
-Alex's POV

I decided to go after Skyler …after all the classes were over. Skyler got up from his seat and shot a glance at me. Our eyes met and I nodded lightly and got up from my seat.

He went straight to the bus stop. I followed after him, keeping my distance since he wanted me to pretend like I didn't know him.

He sat in the first row of the bus, and I sat on the last row.

My stop came after 15 minutes but wherever Skyler was headed, it was one long ride.

sometime went by we reached a spot where Skyler got up and off the bus, I followed him still keeping my distance.

We kept walking for about 15 minutes and finally he stopped in front of a graveyard. A huge graveyard.

He looked up at the entrance and then walked in

Huh?? Am I supposed follow him to the yard or should I just wait here..?

I decided to follow him. I found him sitting between two graves, one of each his side. I couldn't see what he was doing but it seemed like he was crying.

He was crying so much it looked like it was hard for him to even breathe.

He looked so innocent just like a kid. I felt so bad for him he looked like he needed a hug, a very long hug.

He cried for about 10 minutes and when he was done he gave a warm smile and started to apologize.

"I'm sorry…I'm so sorry"

After 5 minutes of apologizing, he got up wiped his face and started to move towards the exit. He locked his eyes with mine, addressing me to follow him.

I did as his eyes ordered. I walked out behind him.

After some time, we reached this strange place. It was a cliff with a full view of the sea. No one was there except us. It seemed like Skyler was the only one who knew about this place.

"You can stop pretending like you don't know me now"

"huh oh umm okay?"'

Where we were standing the view was so beautiful; the river was looking huge, as blue as ever, the birds were chirping, the clouds were marvellous and the white dandelions looked extraordinary with the lush green grass adding to their beauty.

"You see here" Skyler said "my mom and dad used to bring me here a lot. My mom used to tell me this place used to make my dad calm down whenever he was feeling bad or had a bad day "

Why is he telling me this?

"You see Alex …to me this cliff is full of beautiful memories. No one really knows about this place except for me, now you too"

If this place was so special for him, why did he take me here is he trying to-

"One day I'll jump off this cliff"


"You heard me right I want someone else to take care of this place for me once I'm gone"

In a rush I ran towards him and grabbed him by the shoulder

"Skyler !! why would you even say that, is something wrong ??"

I've always been caring towards people…. Even those who I didn't know. If I find them in a mess it's just natural for me to try and clean it up for them, even if it has nothing to do with me.

Skyler looked at me with a little shocked expression and then started to chuckle.

"I'm kidding silly! Of course I won't do that do I look that depressed?"

You do Skyler you do.

"Why would you even joke about that!"

"I didn't think you would actually fall for it"

He still had a cute little smile on his face.

That is one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen in my life. Looking at him I felt heat rising up to my cheeks.

Shit am I blushing!

I quickly let go of him and hid my face.

I hope he didn't see that.

Skyler looked at me confused. Then walked to the edge of the cliff to sit down.

"You said that my parents would be so ashamed of me right?"

I looked up to see his way.

"Well they are too dead to feel ashamed of me anyways"


I feeling of guilt rushed inside me.

I have never really experienced losing parents as I don't even remember them to begin with, but there were some of the other children in the orphanage who went through the pain of losing their parents and honestly that looked like it was the most painful thing ever.

I walked closer and sat down next to him and apologized.

"I'm sorry".

"No need to be sorry, they are living a good life in heaven. Well at least my mum is I don't really know about my dad .. But I'm sure they are having a better life up there than I will ever have here in this world."

Damn dude looks like he has gone through some serious trauma.

"I wonder why people feel sorry for the dead …I mean they are happy now, they are resting in peace, at least most of them are. This world isn't much of a great place anyway am I right".

"Skyler are you sure you're okay?"

I looked his way the same moment as he looked mine. Our faces were so close all of a sudden, our noses were almost touching.

He looked me in the eyes with a faint smile…his smile looked so sad and for once instead of the usual dead look, I could see emotions, particularly sadness, dwell in his eyes.

"Who knows maybe I am , maybe I am not"

The look he gave made a sense of pity make its way into my heart.

I hugged him.

Hugging him was supposed to feel weird since every encounter of us had always ended up in a huge fight…come to think of it, it always started with a fight too.

But it was not awkward at all. It felt so natural.

Skyler flinched a little. I could tell he was trying to hold himself back from hugging me.

"I know I have no right to say this to you, after all that I have said to you the other day, but I'm here if you need me".

He looked at me and smiled warmly.

So, Skyler's cold behaviour was just an act, he really isn't such a bad guy after all.

"You know, this is the only place where no one keeps an eye on me" Skyler said,

"Eye on you?"

" aunt is a little sensitive about me so she sends different guy each time to keep an eye on me"

"Why would she do that".

"I don't know I guess this is her way of showing her love for me, she wants to give me alone time whenever I visit my parents and I just sneak out here. That's the reason why I don't let anyone close to me. She gets so worried".

"Then...why did you bring me here?"

"I don't know …maybe because you feel kind of special?"

"s…special?" I flushed as I said that.

"Wow you get red so easily"

"Sh…shut up its just your way of talking!"

"haha surrreeeee"

We talked for hours. He told me about his family…what happened to his mom and what his dad did …he told me how much he adored his aunty for being with him and how thankful he is to her for taking care of him in.

We talked till the sun was no longer in our sight. Time seemed to fly by so fast when I was talking to him. He seemed to be enjoying too.

At the end of our meet, we decided this was going to be our spot, where we would hang out on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays every week.

This encounter also made me get rid of the little doubt I had of him doing anything with his former boyfriend's murder.