Chapter 11. A New Purpose

The sun filtered through the lace curtains of the Drake mansion parlour. Gaile awoke to the light bathing her face. When she looked around, she realized she was in the Drake house, she would have fallen asleep from exhaustion. To her left, Constance was snoring her head off. To her right, Ruslan slept peacefully, even though he was protruding all over the couch. Abygaile rose stealthily so as not to wake her companions and approached Ruslan. His face had a peaceful countenance, it seemed that he could finally sleep well again. While she was still enraptured watching her friend's face, still asleep, Catherine Drake quietly entered the room.

- Good morning, Abygaile, - she said, startling her.

- Go... good... morning - said Gaile turning and abruptly moving away from Ruslan.

Catherine approached her brother and looked at him fondly.

- It's been months since I've seen him sleep so peacefully, - she said in a calm voice.

- Yes, he told me he was suffering from insomnia – Gaile replied.

- What do you say we have a cup of coffee and talk while we wait for these two groundhogs to wake up? - said Catherine as she pointed to Connie and Ruslan.

- Sure - replied Gaile and followed Catherine into the kitchen.

As the coffee pot boiled, Catherine and Abygaile sat side by side at the counter in the centre of the kitchen. Gaile was a little nervous, and she cast furtive glances at Catherine. The Drake's firstborn turned to Gaile and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

- First things first, how are your injuries? - Catherine asked.

- I'm better - Gaile answered relaxing and trying to smile, but the cut on his cheek still hurt, and the gesture made her bring her hand to her face.

- Does it still bother you? - Cathe asked worriedly.

- A little, but I was warned about it – Gaile answered, playing it down.

- You know, Ruslan also said the same thing when he came home with his face like a puzzle - Catherine said smiling with melancholy. - I still remember how shocked I was to see him after his return on the hospital ship. Wounded and broken.

Catherine put her hands on Gaile's shoulders and looked at her with determination.

- That's why I know how you feel about your brother, - she said. - If you need to talk or anything else, please tell me.

- Thank you, Catherine - Gaile replied gratefully.

- You can call me Cathe if you want - Catherine said with a beaming smile.

The coffee pot began to vibrate on the stove, Cathe got up and poured two cups, holding one out to Gaile. When she sat back down, holding her cup in her hands, her gaze seemed lost. Gaile watched her out of the corner of her eye as she sipped her coffee.

- Tell me Gaile, are you interested in my brother? - Cathe said suddenly.

Gaile choked on her coffee, which gave her a tremendous coughing fit. Once she managed to catch her breath, she turned to Catherine.

- What do you mean? - she asked.

- My brother Ruslan has always attracted a lot of people to his side, it's a kind of charisma of his, but this is the first time a woman has gotten so close to him. Or that he's allowed her to get so close to him, really.

Gaile stared at the contents of her mug with a flushed face. Catherine smiled kindly.

- Don't get me wrong, I think you're a great girl, kind and strong. Connie has told us in full detail how you stood up to those guys in Galia, - Catherine said. - But you worry me. You see, my brother is not a person with great social skills, he's more of a social nullity. He tends to create misunderstandings wherever he goes, and his pragmatic mentality doesn't sit well with other people.

- Wait, are you worried that I get into trouble because of your brother? - Abygaile asked in confusion.

- Yes, in a certain way, I am, - Catherine confessed. - Believe me, I was the first one who was happy when I saw you walk through the door. I said to myself, finally, someone who can put up with him. But I didn't realize what a burden he could be to you until you got back from your trip.

- Why do you say that?

- Because Ruslan always ends up in some mess, - Catherine explained, and with a laugh she added. - I swear, ever since he was a kid, there hasn't been a day when he didn't get into trouble. And I'm worried he'll drag you down with him.

- That would be difficult, there's nothing between Ruslan and me, except a good friendship - Gaile affirmed with all the confidence she was able to muster.

- Are you sure? - Catherine asked with a twist. - Because before you were completely transfixed staring at the face of that fool of a brother of mine.

