
[Flashback continued.]

Lina noticed the Emperor had caressed her mother on the face. She knew it was time to excuse herself. 

Sometimes, Lina wondered why the Emperor even married the Empress and First Concubine if he wasn't going to love them. Then, Lina heard the story about her mother and the Emperor.

It was amazing that her mother was even able to become the Second Concubine. At that time, The Second Concubine was of royal blood, but from a fallen house with no wealth, no power, and no prospect.

The entire Imperial Court vehemently denied the relationship until it was certain the Second Concubine's children would not become heir. It was only after two wives was the Emperor finally allowed to marry.

"Please excuse me, Father," Lina said, lowering into a small curtsy and deciding to head off.

"Wait," the Emperor commanded.

Lina instantly did so.