" Good morning everyone' Let's start our meeting ..~ Boss Dan greeted us.

" Okay sir~ We all agree

" Today, our bosses had selected someone who will be sent in another branch, and you have choices if you will accept it or not.~ He said.

" Then, Who will go there sir?~ Rey told.

" Yeah, Who will that be?~ Josh pov.

" Josh,you are a top performer in our cluster~ So, You think you can handle it there?~ Boss asked .

" Ehh?😅 Sir, but i have a family here.~ He said. like disagreeing with Boss Dan suggestion.

" If not you, Kaye? you are a performer too.. you can go there~ He said.

" Ehh😅😅. I'm not sure i can handle it there boss.. ( after what happen to me last weeks? I guess i will change my mind .. Its a little bit risky but opportunity is also rare?)

" Then, we dont have any idea who sent there.." we will just wait for our Head Boss decision about this~ He said. And , Let me know your performances .. I want a high performance this month ~He said without posed.

(Here comes again, Performance is a performance?🤦 I guess, I need to focus in my work .. very focus😫😫🤦 )

" Okay sir.~ We just said.

After talking with our Boss.. we just do our works and meanwhile I have conversation with my co~worked Ms. Cherry Lim~

" Maam Kaye, what is your plan.? What if Boss will send you there,? ~ she said.

" Idk yet.. but i will think about it very carefully🤦.. Because you know, after the incident happen last weeks.. I feel it is too dangerous..

" I get what you mean, and it is too sad if you are going to moved there.. Can I go with you ?~ she asked me. ..

( Ms. Lim, I trained her before and I am the one who suggested my boss that we should hire her because I saw a potential with her ..Ms. Lim is a single mom woman).

" Yeah, sure if Boss will allowed us😅 and I just smiled~ 🤦

" Okay, Lets move out together ~Her pov.😁😅🤦

" I said.. "Let's go😂😂

Its a tiring day again for me. I do computations and reports today. After that.. my co~ workers asked as if we will go with them to have dinner outside.. Ms. Lim and me will joined..😅 And I guess that is good idea because I can be with my co~ works that I traited as a Friends.

While we are in the restaurant's ordering our fooods , i take a selfie with my co~ works and take somephoto of the place.

I tried to open my data and kakao to check.

Mr . Park sent his dinner photo and some places photo with videos.

I sent him the photos I took few minutes ago..

and he replied.

" Where are you?~ He asked.

" Im at the restaurant with my co~ works.~ I said.

" Oh? really~ Can you show me?~ He asked..

" Yeah. Sure..~ I sent a photo of the restaurant and the photos with my co~workers ..

"😳😳 All workers are men???~ He looked shocked.

" Not all, but most of them are men~ I explained.

" Then, Im thinking if they like you~ He said

" Idk,but all of them has a family, a wife , a kid and gf. So, I cannot say. ~ I explained.

"Maybe,? 😳 he just said.

" No. 😅😅😅~ I traited as my friends. Im not interested with them Mr. Park~ I told.

" Okay, then.. Let me know when you got home?~ he said.

" Yeah, I will tell~ I said.

" And let's talked this night.. I want to asked you something~ He explained.

" About what? Asking with curiosity.

"Just answer it yes or no~ He said.

"Okay, Im having nervous what question that will be?~ I Told ( what is the question will be?)

" Be mine😊 forever.~😳❤❤❤❤❤❤