Chapter 51: Familia Muerta

He who resides in the Most High's sanctuary will abide in the Almighty's protection. "My refuge and fortress, my King, for whom I trust," I shall say to the Lord. Yet, anyone who failed to do something for his relatives, particularly members of his homes, has rejected the gospel and is worse than a heathen.




King Chere

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again

King Chere was a man. Not much to say, he made three sons and he called Childhood his grandbaby.

King Chere had five chickens in a cage and including the one on his plate. His three sons sat with him. Chauncey looked at his father, he was a different vampire. He wore this white and gold Do around him. The kusazuri that covered his thigh was white; the suneate around his shins were silver.

He grabbed the chicken by the neck. His extended nails pulling the chicken up and twirling him still his neck snapped. Seign sighed, "You ain't gotta treat the chicken like that."

"Boy hush." He took a cleaver to his side. King Chere cut directly down the middle of the chicken. Once the chest was broken into, he used his hands to open it up. He saw all the organs and took out the heart. "He's old anyway." He gestured towards the chickens in the cage to the right of him. "That's Dwayne, Alice, Carroll, Desmond and Phoebe." he held up the chicken on his plate. "This here is Will."

The boys blinked. Vuyon sat there staring at his dinner. "I miss eating tongues." Chere slapped the table, Chauncey's heart skipped a beat. "je m'en fiche!" Chere hollered. He took the lungs out and put them in a separate bowl in front of him. "Tu n'agirais pas comme ça si ta mère était là! You wouldn't be acting like that if your mother was here!"

"I wouldn't disrespect my mama!" he yelled back. Chauncey slapped his arm. Chere gave his son the side eye, "Garçon, tu as une bouche sur toi..."

He took the liver out. "Delagati is marrying a real angel. I'm so proud of my grandson." He held out his hands to his left. "BRING!" a large knife darted into his palm. He grabbed the handle and cut the chicken's wing off.

"I can't believe Olisha had a kid with an angel. She kept that from us." said Seign. "Strange woman. But I can't blame her."

"The baby's cute." noted Chauncey. "How long has it been?"

"She's just a few months old. Still a newborn." Chere pulled the feathers off the chicken. "This... is the first good meal." he smiled. "We don't do that crazy ass shit anymore"

"No more blood?" a smile crept on Seign's mouth. "What made you do it?"

"What the fuck made you leave it?"

"Your mother is dead because of it!" Chere exclaimed. "Boy, raise yo' voice at me again!"

"You kept the power but left the church! That's hypocrisy!"

"You can't even spell hypocrisy." Chere mocked.

"Y-O-U" he snarled. "Nigga, quit arguing." Vuyon warned. "Nigga, you adopted. There was nothing wrong with the damn church!"

"Boy you a mighty fool-headed little nigga..."

"I'm fucking grown! I shouldn't even be living with you!"

Chere cut a leg off, "Fire." he called and the chicken burned between his fingers. He bit a chick off the leg, "You can get the fuck out... at any time. Because I'll tell you what. The door opens for anybody."

"Bon." Chauncey removed himself from the table. They heard the door to the backrooms slam. "I hate that nigga..." murmured Vuyon.

"Did you finally leave?" his father made a finger with his index finger. "Tu es finalement parti?"

"Je ne peux pas faire tout..." he picked at the chicken. "You know what's worse?"

"I CAN'T UNDERSTAND FRENCH!" Chauncey exasperated. His father rolled his eyes, Vuyon snickered. Chere looked at his Seign. "Ils l'ont mangée."

"Ils sont... Êtes-vous sûr ? Peut-être qu'elle est juste enterrée quelque part."

"Si c'est caché, je ne peux pas le voir... même avec la magie." Chere stared at his own hand. "I'M USING GOOGLE!"





Thankful and her sisters sat at the pretty pink table. It was low to the ground and everyone wore a crown. She was darker than her sisters and the other Thankful was white. She had blue eyes and she had dark green eyes.

"Ok, it's time to play truth or dare Thankies." said the white Thankful. To the left was a brown Thankful and her eyes were grey, she leaned forward with her mouth open. The white thankful snapped her fingers at the grey eyed Thankful. "Look alive."

Thankful narrowed her eyes, "La Dama took her soul."

"Say it in Spanish."

"Learn it." the two locked eyes and the other Thankfuls around the table looked at each other. "I'm a jew." said the Thankful with a bandage over her nose because it was missing. "I haven't forgotten that."

"I'm half white, my mom is French." said the other Thankful with fake earrings. "Be quiet in the court of Thanks." said the white one. Next to her was a girl with braided pigtails and Red Bone skin. "My name is Nokomis."

"Your name is Thankful." she rose her hands. "We are all Thankful."

"My name is Dayshia." said the black girl.

"My name is Tommi"

"My name is Jacqueline."

"Shut the fuck up!" commanded the white girl. "We are all named thankful. I'm Thankful. Gloria Thankful."

