Tea Party B.C

"My Lady, His Grace is calling for you."

"Where is he?" asked Bolita. Her coiled curls were a touch tangled from propelling her up the bookshelf and from cushioning her fall, and now that she was back in her chair she was attempting to straighten them out.

"Please follow me, My Lady."

"Oh, you're taking me? Thank you very much. Please give me a second."

As soon as the duchess had set down the book on etiquette she was reading and was standing, the maid began walking.

"I wonder why I'm being summoned," Bolita mused to herself as she was led to the Duke's office. "I don't think I did anything wrong lately...though I don't really know how I'm supposed to be acting so maybe I did…"

A pair of butlers pulled open mahogany wood doors as the maid and her charge approached. The maid stopped a few steps before the door, causing Bolita to halt as well.

"What are you doing?" snapped the duke who had become visible through the doors' opening. He was seated behind a desk that was also mahogany with sheets of cream paper neatly stacked atop it in a high-back leather armchair.

"What are you waiting for? Go in," whispered the maid.

Bolita walked in hesitantly and as soon as both her feet were well into the room, the large doors swung shut behind her.

The duke was a tall, wiry man with narrow eyes and hair more gray than silver and a mouth that seemed to have been taped into a permanent scowl. If he were a teacher, Bolita was sure he'd have the worst reviews out of all of them on teacher rating sites. She could practically smell the malice radiating off his very being and it gave her the heebie jeebies. He gazed at the girl who was supposed to be his daughter with his mouth twisted into a frown and a frosty stare.

"You'll be at tomorrow's tea party, correct?"

"Yes, My Lord." Bolita had no idea what made her call the man in front of her 'My Lord,' but she was glad it did because his gaze thawed ever so slightly.

"Perhaps you are not totally incompetent after all, given that you've finally started answering properly. It took you long enough to stop calling me Father. Now, keep this up and make a good impression on the other noble ladies who will be attending tomorrow's tea party. It would be best if you could befriend the princess, though I'm not expecting that much from you. Do not embarrass me."

"Yes, My Lord."

"Good. You're dismissed."

Shaken, Bolita walked out of the office, and as soon as she was sure the duke couldn't see her, she began speed walking, almost running, back to the library. Earlier she had wanted to be ready for the tea party, but now she had to, since it was never a good idea to get on the bad side of one's head of house. Bolita wasn't sure if the duke was the kind of guy who would kick his own kin out for failing to meet his standards and she wasn't trying to find out the answer to that.

So, now she had to figure out how to get on the good side of a bunch of important people she had never met. Socializing had never been her strong suit. In fact in her old body she had three friends max on a good day.

"How did the popular kids do it?" she thought to herself. "Do I just laugh at whatever they say or will that just make me look creepy? It's not like I can practice talking to the maids. They won't even talk to me like a normal person. What do nobles even talk about? Food? Clothes?"

"My Lady," called a voice from behind her.

Bolita turned back to see a butler headed her way. He had dark hair pulled into a deep side part and slicked back, and sported a monocle despite looking relatively young. His uniform was spotless and Bolita just knew if he was a student at her school he'd be the guy with perfect grades who did nothing with their life but study.

"Please don't take the words of His Grace too seriously. You're far from incompetent and I'm sure the other noble ladies will be delighted with you at tomorrow's tea party."

"T...thanks?" smiled Bolita, though now on top of being nervous she was also confused. She had never seen this man before in her life yet here he was acting all chummy with her.

He smiled, showing off a set of pearly whites, and bowed.

"My pleasure, My Lady."

Bolita wanted to ask for his name but she didn't want to seem rude. Something told her that the former owner of her body and the butler had been close. She was about to ask despite feeling awfully guilty about it, but then she saw the maid who had been accompanying her throughout the day heading her way. Surely the household staff knew each other. She would just ask her.

Bolita waved awkwardly at the butler and resumed her walk to the library, but this time at a normal pace. She didn't want the butler thinking she was running away from him, though she sort of wanted to.

When she had reached the safety of the library she turned to the maid.

"If you don't mind me asking, who was that butler?"

"That was Alfred, My Lady." The maid looked as if she was about to say more, but then stopped.

"Were you going to say something else."

"It would be impertinent of me, My Lady."

"No, no it's okay. Please say it. I would rather know than not know and I promise I won't get mad."

Bolita made an attempt at puppy dog eyes.

"It would not be in my place, My Lady. There is much that must be done before tomorrow's party that we must attend to now."

Worried that she'd look too suspicious if she pressed for more details, Bolita allowed herself this defeat and resigned to following the maid to where she would be picking out accessories for the tea party. Because this was an especially important tea party, the duke had apparently permitted Bolita to wear some of the finer pieces that she wouldn't have even been allowed to look at under normal circumstances.

"I believe this piece would suit you, My Lady," offered the maid, holding up a pair of earrings with sapphire pendants.

Bolita picked up the jewelry and looked them over. Unfortunately in her old body, as much as she had wanted to get her ears pierced, she'd always been too scared of the pain. Furthermore, the earrings were pretty but not too pretty that the princess wouldn't have anything prettier. As much of a loner as she was, even she knew it was taboo to outdress the host of a party.

"These and the blue dress? Would that be too blue?" No, it should be okay, they're different shades of blue," the duchess muttered to herself. "Maybe just not blue shoes then. Now that would be too blue.

Bolita returned the set of earrings to the maid after confirming that she would wear them and the maid began leading her to another room where she would undoubtedly be choosing more accessories, probably shoes this time, for the party. Though she was dreading the tea party, Bolita couldn't deny she was having a banging time putting together a coord.