Ch. 1- Introducing Noire Law Rose

I sat in the back of the class, every sound was just white noise while I looked off into the distance through the window.

"Okay class, today we will be doing our future career sheets. But I assume most of you want to be heroes anyway so to hell with these." He threw the papers in the air, I looked in annoyance. "Don't compare me to these extras, they are too weak to become heroes."


And that was Bakugo, a kid with a terrible personality and local school bully. "Teach, why did you throw the papers. Some of us don't want to be heroes and some won't make it if they try." I spoke out loud and eyed the green haired Izuku and a few others. "Well- I- uhhhh-" My teacher struggled to come up with an answer. I myself was aiming to be a powerful hero, it was the only way I could afford a good life as I wasn't gifted academically but I had a good quirk.


"Well, I'll hand those papers out in a bit. But it says here you want to go to U.A., Right Noire?" I nodded, "Yes indeed, Teach.'' He looked back at his paper, "Ah so do you Bakugo and Midoriya." Bakugos face darkened, he stood up and faced Izuku, "Do you think you're my equal or something?" Izuku put his hands up palm out to defend himself, "N- N- N- No thats not it Kacchan! I just want to make the general course, I could do that at least!" The teacher took his sweet time but finally intervened, "Hey! Sit down or you will both be in trouble!"


Bakugo sat down and stayed angry in silence at his desk. 'Thank god he shut up.' I thought to myself. My quirk wasn't incredibly strong. In reality, I could barely win a fist fight against a street thug. I looked out the window waiting for the day to pass, it was already 2 and we normally got out at 3:30 so it wasn't too long of a wait. I left as soon as the bell rung. I was trying to get out as quick as possible because I knew Bakugo might try to fight me for going to U.A. along with him.


I had been walking for around 20 minutes now and something I never thought would happen did. I felt a slimy thing crawl around my body and over my mouth. It smelt like oil. I heard a voice in my ear, "I just got away from All Might, now be my shield." I felt him going through my nose in and mouth trying to take over my body. The heroes have been called to the scene as this was in a populated area but no one noticed him till he tried taking me over. Heroes arrived quickly and I was losing consciousness.


'This is how I die huh.' I thought to myself, 'It wasn't too bad, I have no regrets in life and I sure as hell ain't having any now.' I succumbed to the darkness and heard a faint voice, 'Izuku?' I heard him yelling even louder now, it filled me with an urge, the urge to FIGHT! FIGHT FOR MY LIFE!


I felt a cut on my hand and was struck by yellow lightning, I started to grow, I was 15 meters tall. I roared, a roar full of the intent to survive. I grabbed the slime villain, he was scared to move from the roar I let out. I cupped him in both hands and squeezed tight, a crystalline substance covered both of my hands all the way around. I felt myself blacking out again, 'I'm very, very tired.' and I blacked out, once again.


I woke up in a unfamiliar enviroment. Well not unfamiliar but I woke up in a Infirmary. I had been in a place like this a few times but never one as clean as this. "Oh you're up, glad to finally meet you, Noire Law Rose, I'm Nezu. Principal of U.A. High" I looked where the voice was coming from, I saw a white bear cat mouse thing looking at me, "Excuse me, but what happened?" The bear cat mouse creature known as Nezu replied with, "Well you transformed into that giant beast, do you really not remember? It was your quirk that wasn't it?" I gave him a confused look, "What are you talking about? My quirk is growing my one body limb at a time, but turning into a giant? No way. I could never do that, even a simple arm growth tires me out a lot."


He pulled out a computer and started talking, "Well since you don't know, let me show you what you did then." I nodded and looked. I saw me trapped in the slime villain, I remembered that but nothing after that. All of a sudden a flash of orange lightning smashed into me and I had grown to 15 meters tall. The thing that I has become let out a fear inducing roar and it paralyzed the villain. The monster I turned into cupped the villain in between both hands and... crystallized it's hands? Now I'm truly lost. I truly couldn't use my quirk very much and now it... evolved?


The video ended with steam erupting from the beast and me coming out of the neck and quickly being retrieved from the nape of the beast. "Well, now that you know what happened I have an offer for you, Rose." I nodded as in saying to continue, "I would like you to enroll in U.A. You will get all your equipment provided for free and training over your quirk. It's all up to you, of course." I contemplated the offer, "I accept. But I would like to do the entrance exam anyway. Otherwise I would feel like I cheated my way in." Nezu nodded and reached his hand out, "Pleasure doing business, Rose." I smiled and shook his hand. I guess that was one for the books, eh?


