
Forlivi: This medication is dubbed a psychiatric medication. Forlivi is used to get the mind off of blood. Forlivi is recommended to humans fighting off an addiction to V.

Denrium: This medication is used for therapy. If the teeth are extended, Denrium may be prescribed to shorten or cause them to fall out.

Dendium: Used to make teeth longer.

-Causes Jaw pain

Egum: This is an eye medication. Prescribed to change the eye color of vampire victims or vampires. (Grey or Green)

Seshənnum: antipsychotic drugs prescribed to vamps that eat other vamps

Antitsunnanol: suppressants that are a high level and similar to Forlivi. It is stronger and staves off biting. This medication discourages biting, may cause manic episodes or depression.

Salexa: ointment made for skin disorders.

Zombrum: A pill to increase brain activity, heighten dopamine responses

Recta lacinha: Used to straighten werewolf legs. Fix abnormalities in the spine or bones.

Iudiciis: A medication that causes depression and suicidal thoughts in witches. Iudiciis is used to calm witches down after sanctified rituals.

Sumti: This is a pill used to induce vomiting

Paxtum: A suicidal pill to release the spirit

Stem Cells: cells from which other cells originate. Can be used to restore broken cells.