"La Dama said no one has a name except Thankful." said Thankful. "We are all Thankful."

"What about that Thankful?" asked the French child, Jacqueline.

"She's dead." said the Black girl, Dayshia. "Like she's been dead."

"She's Thankful" said the white bitch. "I'm Thankful. You're Thankful." She pointed at the actual Thankful. "She's not fucking Thankful."

"I'm literally Agradecida."

"No!" shouted the white child. "I'm Thankful!"

Agradecida rolled her eyes, "Everybody wanna be spanish but can't speak spanish."

"You don't have to!" she slammed her palms on the table. She sucked in air. "We don't need spanish."

"I'm Cherokee." Thankful Gloria slapped Nokomis. "There is no such thing. You're Thankful Jasmine."

"I'm fucking Noko--" Thankful Gloria covered her mouth. "You're Thankful."

"I'm Dayshia."

"Thankful Desiree!"

"I'm Tommi..."

"Thankful Clarabell."

"I want to be Tommi..."

"Clarabell. Everyone is Thankful." calmed Thankful Gloria.

"I am a boy!"

"YOU ARE A BITCH!" Thankful Gloria jolted up. "Now let's play the game!"

Agradecida looked to the girl on her side. "Dayshia?"

"My name is Dayshia."

"Agradecida." she introduced. "Who is she?"

"Poppy Chapman."

"My name is Thankful!" yelled Poppy. "I'm eight years old and my name is Thankful. Now, pick a card from the pile."

In the middle of the table was a stack of fifty notecards.

"Ok, Thankful Clarabell—I'm getting confused. Draw a card."

"My name is--"


"We aren't dogs you can name." furrowed Jacqueline. "I'm Jacqueline."

"Thankful Alyssa." insisted Thankful Gloria. "Jacqueline."

"Thankful Alyssa."

"I'm Tommi!" Tommi threw his hands in the air.

"Girl, your name is Poppy!"

"My name is Thankful Gloria and she isn't the real Thankful" she thrusted her finger at Agradecida. "Draw a fucking card."

She drew a card from the stack. She muttered under her breath., 'We need call you Angelica'. "That's it! Guys I found my name!"

"Jesus" grieved Dayshia.

"I am now Thankful Angelica!"

"You just put thankful in front of another name..." retorted Tommi.

"Be quite Thankful Clarabell."





Thankful Angelica sat down, "finally." she tapped the table for Jacqueline's attention, "pick a card."

"This game is stupid..."



"OH MY GOD!" Jacqueline jerked a card off the stack. "I'm thankful for being français."

Thankful Angelica nodded, "Ok, Thankful... uh.. Moon. Is thankful about being fancy."

"I don't think that's what she said." told Dayshia.

"She said fancy..."


Tommi rose his hand, "I just want to let people know, I'm a boy."

"This is stupid..." moaned Dayshia.

"Thankful Desiree--"

"Wait a mintue, you told me my name was Thankful Alyssa."

"You don't like that name." said Poppy.

"I hate everything," said Nokomis.

"Pick a card."

She took a deep breath and reached for a card. "My card says, I'm Thankful for oranges."

"Alright," Thankful Angelica smiled. "Thankful Clarabell pick a card."

"I'm thankful for being a boy named Tommi."

"You didn't pick a card." her eyes narrowed.

"I want to."

"You should."

"I don't want to."

"I'll draw a card for you." and she reached over and plucked a card. "You are thankful for pillows."

"What the fuck are we doing?"

"Thankful Desiree did you pick a card?"

Dayshia blinked and took a card. She put the card face down, "Cookies."

"Thankful Desiree is thankful for cookies." she said slowly. "Agradecida!" she smacked the table. "Pick a—AAAAHHHHH"

She screamed at the top of her lungs. Tommi got up and kicked Thankful angelica in the back. He started throwing his hands over her head. "STOP IT." Nokomis pulled her hair; she dug her nails into her scalp. Dayshia clapped. Jacqueline got up and began slapping and punching Thankful Angelica in the belly.

Soon the door spread, La Dama's brow wrinkled. "What is going on in here!" Agradecida stared at her aunt. "Agradecida explicar."

"ella es blanca." she said. "ella es molesta."

"Para. tengo invitados abajo." she heaved. "lo último que necesito es un montón de enanos teniendo una batalla real y no tengo cámara."

"Tomorrow is All Saints day. Put on your dresses. In fact," La Dama snapped her finger for the children to stop fighting. "Valentina, get your shit together. I've had enough of you."

"My name?" she gawked at the woman. "My name is Valentina?" she whimpered. "Jesus Christ, odio a la gente blanca." She slammed the door shut. The children stood in the room. Silence befell them, Agradecida coughed. "You're all going to die. I'm not kiding."

Tommi looked up, "Why?"

"Some bitches just like liars. Don't worry imma try and fix it."