Gaile blushed even more, if it was physiologically possible for a human being to blush more than a boiled crustacean.

- Come on, Gaile, admit that it's quite obvious that you're interested in my brother. Let's see, he's not only got a lot of faults, he's also a good catch. He's tall, strong, brave, very witty, before he got his face smashed in, he used to break quite a few hearts at high society parties. Until he brought out his manner, of course, - Catherine said, resting her chin on her left hand as she drank from her cup, holding it in her right, and added. - Besides, it's quite obvious that he's interested in you.

- Really? - Gaile asked, turning to her interlocutor.

- Let's see, he went off to war again because "you" asked him to, that should tell you something. I admit that most of the time it's hard to know what Ruslan is thinking, but when you know him as well as I do, it's as easy to read as a kindergarten book. The problem is that he doesn't even realize how he feels himself, he's so dense about that sort of thing. It gets to be maddening.

- But he always knows what to do, like in Galia, he knew how to lead everyone with great confidence and precision.

- Yes, he's always had a brilliant mind, but he's clumsy at heart. Although sometimes, when you least expect it, he gets carried away by his feelings, totally losing his reason.

- Now that you mention it - began Gaile. - In Galia he was about to shoot one of those ruffians, the one who cut my face. When Ruslan saw him, he totally lost his temper.

- So, it happened again...

- What do you mean "happened again"? - Gaile asked.

- It's not the first time he's lost his temper like that, he once broke a nobleman's arm at a country party.

- What happened?

- Do you really want me to tell you? - Catherine asked.

- I'd like to know more about Ruslan's past, so I can get to know him better.

- Well, it all started on my twentieth birthday...


12 years ago...

A crowd was gathering at the Baskerville estate for a celebration. Catherine Drake, daughter of William and Marion Drake, and granddaughter of Clinton and Megan Baskerville, was turning twenty, and graduating with honours from Oxford University with a degree in Business Administration. The Baskervilles, Catherine's maternal grandparents, wanted to honour their granddaughter with a big party at their country estate in the outskirts of London. For this they had invited all their acquaintances, nobles and commoners had come to pay their respects to the young Cathe.

In the garden, the dinner tables were crowded with discussion groups formed by the attendants.

William Drake was chatting pleasantly with his in-laws Clinton and Megan, while a young Jack Drake, eleven years old, was running around with other children playing. The Drakes' middle son, Ruslan, fifteen, noted for his height and silver hair, was surrounded by several young women between the ages of fourteen and seventeen who were vying to be the first to get him to join them in a dance. Ruslan not only seemed reluctant, but he was also noticeably tense.

"I've never known how to act at these events" Ruslan thought.

Suddenly everyone began to turn towards the mansion, on the stair connecting the house to the garden two glowing figures had appeared. Marion Drake, with her silver hair and a white dress that enhanced her delicacy, was trailing behind her daughter. Catherine Drake, with her black hair with silvered lines like obsidian crystal with silver streaks, wore a red dress that enhanced her figure. All in attendance applauded the arrival of the guest of honour as she descended the steps.

The evening was being of the most animated, Catherine was talking with many colleagues and fellow faculty members, who had come to congratulate her. Several daring young men approached to ask the Drake heiress to dance. William and Marion Drake danced to the sound of the orchestra that the Baskervilles had hired, along with many other couples. Little Jack had managed to recruit an army, and they were currently storming the dessert table with ferocity. Ruslan had managed to rid himself of his admirers, and was now conversing with his grandparents, seated on the stone stair leading up to the house.

- Ruslan, my boy, you should have asked some of those young ladies to dance, - his grandmother reproached him. - They were dying for it.

- They are too shallow, - Ruslan said scornfully.

- I don't know what we're going to do with you, - Megan Baskerville lamented as she put her hand to her forehead and shook her head.

- Leave the boy be, Megan - Clinton came to her grandson's defence. - He has his way of thinking, if he wants to wait to find the right person, who are we to criticize him?