It had been a day, a day since I evolved my quirk into what it is now. I walked the run down path to my home when my phone started ringing. I checked and saw an unknown caller ID and picked up. "Hello Rose, I forgot to mention we have got you a new place to stay. It's a apartment right outside U.A. you have the whole building to yourself, no worries about cleaning either it has robots for that." I smiled even though they couldn't see it, "Thanks, Nezu. I appreciate it." and hung up. I quickly turned around and walked towards the address he had given me.


I approached and it was a nice place to stay for sure, way better than the rundown place I lived in before. I let myself in and he wasn't kidding, I had the whole building to myself. I made my room on the top floor. There was an elevator and this was the penthouse. It was a big spacious area that overlooked all of the city. I saw all of the people living their daily lives, some heading to work others heading home from work. Some on a jog some on a trip to the store.


It's been 4 months since I got this building and I tried practicing my quirk but it was a hard thing to do with how much fear and destruction I could cause accidentally. Today was the day of the U.A. entrance exam, I was frankly nervous. It would be the first time I used my quirk in public since the incident. I arrived at the gates, I saw Izuku almost fall and get saved by a girl who made him float. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up and walked in the building.


I got seated and waited for the inevitable speech to ensue. I put my headphones in and started listening to my own music, I liked American rap. My favorite artist was either Polo G, Sleepy Hollow, or T9ine (Holding On is an absolute banger idc whatchu say) A adult male stepped on the stage, he had blonde hair that looked like a banana and had a speaker around his neck.


This was Present Mic, he started explaining the 1 pointer, 2 pointer, and 3 pointer, but before he could explain the last, a blue haired kid stood up. He seemed like a stiff kid and a stickler for rules. "It says there are 4 enemies on this pamphlet, how could a school such as U.A. make such a mistake! And you kid with green hair! Can you stop mumbling! It's very distracting!" I stood up, this was just wrong of him, "Hey, blue hair, just ignore the green hair everyone else is. Also if you would think about it you would realize he hasn't come around to the final one yet. Give it a second for hells sake." The blue hair kids eyes were wide now, he bowed and started to apologize, "My apologies I should've realized, that's my fault." I sat down and he did too, Present Mic then explained that the final one was 0 points and was just an arena trap. I nodded and they started to hand out the written test.


It wasn't easy, it was very tough. I was ready for the practical exam. I just wanna let off some steam and destroy the robots for a bit. I was in block H with no one I knew. The gates opened and I heard Present Mic yell, "What are you waiting for! Go!" I bolted through and stood still for a second, everyone ran past me and I lifted my thumb to my mouth and bit it, some watched curiously but kept running. A flash of orange lightning smashed where I was and I was replaced with a 15 meter tall armoured titan. I shoulder charged, carefully avoiding any other examinees but throwing myself through the robots, tearing them in half. I saw a building fall apart and almost fall on top of another examinee but I stopped them from being crushed by using my large frame to stop the debris. "gO~" my distorted voice said. It always came out weird in titan form. The person looked at me and ran from under the debris.


I had around 60 villain points, (Around 20 hero points but Noire doesn't know about them yet) and the big man himself came. I looked at the robot, it was easily 30 meters tall. I got a weird feeling in my chest. One that lusts for battle, I had the desire to destroy the robot bit by bit. I let out a powerful roar which scared most of the examinees and made the examiners watch in interest as I stood and didn't move, even in front of such a monster. I pounded my chest and ran to the mechanical behemoth by it's leg, I agiley crawled up the beast. Climbing up the back of the metal leviathan I started punching holes in it. The examiners watched in shock as I tore through the Arena Trap like paper. It fell to the ground, I stood on it's back and let out a victorious roar. I kneeled down and crawled out of the titans neck. I was leaving the nape of the neck and crawled down carefully.


I walked out of the test arena, all the eyes on me even after I put my hoodie and left. The examiners were proud to have such a strong student. 63 villain points, 30 hero points. I walked into my apartment and waited for the acceptance letter. I guess I can get a snack and sleep for the rest of the day, yea, that sounds nice