Chapter 24: Strain

Amalaric Studies

Foreign Laws and Politics


If you don't know now. The Department of Human Resources was built on a similar structure of the Jim Crow laws.

The Human Resources is a separate building located in Alexandria. Zebedee Growden lived to be 103 years old and was laid to rest in Alexandria, Virginia. Before his death, he promoted Black Out Day which told ethic people of all origins to stay inside their house so white people could shop.

In September of 1909, Zebedee changed his name Gordon Bright and protested that black people move away from the beach. According to him, african americans were responsible for a rising number of gangs near the beach.

It was proven false at the time Zebedee, Gordon, attempted to run for president. In July, Gordon's name was changed back to Zebedee as plans for presidentcy were found.

1. The White Devil Law

a) The White Devil Law promote motorcycle racing in public. Bikers had insurance on their vehicles. Many motorist had the insurance but over 68% of people cut it off. Motorcyclist were required to tag their bikes. Dillon Fields had The White Devil insurance because of the lax reduction. Dillon succumbed to gang violates while riding his bike. He claimed to be attack by the KKK. But after being beaten and robbed, he was told by his attackers they were of the Growden Clan. The Blood Coats were hired by Zebedee to help with his campaign. They were promised housing as most were homeless. As well as money to promote his presidency. Motorcyclist could park near shops at will without a ticket. It was deemed a free crime, Zebedee planned that civilians injured due to a motorycle could not sue bikers; not even for a mere scratch on another car. Growden wrote that in traffic, a car must be five feet in distint from a motorcycle.

2. Black People Matter

Out of many of the laws, some believe this law was specific. The Black People Matter law, believed that all black men could be released from prison If their families paid a fee of 47 to 130 dollars for the weekend. A prisoner of colored origins, (Asian, Arab, Mexican, Jewish, African) could be released for certain number of days as long as the fee was paid. If the fee was not paid then the prisoner would return and another charge added even if the charge was never committed. Zebedee laws surged a major outrage so much that people protested to end his life on insane immoral charges. Black people were kept longer in jail and if associated with gangs, the prisoner was automatically sent solitary confinement equal to their prison sentence.

3. Syrup Laws

Syrup Laws were every illegal drug made legal. Cocaine was legal and dubbed under Growden as a medicinal powder. Growden claimed to have never done the drug but added he saw zero harm in it. People who overdosed on drugs were because of illegal Arabs coming from the middle east who sold a product to Americans as a terrorist attack. Under this law, cocaine was featured to be a substitute for baked good and flavoring. Cocaine under this law was used in churches, cathedrals, synagogues, and secret non established religions. Growden told that cocaine would be monitored. Cocaine would strengthen religious understanding. In stores cocaine would be sold on the shelves for less than thirty five dollars. Heroine was to be sold in vendors at five dollars for being a light weight drug. The downside of the legalization of drugs, was the price of liquor went up by 47%. The punishment for possession of marijuana coming from outside of America was imprisonment with charge of conspiracy.

4. The Black Baby

All interracial couples had to specify which race ran the pair. If a child was in the pair and the child was darker or the same shade as the father/mother. The baby's race could not be any other than one race. In April, Dimitris Nikoloudis and Valencia Ramirez heard about the Black Baby law. 'I'm so relived that man didn't make it. I hope to bring my daughter into a world where she doesn't have to question herself.' Growden clarified that the law was to lessen confusion, not to make more. The Black Baby law stated, the darker child went to the darker parent during divorce. The darker parent would 31 percent of funds collected in a household. However, if the darker is the one filling for divorce, they could not divorce. The lighter skin had to submit papers. A regular child support check could no succeed one thousand dollars and black fathers could not claim a kid even if the was a step father for another. Black mother had no support under this. If the law passed many black women would be subjugated to torment with lost of a child. If a black single woman or other did not meet the requirements to raise a child, they child would be forcefully aborted or put in the adoption system.




I feel empty. I have a black bag over me, I can barely breathe. The ride is bumpy, where am I? What came out of me?

The ride stops, my emotions are confused. Relief, sadness, happiness. I hear a clunk and wind passes over my cheek. "How much you want?"

"How big is she?" 6'5, almost 300 pounds. Am I being sold? I have school tomorrow. What about Keku, Uncle Chia? I gotta get out of here… my family.

"I don't know, I didn't measure." says Jun. Who is that? It sounds female. "I guess I'll take anything," she sighs. "I need a new body."

"For who this time?"

"Well, I was gonna give Shiloh a body and Dare's held up in the Department. I got a call that curtis is dead."

"Well, at least it isn't twice?"

"I couldn't care less, guess what?"


"I' pregnant." says the female. I can't talk.

