The warmth of being alive

Shiro came back and rushed into Kuro in a panic.

Kuro is in pure shock and his body froze while his hands are shaking.

Shiro is in panic because she doesn't know what is happening to kuro.

The droplets made by the wet towel quickly evaporated as shiro attempts to put the towel into Kuro's forehead.

It looks like kuro is heating up very bad that it made the water droplets quickly evaporated.

Seeing what happened to the water, Shiro didn't dare to touch kuro from that point.

At last Kuro is finally back to his senses and in front of him is a panicking shiro who doesn't what to do.

Kuro quickly hugged Shiro, and into Shiro's surprise.

Kuro is not heating up anymore.

Instead he's cold as if he was a dead person.

But even after feeling that he's so cold now, it's enough for shiro.

Because shiro known kuro for the longest time. She knows what food he likes, what kind of person he is, what his hobbies are and who he deeply cares about.

All things have calmed down, and it's time to tell what happened to both of them in this day.

Kuro fully understand shiro's situation. why she attempted suicide and why she didn't ask for my help so i can help her in her situation.

Well... that's shiro's situation.

Kuro's situation will be a hard one.

"What happend to you?" shiro said.

"Thank god, you didn't lose that much blood..."


"What is it?"

-Don't you notice anything strange to me?

"You're strange right from the start..."

-I see...

"Tell me..."


"Are you hiding something to me?"

"To us in the student council?"


"What is it???"

-Look on my body...


-If you notice anything strange on my body, i'll answer your question...

"There's nothing out of ordinary on your bod..."

"N-no way..."

-I guess i can't deny anymore huh?

"What do you mean?"

Kuro grabbed his phone and transformed it in a form of a scycthe and held it into his hands...

-I watch over humanity to avoid it's extinction...

Your extinction...

I posses a weapon that i only use if it is extremely necessary. Yes, you're looking at it right now...

Since it's a scycthe, the first thing that comes into your mind...

Yep that's who i am...

It's more obvious if you look at my name...

"You're a...."


I'm a...