- I'm not criticizing him - Megan said with a sigh and added turning to Ruslan. - Ruslan, I'm not criticizing you, my boy, I'm just concerned about your happiness. Maybe you should relax a little and enjoy yourself. Life is fleeting and can be very short. You have to make the most of it.

- Thank you, grandmother, - said Ruslan, smiling. - And you too, grandfather. I know I'm not exactly sociable, Cathe keeps telling me that all the time. But I can't help it, I don't like to mask and sweeten everything I say and do, just to fit in. I like to be myself.

Megan Baskerville ruffled her grandson's hair affectionately, as his grandfather smiled at the scene. William Drake's arrival in their family had been difficult to accept at first. Like any self-respecting father, Clinton Baskerville was reluctant to leave his daughter in the hands of another man, just like that. But William had been an unblemished gentleman, and what was more, his daughter Marion loved him madly, a sentiment William reciprocated even more fervently. And the arrival of each of their three grandchildren had been one more milestone on their road to happiness to date.

Suddenly there was a commotion. One of the young men who had asked Catherine to dance was holding her tightly by the wrist, while shouting. The two friends of that individual had hit one of Catherine's college classmates, who had tried to defend her. The young man's screams caused the orchestra to stop playing, and William and Marion turned to the crowd.

- How dare you refuse to dance with me! - that energetic man shouted to the young Cathe. - Don't you know who I am?!

- Should I? - Catherine replied in a rage.

The young man reddened with anger.

- I am Patrick Gawaine, heir to the Earl of Birmingham - the young man shouted. - And you, a simple commoner, dare to disrespect me? You deserve to be taught a lesson in humility to learn your place.

- That's right, how dare you commoners? - said one of Gawaine's companions.

- Let go of me right now, - Catherine burst out.

Patrick Gawaine twisted her wrist until Catherine let out a cry of pain. William Drake advanced towards his daughter, but at that precise moment, an iron grip grasped the arm with which Gawaine held the young Drake girl and began to tighten. Ruslan had suddenly appeared next to his sister and was facing his aggressor, almost six years his senior. Even despite the age difference, Ruslan towered over him in height by more than twenty centimetres.

- How dare you touch me, you ruffian, - Gawaine said pompously.

- I will only say it once. Let go of my sister - Ruslan's angry monotone caused the haughty young man to panic.

- I will not tolerate... - Gawaine began.

A terrible cracking sound, accompanied by a howl of pain, caused panic in the partygoers. Ruslan had broken the forearm bones of the young nobleman, who immediately released Catherine. His two companions tried to attack Ruslan, but the young Drake was quicker, and much stronger than most. Soon the two assailants were on the ground bleeding from the nose, and one of them picking part of his teeth from the ground, while Patrick Gawaine was still howling and holding his broken arm, contorted in an unnatural position.

The hosts approached. Marion Drake hugged her daughter Catherine and checked to see if her wrist had been hurt. Megan Baskerville held young Jack in her arms, who was very nervous about the shouting. William stood glaring angrily at those young men who had attacked his daughter and spoiled the evening, next to his son Ruslan. He put his hand on his shoulder and noticed how tense and furious he was. Those guys had been lucky, if he had wanted to, his son could have done a lot more damage to them, after all, he was bigger and stronger than most of the adults present. Clinton Baskerville approached the youngsters lying in his garden in a forceful and furious manner.

- How dare you threaten my granddaughter in my own house? - the Baskerville patriarch said in a rage.

- You Baskervilles and Drakes are only commoners, you have no noble blood, and yet you dare to attack us and become haughty, - the young Gawaine said in tears and in a trembling voice. - When my father finds out...

- He will find out, don't doubt it, - Clinton said threateningly. - And I doubt he will be satisfied with his son's behaviour.

Patrick Gawaine turned pale at Clinton Baskerville's words. The three young men were put into a carriage and driven to the nearest hospital, while missives were sent to their parents about the events that had transpired and the reasons for their injuries.


