Chapter 1: Kio


A human with gained abilities, associated with magical powers and mythical folk lore.]]

"Paranormal." A voice echoed. "Paranormal wake up we don't have much time." The voice waits before calling again, then creates an earsplitting hum waking Kio up.

Kio jumps up cursing under his breathe. "What the heck!"

"You were unresponsive." the voice says in Kio's head. "It is 8:04 AM, please make an effort to be on time for school."

Kio moaned then rubbed his face, that was covered in grease and sauces. He looked around to catch his bearings and saw himself in a lone alleyway surrounded by bags and boxes of chicken bones.

"Lemme guess," Kio said before the voice caught him off.

"You had another one of your, episodes. From ten to one in the morning you scoured the streets in search for food." The voice said.

Kio cursed under his breathe as he got up to his feet. His clothes stinked and was covered in dirt, water and everything one can imagine.

"You know, I bet I was living life so great before you came buzzing in my head." Kio complained as he removed his shirt. "How long we got?"

"thirty minutes." The voice said.

"and why exactly should I even be going to this school? You seemed to be the one adamant about getting in."

"It's what my protocol is telling me."

"Yea yea, protocol this, protocol that don't understand why it should apply to me."

"I am a system guardian, I am given a set of instructions I must fulfill and you're my tool for doing so. you're pivotal in my mission."

"And what exactly is this righteous mission of yours Mr 'dont be a hero'".


Kio sighs as he rings out the water in his shirt. "Figures." Kio put back on his shirt and dug in his pockets for his busted cheap smartphone and headphones and put them in as he walked into the light of the city out of the alley way.

Kio walked past the loud streets.

"Paranormal, where are you going?" The guardian asked

"Get some new clothes." Kio said.

"But if we don't reach our intended destination in time we-"

"Your intended destination. Not to mention I refuse to go to school smelling like this. This whole 'paranormal' thing, I can't lay low smelling like I was fished out the sewer. your words. eyes equal attention and that equals danger." Kio said with a sting in his voice to his gurdian.

Kio stopped as he looked to a group of Tvs at a window.

"Channel 4 breaking news!" The anchorman came on screen, an obvious wig being worn hiding his bald spot and a bright read tie that looked to be cutting off his circulation. "Last night four men were assaulted and badly injured by some unknown assailant. The three victims were rushed to the hospitals with multiple fractures and lacerations, while one has been paralyzed from the waist down after being literally thrown into traffic. One witness unscathed by the criminal has some words on the subject."

The screen transitioned to a male reporter holding a Microphone to a blonde young adult woman. The woman started to speak.

"this, character just jumped down the fire escape, covered in steam and began taking down the men, four on one in seconds."

" Are you sure this was one man? I mean four on one is unimaginable, especially in the state the men were left in." The reporter chimed in.

" I'm sure of what I saw."

"And the smell of alcohol coming from your clothes from that night, do you think that could be involved with what you saw?"

"what? no. I don't drink."

"It seems unlikely four large men were easily apprehended by one lone guy unprovoked and a matter of seconds."

"No it, wasn't unprovoked, the men were harrassing me before he took them out."

"Ma'am are you sure you saw what you saw? Understand my skeptical nature a sort of vigilante creating steam and taking down four men, the story's pretty unbelievable."

Kio's attention swayed as someone bumped into him.

"You shouldn't have went out last night. People saw." The guardian said.

"I know." Kio responded. "I just couldn't stand by."

"Every second someone in this world is dying or in danger. And all that's important is that that person isn't you. It's inefficient believing you should go out of your way for another."

Kio groans. "You're the worst motivational speaker ever."

"But what I speak is the truth."

Kio continues walking to his destination.

"You know" Kio says. "Why didn't you stop me last night? Where were you." Gurdian sat silent for a minute before responding.

"I was preoccupied."