Chauncey barged into Shiloh's house with Curtis behind him.

Shiloh has a secret

Shiloh left school > Alexis also got kicked from school

Lytch: a lich is a sapient, retaining their previous magical abilies > sounds antichrist

Maine held the business SART museum and Parapsyology Conservatoire.

Jose/ July are in the attic > July finds a mirror. Ciccaco saw the puppet in the attic and ran > Jasmine Brzozowski fed a woman that was stalking her mother and hid in the family attic.

The woman named herself after Jasmines mother > Jasmine never told her parents about the woman

Experience was adopted by a black woman > Experience's real name is Darlene

The Name Game

Devil Things > inspired by Lovecraft Elder Things > the name of the Obayifo from Africa Lore // Speculation, the Obayifo may have come to America because of Growden trying to enslave Africans, Arabs, Mexicans, and Asians

Asiman = witch, a person with supernatural powers

Jasmine is dead > may of died because of X

The department labeled the Obayifo as an African Monster/Creature > The Obayifo is technically a disturbed human but really a being

Witches by the DOHRCC are classified as Deranged

Africa is a continent with states > Egypt is a sub-African state because it is in ;+north Africa

The DOHRCC oversees mainly the African population > It does not contribute to others until noticed

China is a contient > Japan is a state as well as, Burma, Thailand, Philipines, Vietnam > India is sub asian territory > North and South Korea are independent

The middle east is an sub-African Nation > Saudi Arabia is the Captial > Nigeria is the major city of the Continent

Europe is a Continent with several states

Russia is a mega continent

After > Obayifo is a supernatural being > declassified as devil thing > classified guish, haunts, etc. > Guish: Guish: Noted primarily as a subsidiary through pneumatic means.

Jasmine tried to burn her parents home > the family was kicked out of their house in Maine > ??? house in Maine, Goldilieve

Vampires were taken by a secret non goverment funded group Depot Fishing hid their company as a fishing busy that went to Africa where they had another business undercover as a Marine. The Company *** worked with Growden to ship Africas to America. The SART building closed once evidence was discovered that Zara Brzozowski made a deal with Growden. Zara Brzozowski was in an affair with Zuberi Okoye. He broke up with Zara after searching her attic and he had seen stolen Africa artifacts. He warned her about the being known as the Obayifo. 'He'll come through your soul and snatch it'

Daniel Brzozowski unlike his wife was a parapsychologist. He theorized that his paralyzed daughter could walk if he used his studies to envoke a telekinetic response through brain stimulation.

With Parapsychology it was theorized that vampires could be mocked through psychology means. 1] sleep had to be disturbed 2] a type of trauma had to be endured 3] schizophrenia 4] Lucid dreaming > Lucid dreaming was once thought to be a key point in parapsychology. With Lucid dreaming came a means to bring part of the dream into reality known as Dreamscape. This study was made by Attaulah She. Who tested his sleep. He suffered from Insomnia and went through PTSD from living in Syria

Attaulah was a fan of vampires

Attaulah was racist despite having an Indian mother. His step father was African. Attaulah was laughed at living in Saudi Arabia claiming jinn were not demons with a body but an angered soul resembling a vampire close to the Obayifo. He claimed that Islam could not erase the evil from the land and it's damned luck came from years of ill behaviors.

He birded five Africans to prove to them that jinns were angry souls. He beat tormented them in his house and said to have brainwashed them into worshipping a snake

Lying as studied by Attaulah She can interrupt the brains lobes controlling the emotional state of the mind. [The prefrontal cortex] when damage affects the brains occipital lobes. The OL carries the conscious level that the brain can take. If the PC cannot comprehend then the OL will defense in sense. However, the parapsychology of it cannot be touch such as Prediction.

When comes to Precognition, predicting the future. If anything, Attaullah said The Principle of Causality cannot be predicted but understood through the spirit.

Prediction is through the mental source by human thought while another state of mind is separate causing the Precognition State of Mind. The brain is literally on the balance of the unconscious and conscious mind. The Unconscious mind cannot be touched while the conscious cannot be touch which is reality.

When it comes to magic, it can only be seen in the unconscious mind but when rested through the acts of meditation can one enter another plane of existence and unlock the reasoning of the unconscious mind.