Drake Manor today.

Abygaile was speechless. Catherine's story held her spellbound.

- A few days later, the parents of those boys apologized to us for their behaviour.

- Wow, - Gaile said. - I knew Ruslan was very protective of his own, but I hadn't expected him to mess with even the nobility.

- At the time I wasn't thinking about whether he was noble or not. Only that he was hurting my sister and I had to stop him.

Ruslan's voice made them turn to the kitchen door leading to the living room, Ruslan was leaning against the frame.

- Have you woken up yet? - Catherine asked.

- Yes - she said sparingly. - Tell me sister, what's with the history lesson?

- I insisted Cathe to tell me about your past Ruslan, it's not Cathe's fault - Gaile interjected.

- It's nobody's fault. I was just intrigued as to why she chose that particular story, - Ruslan said with a shrug.

- Gaile said something similar happened in Galia - Catherine commented.

- When you shook Oliver, and almost shot him - Gaile said still a bit self-conscious.

- I lost my temper, it was no big deal, it happens to all of us once in a while - Ruslan tried to take the heat off the matter.

- You made him fly out of a window, Ruslan - Gaile said surprised.

- Did he? - Catherine asked with disbelief in her voice.

- If you're going to go on like this, I think I'm going to need a coffee - Ruslan said in a tired voice.

An hour later Patrice came through the kitchen door, ready to start her day, while Stanley started making the beds upstairs. Constance, who had finally awakened, was devouring a hearty breakfast in the kitchen with relish, while Ruslan drank his second coffee of the day. Catherine had offered to accompany Abygaile to the hospital to see her brother Gregory, the car Arthur Doyle had sent had picked them up at the entrance to Drake Manor half an hour ago.

Marion Drake entered the kitchen and walked toward her son.

- Good morning, my son.

- Good morning, mother - answered Ruslan with a half-smile.

- Good morning - Connie guttured still eating her breakfast.

- Connie, young lady, you must take a little more care of your image - Marion reprimanded and taking a napkin she wiped her face of the remains of her breakfast. - You are a young lady; you must take that into account.

- Yes, ma'am - Constance answered, lowering her head in repentance, although feigned.

Marion walked over to the stove and poured herself a cup of coffee.

- Your father and brother have already left; they had a meeting at the patent office.

- For the new prostheses?

- That's right, your father wants to be able to start producing them as soon as possible to implant them in the Foundation.

The Drake Foundation was Marion Drake's fourth child, to which he devoted a lot of her time.

- By the way, Ruslan, do you have plans for today? - his mother asked.

- None in particular, I was thinking of stopping by the hospital later to talk to Gregory Mackintosh, but Cathe told me that she would accompany Gaile, so I'm free - Ruslan answered.

- So why don't you come with me today? - his mother proposed. - I'm going to visit the children at the orphanage to see how Alex is doing, and I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. When you were kids, you always hung out together.

- Sure, why not, I haven't been there in a long time.

- Who's Alex? - Constance interjected.

- Why don't you come with us and find out for yourself? - Ruslan said.

Constance swallowed the last bite of her breakfast and, looking intrigued, nodded without much assurance.

Meanwhile, at the other end of London, Abygaile Mackintosh and Catherine Drake had arrived at the army hospital, to visit Gaile's brother Gregory. A doctor was checking the sutures on his wounds when they entered the room. As Greg was a high-ranking officer, he had been treated in a private room instead of one of the common rooms dedicated to the soldiers.

- Good morning, - the doctor greeted as he left the room and left them alone.

Gaile approached the bed where her brother lay prostrate. Greg smiled at the sight of her.

- Hi pup, - he said, looking better than when they had arrived.

- How are you feeling? - Gaile asked worried.

- Well, the doctors say that I will recover soon - her older brother answered.

Suddenly Greg noticed his sister's companion. The young woman, with black hair with silver streaks and an angelic face, approached the bed.

