Your Duty

[Present time.]

"Kaden," Mia begged, kneeling by his side. She grabbed his hand forcefully, her eyes filled with tears. Her lips trembled when she called for him, for he was always the same.

"Kaden, please," Mia softly wept, bowing her head in defeat. She rested her forehead upon his cold fingertips. His skin was crackled from being in the same position for the longest time. By now, they might as well have turned into marble.

"Kaden, please you have to move on."

Move on.

Kaden didn't think he ever could. Instead of responding, he stared at her unconscious body. So many people had attempted to visit her. Some secretary, a duo of friends, her family, and  random acclaimed artists who had contributed to the financial profit of her gallery and made her big money. People who claimed to be her clients waited by her door.

Kaden never let them inside.