Chapter 72: Disciple

After making raw food. We sat in the play area and watched Abner and friends. If this is Trauma then I have been inclined to know that nigga ain't shit.

We start off with the theme song this episode and suddenly a giant black dragon (somebody in a costume) appears at the beginning. His name is Bible and I want to leave.

We start off with the dragon (somebody in a costume). This nigga has handcuffs on and sitting in an interrogation room.

The voices are muffled but thank goodness we have closed captions.

[Rodney] What is your name?

[Dragon] Coochie.

[Rodney] what are you in prison for?

[Dragon] Murder

A goofy ass boing sounds a hand puppet of a squirrel appears. "Watch what you say boys and girls!"

I didn't say shit.

"This right here is a lie..." the puppet covers his mouth. "Aleigha went to jail for rape!"

What did granddad do? My head hurts. "Aleigha was forty five when he died and ran a gang. He's the worst gangsta in Virginia!"

The laugh track goes off. Is that really laugh appropriate for this? "Aleigha was so vicious, he even molested his own daughter."

"That's not true…" If I know anything, my granddaddy doted on my mother. Where that come from?

"Aleigha is responsibly for over 300 deaths. 63 kidnappings and the rape of over 40 women and 13 men!" the squirrel exaggerates. "Aleigha is a straight fucking monster! Not president Growden…" he shakes his head. "What?"

"Aleigha should die!"


"He started this and should be hung like Jesus!" states the squirrel. "Aleigha is a dead beat nigga and left his baby mama for a hoe! He doesn't deserve anything good and his fucking daughter is bitch and should die!"

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I bolt from my chair, my eyes are hot. My steps are wide moving towards the tv. I lift my foot up and kick the screen in. The watchers start to chatter their teeth.

"YOU. KILLED. ABNER!" a little girl starts twitching. "ABNER! HE KILLED ABNER!"


"HE ISN'T A GOD!" the children and adults stand in protest. "HE'S A NONBELIEVER!"




"MAGNA!" Curtis shouts. An old bald woman sinks her teeth into my elbow coming from my right side. "Get off me bitch!"

One of the little kids attacks my ankles. I get the old woman off me and throw her down towards the child at my feet. A black eyed negro pulls the TV out the socket and swings it at me. He lifts it high and tries to bring it down on my head. I stop it and kick him in his gut.

"Magna use the charm I gave you!"


"Oh shit…"

"Charm?" a little black girl chatters her teeth at Curtis. I fling the tv at her. A man tries to bit my stomach, he puts his claws in my hips. My pants are wet, I dig my nails in his hand. A woman jumps at me knocking me back. "YOU KILLED ABNER!"


I can't even get my arms together! I'm trying to fight off this woman, I trip over a child. I'm on my back and now that bitch is trying to bite me. I grab her had and pull her in front of me.

I haven't ate. I bite her in face, toss her off and heart beats rapid. Oh no…

A little boy runs at me, I pick him, hold his legs straight and my teeth chump on his side like a rib. My heart is faster. I drop the child.

I think I'm high...

"What is going on in here!"

/Ms. Simpson?/ NO!

"Who started it!" she yells. "You niggas just not satisfied with shit until somebody dies."

"Ms. Simpson!" Curtis goes to her side. "I'll fuck ya…"

"That's sweeet Curtis but I have a man. I don't know where the fuck he is…"

"I can do better. And it was that old lady." he lies.

"Miss… uh… Miss McInTosh did it!" he points at the old lady. "She always doing something, Ms. Simpson!"

Ms. McInTosh growls at Curtis. "Whatever!" snaps Curtis.

"Jean! I swear to God. You can't watch Abner for three days. You're on punishment!" Wow. Jean runs at Ms. Simpson, She slaps the shit out of her. "Lord…" I utter. "I'm locking you in a closet until you understand. And look at your skin." She coos. "You're about to turn grey."

Miss McInTosh opens and closes her mouth. What are they doing to us?