- Good morning, Major Mackintosh, - she said in her melodious voice. - My name is Catherine Drake; I am Ruslan's older sister and Gaile's friend.

Gregory was dazzled by the young Drake, so much so that he couldn't look away.

- Greg, is something wrong? - his sister's words brought him out of his reverie.

- Ah, no, it's nothing, - said Gregory, regaining his composure, and added, - It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Drake.

- Catherine please, or Cathe if you prefer - she said with a radiant smile.

- Well, what have the doctors told you? - asked her sister.

- That I will be able to leave here in a couple of days, but that I will have to do it in a wheelchair - said Gregory with a crestfallen face.

Gaile lowered her head gloomily. Even though she knew it would happen, it didn't make it any easier to bear. Catherine put her hands on Gaile's shoulders and smiled.

- Don't worry, - she said, encouraging them. - Our company is an expert in Autolimb, and my father is always looking for new challenges. We'll ask him to take a look at you, Gregory. And for the time being we will prepare a chair for you in which you can move comfortably without help.

- But I can't afford those services, I've been discharged from the army, - Greg said crestfallen.

- You're joking, aren't you? - Catherine said affably. - You won't have to pay anything. Our Foundation will take care of the costs.

Gaile and Greg turned to Catherine with a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

- Thank you Cathe - Gaile said giving her a hug.

- Come on, you don't have to thank me - Catherine replied. - And besides, in the meantime you can both stay with us at the Drake estate, we have plenty of room.

- We can't accept it; I don't want to intrude... - Gregory began.

- Nonsense - Catherine cut him off. - Your sister is already settled there, and you could use some rest to recover soon.

Gregory looked at Catherine with admiration, it was as if she glowed, like one of the representations of the goddesses of antiquity, who came bathed in light to the rescue of those in need. Catherine approached the bed and took Greg's hand gently.

-Thank you, - Greg said only, and for the first time since he had returned, he smiled with genuine happiness.

St. James's orphanage was in the proletarian district of London. It was a three-story building, with a large garden in front of the building and a metal gate enclosing the grounds. In the garden multiple playground structures gave the children a pastime for their childhood. Marion, Ruslan and Constance had decided to go for a walk, which had delayed them, since in the proletarian neighbourhood there were many beneficiaries of the Drake Foundation's free prosthesis program, every step they took someone stopped them to thank them or say hello to Marion. After almost forty-five minutes of walking, they came in sight of the orphanage, but there was not the typical bustle of children running around and playing. Instead, they heard the voices of grown men shouting. As they passed through the entrance gate, they saw six men, one of them as large as Ruslan, being confronted by a young woman of medium height, straw-blond hair and freckled face.

- You owe us this month's fee, - the one who seemed to be the leader of the mob said.

- We don't owe you anything, we never agreed to pay you in the first place, - the young woman replied forcefully.

- You should think it over, cutie - the energetic leader replied. - It's a fee for your "protection", if you don't pay, accidents could start happening.

Marion Drake walked forward through the garden, with Ruslan and Connie at her back.

- Good morning gentlemen - she said in her melodic voice. - Is there a problem?

The troop of blackmailers turned to the newcomers.

- You keep out of this, this is a private matter, - the wicked leader threatened.

- I'm afraid we must intervene, as this establishment is funded by our Foundation. If you need to request any payment, you must talk to me.

Marion Drake's imperative tone caught the ruffians' attention.

- Well, let's talk, - the ruffian in charge said. - We are owed a payment of one hundred pounds for the "protection" of this place. Keeping this neighbourhood safe doesn't come cheap.

- I don't recall hiring any security services, - Marion replied disdainfully. - Please get off this property.

- That's it, get out, - the young woman from the orphanage lashed at them.

Those guys didn't take Marion's order well. One of them grabbed the young blonde's arm, while two others approached the three visitors threateningly.

- You're going to pay, one way or another - one of those thugs threatened.