Meditation calms the mind as well as grant an activity in the brain that cannot be meant.

Another theory, persistent thought is a type of reverse meditation from the conscious. More thinking done will lead one to 'dive into one's own mind' While Meditation takes patience to sit still and allow the brain track on emptiness when there is no thought. Daydreaming has a reverse effect of uncovering buried memories.

By beating his subjects and causing Contant thought to occur Attallah She believed he was unlocking the soul. The soul was so disturbed while at rest. The Unconscious mind revealed into the conscious state of thought.

The soul is sound which is why murmurs during meditation create a trail leading into a transmigrate state.

To bring the soul into the conscious realm brings the true self of the being out.

When the Obayifo came into question Attallah argued that Africans were already dead and that made them darker than usual. Africans had a different mind because of spiritual traditions such as voodoo. The continent as a whole was the spiritual valley itself.

Africans that look alike is solely because of another spirit coming into the conscious realm to realm. Doppelgangers exist because the pervious is dead. It is a vengeful spirit. The Obayifo is a former person but also the doppelganger of the dead or living. Attallah noted a vampire is a dead person that has come back. He said that Dracula was the body and story of a wealthy man living in Romania that had previously died from disease. He guessed that Dracula was not a fictional character but a man that suffered from heart disease.

The Obayifo is a skinny african man possibly coming from a tribe. In some cases, the tribe may expel a person. Attallah thought to himself, the Obayifo was kicked out of a tribe and left to starve. Most vampire are often skinny, have muscle deficiency, and with lack of blood flow. They were anemia and not very intelligent.

Vampires were very real but not like the movies but it was more about the religious side than the physical side of it.

To restore a human body, a placenta could restore it. Zombies are too ruined, in the spiritual sense, a body without a functioning stomach nor brain has ceased to exist.

With the determination of the soul. He theorized that it could take a skeleton that does not have broken bones and quarter of bone marrow.

The soul is able to take shape. Attallah convinced the Africans to start a tribe that started a religion around the soul. It was dubbed Animahlism or Aanbi. The Oriaoriya tribe started with five members. Attallah was vicious and how he groomed the tribe. Five were men, he took two and conditioned them to be gay. He took one and conditioned him to cut off his penis. He wanted to see if he could make a tribe believe in 'transgender' as a custom. The other two men were given woman.

Both men had sex with the woman and she had two boys by both men. One man, name Itchy, and the other was named Icky. Itchy's child was born bald and the other born blind. When Icky's son was born, he believed the boy had pink eyes because how the sun made his eyes look. Itchy's child was bald and appeared normal. Itchy's son cried more than Icky's son.

He did another test, 'The Single Black Father'. Icky's son has raised a vampire while the bald son was raised by a man and woman. Itchy's son had attention but shifted his love between his parents as they fought. The single father gave his son all of the attention while the son also learned to discover himself.

Icky's son: Aleigha

Itchy's son: Sabo

Icky gave his son a more feminine name. Icky took on the role of a mother, becoming more nurturing. While Itchy let his wife handle Sabo more and talked to his son less.

Aleigha posed a strong masculine side compared to Sabo.

When during a play session, Sabo was mean and took things from Aleigha while Aleigha was submissive. Including the vampire in his upbringing. Aleigha did bite Sabo and punch him in the face after becoming irritated.

Attallah interviewed Aleigha; Aleigha told him that Sabo rubbed him the wrong way. He put Aleigha in a sleeping state and understood the unconscious and conscious mind. He sat by Aleigha's bed and talked with his soul. When asked if Aleigha hated Sabo, there was a jerk in his body.

'Hatred of the dark' is an experiment to have certain emotions and Mental states work in total darkness.

Aleigha was left hungry

Aleigha was forced to sleep with pills.

Aleigha heard Sabo taunt him through a speaker

Aleigha was told a lie

Aleigha was beaten

Aleigha endured the pain until he cried

Aleigha watched Sabo's mother get raped

Aleigha seemed protective over women and hatred for Sabo grew. Aleigha would look at Sabo angrily but when in sleep, Aleigha told Attallah that he had a dream about choking Sabo after an argument. He told him to pray.