"I gave you my heart/Just for you to sell it/I gave you my heart/Just for you wear it/I gave you my heart/ just for you to die with it/And we'll never be light years a part, because I gave you my heart--"

"SHUT UP DON!" Curtis shouts. "Good God!"

"What's wrong with Don?" I ask. "That's Don Peaches."

"Don Peaches?"

"On God that's what his last name is." Curtis snips the leaves off the DATE RAPES. "Kelly stop trying to tickle my asshole. I'm not in the mood."

The plant actually whines. "Hey, is you ok?" Curtis stares at me. "I'm fine."

"You almost ate somebody and I understand." he pulls the plant up to get the date. "I ate somebody. I swear that's what they want you to do. You have to."

Obviously. I can't eat what they give us. I should have raided that second kitchen.

"Say, Curtis. How long have you been here?"


Ok. "And?"

"We need to start thinking about escape!"

"In time--"

"Nigga say you don't know! Because I wanna leave!"

"We could leave, or we could stay. I don't wanna stay but staying is harder than leaving. When we leave, it might be easy. But staying will make a nigga think about leaving; Leaving makes you think about staying. So we might as well, stay." shrugs Rank.

We both look at Rank. "The hell?"

"I'm just saying. To stay is to leave. And to leave is to be left behind. And I don't wanna stay but if at the end of day I have to--"

"NIGGA!" we yell at him. "Rank what is wrong with you?"

"What?" his eyes are big. "Nothing. But Leave, Stay, and Go are all the same at the end of the road." he turns to us. "And that means, we were never lost. Just… standing."

"Nigga you need help." Advises Curtis. He turns to me, "What's wrong?"

"Is he dying?" I ask. I push his shoulder, he comes back to his place to work. "Rank."

"Staying, that means to remain. To remain is to stay the same. You know?"

"No. Rank you need to eat."

"But leave… leaving is such a perculiar thing. My least favorite word is stuck. If your stuck, you remain. You stand in one place, do what you supposed to do. You don't ask questions. You do the work and you don't talk to nobody. Unless told. So… you remain. So you can stay… but I don't wanna stay… I wanna move…"


"Oh, I heard that before…" we look behind us. "My name is Viola Morris."

"why aren't you a pretty brown woman." I say, compliments make shit easy right?

"Thank you," she smiles. "He's in shock."

"What happened?"

Rank mumbles to himself, staying is leaving and not the same as Go. But he can't move. It makes no sense.

"His neck got raped last night." says the woman with wrinkles but she's not old, just tired. "One of the watchers went upstairs."

"They probably did something to him. He thinks he's dying."


"Well shit is he going to be ok?"

They look at each other. Viola shrugs, "He just needs to eat."

Finally the day needs with zombies serving us plates of lamb chops, peaches, and potatoes with a cup of blood and liver. "Boy say…" Curtis drinks the blood first. "This is plentiful."

"What's the occasion?"

"We staying…" his eyes flutter. "We Go, no…" his teeth chatter softly. "Rank! Eat the liver and drink the blood man. Get ya thoughts right."


"Bruh, his mind gone…" Curtis gets up and comes to his side. He takes the liver off the plate and bends Rank's head back. "Open."

"Why?" he drops the liver in his mouth. "What's two plus two?" asks Curtis. "Four," he struggles for a minute. "forty-one."

"Don't be retarded, drink the blood. Spell up."

Rank tries to sit up straight, his eyes is still big. "Rank is older than us. This isn't a diet for his age."

I throw a piece of liver in my mouth and give Rank the rest. "Rank, when were you born?"


"No…" Curtis drums on the table with his finger. "Drink the blood. Blink."

The bell rings. "Attention! Attention! I have fantastic news. Tomorrow in the morning we're going to see the Smiley plantation." Ms. Simpson grins widely. "Then next week we're going to the liquor store."


"We have a bet!" she puts her hands together. "Who ever makes the most liquor gets to have a pound of bone marrow." The table is silent. "Isn't that nice?"