junior. So, you named after your mother?"

"Ya... we did stay with her for a while." said Torielle.

"She was really nice," Cedrica pressed her lips together, her voice began to squeak. "I was finna call her my mama."

"Don't start all that," warned Torielle. "Shit I barely got to know her!" she crossed her arms. "I don't know mine!" Cedrica affirmed. "She probably dead!"

"Well, mine gone now because you wanted to keep going to the fucking hair salon!"

Cedrica looked at the floor. She started to blame herself entirely. She couldn't get the image of the back wall covered in blood from that shot. "I can't do anything about it now!"

"I now you can't!" Tori seized Cedrica's neck shirt. "You basically took her from me! All you wanted to do was grab her fucking attention! You know I'm a vampire and started fucking mockin' me. Now ya' ass look funny!"

"Wait a minute!" July set his arm between them. "Ok, first, hi, I'm July. I'm also a vampire. Two, have a seat in our stolen livingroom." he gestured to the den.

"Stolen?" spoke Cedrica.

He focused on her face; it was if she was covered in glitter with gold lines under her eyes. What was she? July looked at her shadow. He rose a brow at the lack of darkness on the ground.

Cedrica was fairly attractive. Maybe it was his vampire senses telling him something. "Well, uh, since... she's a vampire..." he gestured towards Torielle. "I might as well." he shrugged.

"Is this a trap house?" asked Torielle. "at least my mama told me something before you ended giving her the death penalty!" she smacked Cedrica on the side of the head. "Your such a fat fuck to me now. What about all the food you ate up back at the motel!"

"You wanna talk about some fuck shit! Let's talk about you killing somebody in the motel room! You fucking fairy!" she shoved Cedrica. She growled and a pair of dragon fly wings appeared at her back. "I'm so sick of you!"

"Same! You ain't my sister anyway!"

"Fine! I don't want a fucking hippo that can't keep her fucking fist out of a doritos bag!"

"Fuck you, you skinny bitch!"

"Thank God for that!" Cedrica fanned herself.

July looked back and forth at the girls. "Goddamn."

"Who arguing? I wanna join." called Mokiri. "All y'all niggas in this house..." she took a deep breath. "ain't shit."

"What the fuck is wrong with yo' tv?" charged Torielle.

"You a fucking idiot. That's a bitch talking!"

"Somebody asked about my person?" Mokiri rocked back and forth on the floor. Cedrica looked at July. "You got a werewolf?"

"Yeah," he pulled his ear. "My apologies, my puppy Gerald is hardheaded."

"Who the fuck is Gerald?" hissed Mokiri. "My name is Mokiri Pretty Gains! You fucking bitch ass vamp."

The two girl's eyes lite up pink and orange. Torielle hissed and edged to the kitchen.

"I prefer nigga," sighed July.

"Whose in here?" demanded Torielle. "Yo mama!"

Torielle swiftly coursed through the kitchen and kicked Mokiri in the mouth. "Stupid bitch!" she bent down and used her flat knuckles to strike Mokiri in the face. "Damn..." July tensed viewing the altercation from the corner of his eye.

Mokiri jaws clenched, her fingernails grew as she took the shape of a wolf and snapped her teeth at Torielle. "Bitch!" she roared. She swiped her claws, Torielle jumped back, "Sit down puppy!" she put her hand out, casting a spell. Mokiri bent to her knees and whimpered, feeling her bones ache.

"who's the puppet man? Cause her dumb ass talks about it apparently!" July screamed across the room. "We don't know!" yelled Cedrica. "The motherufucker followed us from Ontario!" shoyuted Torielle. "Why are we yelling!"

"Shut up!" exclaimed July. "It's too much energy in the room!"

Cedrica took a breath, Torielle stood straight. Mokiri whined, whooshing her tail, "I'm sorry." she said.

"I don't know anybody." Cedrica addressed calmly. "Tori and I came from Canada."

"Which part?"

"Nova Scotia, it's like the bitten off little toe of Canada or simply never and above Maine." explained Cedrica with a beating heart. "Ok and you don't know what that was?"

"What are we talking about?" muttered Mokiri.

"Why do you have this?" pointed Torielle.

"I have rights!" barked Mokiri.

"We're kidnapped. We were staying at the mayor's house."

"Wow. Big gangsta?" smiled Cedrica. "What?" blushed July, "Nah, that's my mama... I'm just a baby vamp." he stratched behind his ears.

"Are y'all tryna fuck each other?" gawked Torielle.

"Shut up." ordered Cedrica. Torielle stuck her tongue out. "Well, look. Y'all can get comfortable just, settle the fuck down."

"Thank you."

July gestured to the den and she took the opportunity to take a seat. "Let me get the dog off the leash."

"At this damn point, you can sit my ass outside." the werewolf lamented




"Again, my name is July." he introduced himself again as they sat on the couch. "And I'm Cedrica."

They shook hands, Mokiri and Torielle glared at each other. "I know you."

"Congratulation." Mokiri sneered.

"Ain't you that girl Vijay was with?" questioned Cedrica.

"I didn't eat your boyfriend!"

"I'm not asking about that but you did steal his stash."

"The masta told me to!" she folded her arms and pressed against the couch. "I wouldn't be like this if I was a vampire. Wereowolves are like delievery hounds."

"Mule..." Torielle stated matter of factly. "That's y'all whole purpose. It's like if your vampire is starving, they send the dogs to play puppy and bring the whole family on 'vacation'"

"Fuck you fatty."

"The more I eat, the happier I am." she mocked.

July sat in pondered how he got in a situation with a fairy, a werewolf, and a fat vampire. Also, zombies.

He searched for the remote to the TV and realized it was in the other den. He muttered he hated the house. Going into the next room, he switched on the television. "What are you doing back there?" yelled Mokiri. "I'm not on my period!"

"I'm not either..." said Torielle.

Cedrica cut her eyes at each girl. 'What the fuck?'

July flipped through channels until he found the news. "...tonight Hanielle's body was found hanging from the Tree of Angels. For those that don't know, the Growden family is responsible for building the tree. It is also where Hanielle was hung from twice." stated the reporter. July's jaw slacked, "Mama?"

"Hanielle had been missing for months along with her several children..."

"Mama..." he stood up walking towards the television. He listened but all he heard was death. Cederica ran into the room. She saw the TV, 'that's the royal lady.' she thought. She eyed July falling to the carpet. "Mama!" he screamed and vomitted on the carpet. Cedrica rushed to grab the remote and turn the tv off. Soon the girls collected in the den.

July bent his head back and howled in the house, Mokiri had no trouble mocking his distress. Cedrica shook her hands feeling anxiety creep up her spin.

July fell to his back and thrashed about, "SHE LEFT ME. SHE LEFT ME!" Cedrica hurried to his side and gripped his arm, pulling him into her arms. "Hey!"

"What a baby... what happened?"