After an hour he checked on Aleigha to find him sitting on the floor. Sabo and His mother, not told that Aleigha was a brother and son. The mother loved aleigha more than her own child Sabo and Sabo hated Aleigha was taking his mother.

Exposure to sunlight in aleigha who was raised a vampire showed hatred for the sun and he stared at Sabo more and even outright attack at times.

Aleigha hid in the shade, Attallah asked him what he was thinking about, he responded 'I keep thinking about blood.'

He was very underweight from the experiment and his father was worried. When the father died (murdered). Aleigha would often attack Sabo but not with his hands. In literature, vampires are emotional beings. Aleigha was very emotional but kept his emotions internal.

He talked about blood a lot in terms of dreams. He had dreams that he was bleeding, saw Sabo bleeding or covered in blood. Sometimes he could taste blood. Attallah asked Aleigha if he thought about drinking blood. 'No... I just hate him.'


-Vampires feast on blood to heal. The marrow is what creates blood. In a symbolic meaning blood is the cycle of life. In a psychical sense, vampires need blood is desiring protein. Blood carries oxygen to the body and fights infection. When looking at vampires turning through a bite.

Rh-negative blood has met Rh-positive blood and the reaction is solely negative blood.

Aleigha himself was very anemic due to being malnourished.

Being staved significantly affected his emotional wellbeing.

When comforted with the dark. Aleigha saw things within the dark and it projected in his sleep. In fact, as Aleigha looked into the dark his unconscious mind blended causing him to see Sabo in his room, as well as his mother, whom he was never told, was his mother.

Aleigha claimed to see his father but as a woman. 'I wish he would stop acting like a woman'

Aleigha practiced spiritually, often meditating in private which solved his hatred.

He noticed that Aleigha moved away from his father more after his death and clung to his mother, he never knew. Sabo pretended to stab the woman with a fork and shoot her with a water gun.

His reaction to this was to choke Sabo

'The Crackhead experiment'

Sabo was given heroin. Attallah put heroin on a hamburger and put him through the same test as Aleigha.

Noted: Vampires live in the dark. Vampires are dead beings that return to the living.

Noted: Vampires are dead but living again. This is because of the SOUL.

Sabo complained about dry mouth, itching, and nausea.


-Vampires are pale. Sabo had flushed skin which meant his body was needing more oxygen/and had too much. Compared to Aleigha who was paler and could not stand in the sun. Sabo could stand in the sun but also grew tired quicker.

-Sabo slept more, Aleigha Meditated

-Sabo's drug symptoms, Aleigha's anger, and spiritualism upbringing.

Attallah told Sabo to meditate like Aleigha. Sabo could not sit and meditate and seemed paranoid. He was irritated and impulsive.

He pushed the two to fight and Sabo struck Aleigha to which Aleigha choked him and Aleigha bit Sabo on the neck. Sabo was not scared but took the biting as almost inspiring.

He talked to himself in the mirror and called himself Saint John and another name that was similar to Aleigha's in femininity.

Aleigha was told to read. And Sabo refused.


-Vampires are gifted with intelligence. They seem to have a lot of knowledge. Is this because of lich? In the question of Jesus. He retained pervious knowledge. Are vampires created through near death experiences as well?

-Heroine side effects

Sabo was given 5 mg of heroine. One psychosocial effect is changes in personality. This isn't dementia but may come from the drug opening a gate way to the unconscious realm. Sabo's true self may be appearing from the plane. Is his soul coming out?

Sabo's parents are absent.

Attallah asked Sabo while he was high if he remembered his parents. He only mentioned his mother 'She was there'

Attallah posed a question did Sabo erase his father because he was involved much or because of something else.

A: Was your father a good person?

S: I don't know. He yelled a lot.

A: How did that make you feel?

S: Nothing. When he got up and yelled, I stood up.

A: Because you were scared?

S: Because, I don't know. I just listened to him yelling.

A: What did he yell about?

S: He was hungry

A: Why don't you read the bible like Aleigha.

S: Because I don't want to. I don't want to do anything he does.

A: What does he do?

S: He prays. That's stupid.

A: Why?

S: Father said, ghost aren't real so neither is God. He said, I might as well talk to the air.

A: That's funny because the breath is the soul.

S: It's just air...