The story centres around a group of eight American teenagers who are sent to a karate school in China with no explanation from their families. They soon discover that they are being trained to fight a war, one that originated with their parents and one that they have no choice but to continue.Meanwhile, someone is kidnapping and brainwashing selected New York students from the school to break the preparation for the war. Others disappear and do not return.The eight teenagers train hard, knowing they face a long road ahead, one on which the future of their families depends.
A well thought out story which is very interesting to read and visualise. I loved the content and how the book is structured. I found the book easy to read and understand.
Reveal Spoiler
I loved this novel. I would definitely read it more than a 1000 times and recommend it to smone else. The english is also good, even smone who is new to the language can read and understand the story.
this book was well written and it draws the reader in all aspects of reading. I was carried away with the transition from chapter 3 to chapter 4. the introduction was also inviting to the extend that i wanted to really understood abou the heroes. The author is one of my best writters of all time.
best book ever !!! ,very interesting story line, would recommend anyone to put their eyes on this piece of art, its one of the best art that i have ever read.
One of the excellent teen novels I have read so far, which gives the reader curiosity and eagerness to know what happens next in the next chapter. Exciting novels for one to read and would recommend it to anyone to have a go
The story is very interesting, I love this book I recommend many people to read this its so good especially the story Development and the story line.
The book was well thought out, chapter by chapter is building to the climax of the story .I loved how the book leaves you in suspense, just to allow the reader to participate in creating a perfect end to their story.i can't wait for part two if there is any, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
A well written novel with interesting characters. I loved the story and wish the writer would keep writing such stories. I cant wait for another book or the following chapters to see what happens at the end.
What a very nice book. I love the way that the author is articulating events. The characters don't seem fictitious at all and in my imagination i see the events as they are unfolding. Cannot wait to see your next offering. Thank you Dolly and Well Done.
The chapters are well written I enjoyed reading them, keep it up and the literature was mesmerizing I don't mind reading them over and over again. I cant wait for the next chapters and projects from you.
I enjoyed reading this book. It's well organized, well written and easily understandable. keep posting more books, I like your way of writing.