Chapter 82: Move Tide

The map showed Grantham Courtyard, she came to the artichoke green grass with a tree in front of the yard. A rope was hanging from a branch and several werewolves were patrolling.

Her head started waving, in the sense that it felt as if clouds had parted in her mind. Why was this so sickening at the same time?




Amalaric studies



Is the cadaver and the zombie the same thing? Yes and no. 2002, Ludwik Young at the Elk Gulch University of Pathology was given two subjects which he named Gilbert and Lester.

Gilbert was a cadaver and Lester was a zombie. Gilbert had died from suicide while Lester died from a drowning.

Usually a cadaver is presented to study the affects of death. While the cadaver is used for examination. Ludwick was examining the cadaver of Gilbert.

He noted that his death was caused by hanging himself from a six story building and Lester drowned near Virginia Beach possibly from falling from a surfboard or getting knocked in the head by one.

The bones of the zombie, Lester, were missing such as in the legs. Lester had his tongue short which hinted his death was much more extended then Gilbert's.

Gilbert still had a brain that Ludwich proceeded in attaching wires to the lobe. The zombie brain was sunken, Ludwick attached wires to it.

When the wire inside Gilbert's brain, Ludwick triggered the cadaver to blink. In the zombie with a sunken brain from death. The zombie did not blink signaling the fuction was dead.

Ludwick watched zombie movies to understand what was a zombie. A zombie like the cadaver was a dead person or a corpse.

1) Zombies can rise from graves

2) Zombies are dead people

3) Zombies can bite humans

4) Zombies despite damage to the body are able to move

Zombies coming out of the grave to seek was a part of movie gimmicks. Ludwick attached the wires to a video game controller and some extra coding to see if he could control a zombie to escape it's grave.

Ludwick put the cadaver and the zombie in coffins in open ditches. He asked his lab assistant Ebeneezer to control the other body. Ebeneezer moved the zombie while Ludwick controlled the cadaver.

Gilbert was able to move his arms and legs to the point the cadaver could sit up straight. Gilbert was able to even turn the head, lay back down, and flop on his side.

Ebeneezer was able to make the zombie's knees twitch. The next test was triggering the bite. Setting off nerves that control the jaw and tongue is called the premotor neurons.

Gilbert had more response than Lester. When Ebeneezer went to trigger these points, he showed no movement what so ever. When came to Gilbert, his teeth chattered and he was able to swallow. At some point, Gilbert bit his own tongue.

Ludwick took note while viewing a monitor, that Gilbert had at least 1/4 of his nerves gone. Lester couldn't do anything except twitch.

With so much inside Gilbert, he assumed he had quite a bit of muscle memory before death.

Another test was conducted with electricity. This was called the Frankenstein stage.

Ludwick brought in another subject, two females. One was Rosie, a cadaver and the second, a zombie woman named Kim.

He placed Rosie next to Gilbert and Kim next to Lester. He shocked both bodies and the cadavers reacted more then the zombies.

Gilbert was shocked and his hand lifted. Rosie was shocked and she struggled to hug herself. Kim did a little more then Lester. Kim's left leg reacted, she was able to kick before the nerve went dead.

Previously, Kim died from a seizure, Rosie was homeless. Another thing to note, Rosie had a heart attack however, the heart did not show any signs of reviving. Instead Gilbert's lungs were able to slightly pump causing him to release a sigh.

Ludwick concluded that zombies were impossible and a source of magic influence. Vampires, much more focused on the Obayifo was possible. The obayifo is said to be a starving African. If anyone were to be dying, the easy way. The bones would surely remember.

Vampire were more likely to exist to Ludwick. He asked four black men to participate in an experiment. One of those black men was Aleigha. However, he refused.

The Spappard Claim Experiment is often said to be a mock of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study though some claim the Spappard Claim doesn't relate in the slightest.

Four African American men were left inside of a room together. Out of the four men, one had a gun, one had a vile of poison, one already had cancer, and the last normal.

The theory said the obayifo was created through an average death. Ludwick along with Bongani Magoro left the men inside a room for thirty days with nothing.

Through observation, the man with a gun kept his hands near it. Patting on it or rubbing it.

The man with the poison showed the vile but did not know what it was.

The man with cancer was silent and at some point started a conversation as to why they were all together. The man with the gun said, 'I hope I get paid for this.' and the rest laughed.

The normal asked the man with cancer why he was so sad. The man with cancer told he had cancer. The man with the gun asked the man with cancer, would you rather die today or tomorrow? And the man with cancer said, 'Any day is fine but my birthday.'

On the 27th day, the man with the gun stated that he was bored and couldn't wait to get out. The normal man insisted that they get to know each other.

The man that was normal was, Nate Wallgreen

The man with cancer was, Jeremiah Shores

The man with poison Conrad Rees

And the man with a gun was, Timothy Bennett

On the 30th day, the men were fed and asked to sleep in bunk bed to continue the experiment.

While together, Nate and Jeremiah were more acquainted. Jeremiah told that he had a sister that just gave birth to his first niece. Nate told him that his doctor told him that he might make it through a year with cancer.

During the conversation, Timothy said the two to shut up and said he couldn't sleep. Ludwick and Bongani gave him sleeping pills, Timothy refused to take them. It was at that moment he told he had a gun and Conrad wanted to be dismissed from the test.

Ludwick told him no and said they would get paid for their time, which was true.

Another 30 days in isolation, the four men sat in their corners away from each other. In isolation, Timothy complained about his lack of sleep. The rest of the men ignored him.

Conrad later questioned him why he had a gun. Timothy shrugged his shoulders. Conrad asked why he told them he had a gun. Timothy threatened to shoot him.

On the 12th day for the second time Jeremiah suffered complications with his cancer that led to a stroke. He was pulled from the experiment and pronounced dead at 44.

Bongani watched the body of Jeremiah to see if he would be an obayifo. Ludwick continued to observe the other men.

Nate asked on the 17th day if he could do anything else besides sit down in the corner of the room. Ludwick said no. Nate asked about Jeremiah's body and who would bury him. Ludwick told that it was all taken care of.

Bongani kept watch over Jeremiah's body for 30 days. Jeremiah's body became a cadaver still keeping his organs and some skin.

Using theories based on the obayifo and applying traditions such as praise dancing to call the spirit.

Bongani even made offerings to the corpse such as his own blood, dolls, and his watch. For ten days, nothing happened until he decided to wrap the corpse up for burial.

Jeremiah grabbed his arm and told him in a raspy voice. "You will not touch my body."

With the last remaining men, Conrad and Timothy got into an altercation. Supposedly, Timothy told Ludwick that Conrad had stole his pillow. Conrad denied taking anything from him.

It was at this time, Timothy threatened to shoot Conrad with his gun. The gun was not taken but the argument had dissipated.

During the night, Conrad used his vile with poison on Timothy. Unbeknownst to Nate, he saw Timothy have a massive seizure and tried to wake him up. Timothy was pronounced dead at 23.