Chapter 4: Visit

I'm not a God.

But I would like to know. I don't think people or creatures understand. In his words, I'm a demon and I ask myself what does that mean.

What is illness to a human? This thing called cancer or—what's that other strange illness?--though they are all curious things. Dementia, bipolar, and the beautiful spelled word and sickness... is schizophrenia.

What makes it so bad? Once upon a time, Hanielle told people that sickness was a sign from the spirits.

For the entire thing includes moments of delusion, hallucination, and affecting the emotions to the point it disrupts a person's life.

And I started to think. Why not get rid of it? And they do. But then I asked, why? Why do you have it in the first place? I'm not attacking the world because I'm stupid; I'm attacking it because I see it as stupid. It's nonsense.

Did you make yourself sick?

It's very contradictory. They give people pills for illness but drugs like painkillers versus... what's the happy pill—Ah, MDMA or ecstasy. They did it in the garden of Eden.

Why is the mind of a mortal so easy to sway?

She didn't eat the apple, he did and she had sex with me. I think the phrase is sex addict. Discovery leads people to commit damaging things, like slavery and disease.

At least to me.

I'm not what made fall. It was them that caused themselves to fall. Why not resist? Why raise hell and curse God for something losing a bet or losing land?

Men and Women are destructive. Like illness, it takes over and controls shit no one wants it to.

And that's not my problem. I literally didn't do shit.

I don't even have legs... or arms. What could I do?