- I'll only say it once - Ruslan said stepping forward, the thug who had spoken looked up with an aggressive gesture, Ruslan continued. - Get out of this property and don't show up here again.

Several jocular laughs sounded low, gutturally, in the throats of that rabble.

-Make us, - the leader said.

As if on cue, the big guy attacked Ruslan with a punch. Ruslan grabbed his fist with his steel right hand and began to squeeze. The big guy fell to his knees shrieking like a damsel. Everyone else instinctively took a step back. The gang leader swallowed, visibly frightened.

- Well, what are you waiting for? - said Ruslan grimly.

Two more of those guys threw themselves at him. Ruslan threw the big guy at them, knocking them down. Two others rushed at Constance and Marion, while the ringleader attacked the young orphanage girl. Marion moved slightly out of the way, leaving Connie room to act. Constance landed a right hook on the first of her assailants, knocking him to the ground, and blocked the punch thrown by the second attacker. The young blonde was tangling with her own opponent, who had her by her shirt, but managed to get her to let go by kneeing him in the crotch. The man ended up on the floor holding his aching "ego".

Constance had her second assailant by the hair, and gaining momentum, she first threw a knee strike to his abdomen with her steel leg, which caused the guy to fold like a piece of paper, Connie took advantage of the momentum to hit him again with her knee, this time in the face, which made him fall round with a broken nose.

Meanwhile, Ruslan was tangling with his three opponents, the giant had managed to get on his back and grab him by the neck. The other two took the opportunity to unload several punches against Ruslan's torso, which barely showed any signs of having noticed them. Ruslan gathered momentum, and lunging upward, pivoting in the grip of the assailant on his back, threw his feet into the faces of the other two attackers, knocking them backwards. Seizing the momentum, Ruslan dropped, bending his legs to his knees, throwing the one holding him over his head. When he got up, he advanced towards the criminal giant and knocked him down with a single right to the chin, knocking him unconscious. The other two lay on the ground, covering their mangled faces with their hands. Marion Drake approached the fallen leader.

- Now, I recommend that you get off this property, before my son unceremoniously kicks you out - Marion's tone was sharp as a razor blade.

The crooks managed to get up and limped away with a furious look on their faces. Marion approached the young woman in charge of the orphanage.

- Are you all right, Alex? - she asked.

- Yes, Marion, it was nothing, - her interlocutor played it down.

Constance turned her gaze to the young woman who was talking to Marion.

- Is that Alex? - Connie asked Ruslan.

- Yes, Alexandra Hayden, - Ruslan answered.

- Wow - Connie replied, with a gesture of admiration. - She's a tough cookie.

- Just like you, - Ruslan said with a twinkle in his eye.

A few minutes later, Marion was chatting pleasantly with Alex, sitting on the steps of the orphanage, while Connie and Ruslan were playing with the children in the garden. Connie was chasing them, playing the monster, and the children were running to escape, while Ruslan was hoisting them on his shoulders to look down from above, amazed at the new perspective their eyes were showing them.

- The accounts are going well, but we have more and more of those vermin coming to ask for money through blackmail and threats - Alex said. - I am concerned about the safety of the children.

- I understand, it's dangerous to have undesirable elements like that hanging around these little ones - Marion commented with a worried gesture. - I will think about how we can prevent further incidents.

- Thank you, I know it's just one more headache.... - Alexandra began.

- Don't mention it, - Marion said interrupting her. - You do a great job here Alex, and I promised you I would support you in any way I could. Don't worry, we'll work it out. Besides, we have "military support" now.

- I noticed - said Alex looking in the direction of Ruslan and Constance. - Who is she?

- Constance Perry, Connie - answered Marion. - She is one of Ruslan's army buddies, she is very outgoing and lively. You'll like her.

- I'm sure I will, - Alex replied, smiling.

Meanwhile, oblivious to the conversation about herself, Connie kept running after the children, making exaggerated faces and gestures with her hands, while the little ones laughed and avoided falling prey to the "monster".