"By Curtis!" Jun exclaims. "Boy or girl?"

"I don't care, I found my other kid. He's half ass retarded." A hand creeps under my arm. I can't move. "She has big breast. Is she clean?" the female asks.

What the fuck!

"I don't know. Stop asking me." he sounds irritated. "So how's the family? Vladimir! Stop chewing that bone and come get this out the trunk!"

"Dead." says Jun. "You know that?"

"You finally got your father back?" speaks the female. My body is lifted up, I hear steps but I don't know where I'm going. I feel sick. "I got him back but I have to deal with your son. Thanks for letting me borrow him. Chinese hate black people… not sure why."

I think I passed a door, I hear music… classical. A tv going on in the background. More doors opening or closing. Voices, Russian? "Ya tak ustal ot togo, chto ty beresh moi den'gi…"

"It's a dog eats dog world out here… nauchit'sya delat' luchshe… teper' vtoroy raund."

More steps. I hear banging. "Ossip! Gde Etot chertov krovopiytsa vse vremya pytayetsya ukusit' menya!"

"Get the fuck off me nigga! FIRE!"

"Zastavit' yego zamolchat'"

"Don't let the black one use the word!"

"Quitate de encima de mi!"

I hear screaming, swearing, and steps. I can't struggle, is it magic? Did I fall off my magic, I can't do anything. Why can't I shift?

"Klara…" a deep monotonous tone reaches my ears, is it the man carrying me? "I got a girl. She's empty."

"Hold on! Let me put on clothes." Silence. "Ok, come in!" she sounds cheerful. "I just got off the phone with Valentina. Vladimir meet my husband Zahid, he's from Iraq."


"Same." I hit the floor. "Wow! She's big! How much?"

"You have to ask Experience."

"Oh, she changed her name. Apparently she can see her own death so she said be hush about the E word."

"She didn't tell me that." says Vladimir. "I dropped off your meal."

"Thank you honey, much appreciated." I hear the door close. "You still doing that shit?"

"Yeah," she sounds disappointed. "I am."

"I told you to stop!" Zahid bangs a table, I assume. "Will you kiss my fucking ass! Shit!"


"Shut up!" she snaps. "You shut the fuck up! What did he just call me? Motherfucking Klara!"

"Your name is Florence."

"My name is goddamn, fuck you and your mother." she stomps in the room. "Remember I ate her ass up to!"

"I'm so fucking done with your obsessions!"

"You can't fucking leave me!" she retorts. "As long as I suck these niggas off. I get power. Which means I'mma keep you."

"You dirty white bitch…"

"That's what you love about me." she's so conceited. "Unwrap my christmas present for me, Zahid. I might not eat it all anyway."

"Sick…" Zahid steps towards me. I can see. Zahid is tall, from my stance on the floor but I know I'm bigger. And Florence, Klara, she's a white spray tanned woman. She's in of a mirror. I can her big lips in the reflection. That has to be fake.

She's built funny. Her breast are perky, her cheeks are a pale brown. "Darlene and I used to fuck in school. I'm so happy I stayed friends with her. My first boyfriend was a nigga. But I cheated on him with this mexican, Agapito. See," she clicks her tongue. "At first I liked Agapito. But then I found out his dick was little, we really tired to fuck. Even worse, he said he was having feelings for me like child. I could not--ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?"

"Florence what the fuck!"

"Listen to me!"


"The bitch--NOT YOU SAND DICK!"

"Say it again!" he walks behind her. "Get the fuck away from me. You know what! Zahid. We are done."


"Done, finished, 911." she powders her cheeks with makeup. "I've had enough of your controlling ways!"

"I'm controlling?"

"Yes, I hate you." she paints her lips with a paint brush delicately. "You can't fuck either."


"But… you aren't free."

"The fuck I am…" he marches towards the door. TAKE ME! "Not you don't…" she turns around. "Kangenpin!" A head comes out of the ceiling with a pair of bat wings. It chirps like a bird. It further emerges from the ceiling, it has a set of breast and swollen stomach, a pair of basketball size eyes.

It drops to the floor, it's legs are thin and of chicken feet. It's head is huge. Kangenpin points at Zahid. He desperately tries to get the door open. "You crazy fucking white bitch!"

"What can I say?" she lifts her shoulders. "I've been in the closet."

"COLLARBONE!" Kangenpin's mouth parts, a row of small teeth and a tongue with a star at the end comes out. A light booms from it's throat. Zahid screams, his skin cracks with the harsh light. I squeeze my eyes shut at the intensity. "I'm burning!" When the light dies, I can see again. Zahid is slumped over and brown glow replace with skin of white concrete.

Klara… Florence gazes at me. "Hi…" she greets. "You'll be my supper."