Suffering.. When's lunch?

'What class is next..? Would it even be as good as this class.. I.. should hurry before I make a "scene." Where is my paper? Ah! Here.'

Kiminito feels the back pocket of his pants. He reaches in to get the paper and opens the folded paper.

'Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Ideology & Political Science, Music, Fine Arts, PE, and Technology.'

Mini Dialogue:


*Inhales* "Mathematics.." *exhales and sighs*

Kiminito starts walking and reaches the math room in fifteen minutes. He sees other students going in the classroom and tries to blend in.


Math Teacher:

"Hey! Good weekend! I see you trying to blend in, can't hide from me!"



'Please? Not me...'

Math Teacher:

"Hey, it's your turn. Kimi?"



'Shit. I said it out loud... Now I'm definitely dead. But out of all nicknames to choose from any person.. Why me?!'

Math Teacher:

"Welcome to class."

Kiminito walks inside after being greeted and shown the door to walk inside. He sees a lot of students sitting on their chairs already. Some of them are already talking to each other so he assumed they were friends.

The math teacher closes the door and walks inside the middle of the classroom. He claps his hands to let the students know class is about to begin.

Math Teacher:

"Take your seat, class is about to begin."

Kiminito walks to where he thinks is his desk is unlike someone else.

Boy; ???:

"This desk is taken."


"Oh, okay."

The math teacher writes on the chalkboard and turns around to look at the boy.

Math Teacher:

"That is his desk, let him sit down."

The boy stayed quiet and let him sit on his chair. Another student comes into the room. This time it's a girl.


"This is my seat.. Why did you take it..?"

Math Teacher:

"Your seat is over there at that desk, please take a seat."

The teacher points to an empty desk at the fourth row in the class. The friend of the boy went to the desk and sat on the chair. The whole time, she was glaring at Kiminito.

Kiminito tried to ignore the glaring, but couldn't focus on his math assignment. So, he glared back at the girl. The girl gave up eventually and just worked on her math assignment.

"After Class"

*Bell rings*

*Each class there is a either a boy or girl who talks, glares, or makes him trip-*


Kiminito: *In mind*

' Finally.. The last class for the day...'

He lets out a sigh of relief.

'This has been a stressful day. Why did I agree? Now, which is my next class..?'

He looks over his paper to examine which class he'll take next.

Honest Dialogue:


"You totally forgot what last class he was going to didn't you?"


"Umm.. er.. Look, this is taking months.. There's no way I could remember that?! T^T"


"Mhm. Sure. —_–"


"Should I add music like everyone does? Nah, that would seem weird- though I wouldn't mind background music.. Why? Because this is boring without music."


"Who are you talking to-."


"Shhh.. nothing happened. Forget it ever did.."

The narrator is keeping their mouth shut. How? By me of course. How? Like this. :D

*Continuing this story because you like it so much or just are here to comment something I might or might not like-.*

*Me over here not going to make anything out of this but finally will try to put in my story. Don't reupload please! Unless of course you credit the actual original story.*


'This is why we don't let you be the Narrator... You talk too much for a break-.'





The narrator was scared for their life.




The people around him stare at him as he shouts it out. Cricket noises form out of nowhere.


'That was embarrassing.'

He starts to have tears and a red face forming as he walks quietly to find the technology room..