Blinded Part 2


"Coming In"

Before the sound of the door opening ajar.

Heavy footsteps, like of a man

[Person approaching, 6 Feet at 10 o'clock]

"You must be Kim Meonjeo"

I turned towards the direction the voice came from. I could not see him.

Nodding, I said


That Person said

"I'm the Post Commander here"

"His vision is still not back" Chae said

"I know, I have been getting daily updates on him. So, I am here to see for myself how he is doing"

"An Chaeyoung, it's nice to meet you again," he said laughing.

"Report to me later, An Chaeyoung"

With that he left, Chae closing the door behind him.

"What was that about?"

"Who knows," she said

Later that day when she left to meet the Post Commander, I spent my time alone talking to the system. By talking to the system I meant learning about skills from it.

The skill list was so long that it was tedious to read through it. Almost impossible to finish, I even jokingly called it "the neverending list" due to how long it was.

But now all that I had was time and my ears and listening was the only thing I could do, so I asked the system

"Could you read out the skill list?"

Which it did.

Out of all the skills I listened to, four skills intrigued me due to their names

[Bug] An skill that was excellent for eavesdropping, it enhanced one's listening capabilities, and just like its name once the skill was upgraded one could even tag a specific person with it and it was possible to hear them under a certain range. Just like bugging them.

[Snoop] An investigative skill that I couldn't use since I needed the vision to use it.

[EnhanceSmell] An Skill that enhances once smelling capabilities, when I activated it, an immediate stench hits my nose.

"It was best not to use it here," I thought.

[Mask] Once I used it nothing happened. I don't know what it is. It did not have any description.

Many skills have skill-specific requirements that have to be met to use them, thus trying out all the skills was not possible. So, anyways I could only try them out when an opportunity arises, Also there was a possible limitation to how many skills could be used at once, and to use some skills some other skills were deactivated or got disabled momentarily.

And some skills that were not compatible with each other or were exactly opposite of what each other did could not be used together, activating them together lead to the deactivation of both the skills

And some skills were possible to evolve or upgrade by learning, training, gaining experience or points.

For example, the [Star Of Street fight] which improved with training and experience and as you got better at punching and kicking fighting as you got stronger, all hand to hand combat skills improved somewhat as strength, stamina went up and experience gained.

[Star of Streetfight] is a title-specific skill, it could be used by those who had the title star of a street fight, you got that title after successfully winning in a street fight without knowing how to fight. It is a beginner skill that evolves into [StreetFightKing] as you gain experience.

As there are title-specific skills there are job-specific skills too, like [Ultimate Writer], [Diabolic Voice].

[Ultimate Writer] as the name sounds, those who had the job of Writer could chunk out six thousand words a day using the skill, it was a skill that made the impossible possible and transcended them into a whole new category of writers that one couldn't achieve normally.

[Diabolic Voice] a skill that the one with the job of the singer could use, it a skill that once used could destroy the opponent's ears or send him into a sound-induced coma or paralyze them for a while depending on their level.

And then there were some crafting-related skills that one needed to know the basics of crafting those things to use them.

There is a whole lot to how the system works.

When she came back that evening she bought beer and fried chicken with her.

"it's been a while I had beer and chicken"

Taking a bite she said


She popped open a can

"Here" she handed me one


"Straw, there you go"

She put a straw in it for me.

I drank, threw it, and used my hands for the chicken.

She said

"The Injector Pen that we found. It's here, here at the base"

"The post commander said so, he wanted to know if I knew something more about it"

"Can you arrange for me to see it once my eyes get better?"

"Sure, he wanted you to do that anyways"

"Anyways I heard some people talk about you, you are pretty amazing"

Cheerfully laughing she said,

"Who? Who? Who?"

"Child Prodigy, a genius who designed an air defense system and everyone needs to study the book you have written"

She kept laughing.

"I was placed into research unit, and things happened there is nothing more about it"

Suddenly the laughter faded and changed into a low spirited voice,


She tapped on my shoulder before pushing me down on the bed and climbing on top of me.

"What are you doing? The Can it's gonna spill"

"Sorry" She took it from my hand

I tried to push her off.

"Let me stay like this please, just for a while," she asked with a low-spirited tone.

She laid on top of me for a while crying as I comforted her before she moved next to me, placed her head on my arm, and fell asleep like that.

I could not come to wake her up or say anything to her or ask her why she cried.

With my other hand, I searched for a pillow on the bed and placed it under her head by lifting her head and replacing my arm.

All that drinking, I needed to relieve myself, when I came back and laid down on the bed again, she grabbed onto my arm.

I laid there.

[You are enjoying this' ain't you?]


"What? What? You are kidding me, right? Right?"

With that, the day came to an end.