Chapter 16. Fallen soldier

Gaile had her eyes fixed on her opponent, taking measured steps she went around him until she was to his right; it was then when, after gaining momentum, she launched her attack. The young woman threw a low kick to her opponent's knee, but he easily dodged it by taking a step back. Gaile was left in a vulnerable position. A fist the size of a cannonball advanced toward her, narrowly missing its target on her head. The young woman again gained distance from her opponent and, re-analysing the situation, began to prepare a new strategy. But her opponent was not going to make it so easy for her, and he advanced to put pressure on her. He launched a kick to the front that could have broken a tree, but Gaile dodged it gracefully moving aside and counterattacked with a high kick to the ribs of his opponent; the latter could not dodge it, but tried to absorb the impact to avoid further damage, holding Gaile's foot between his arm and his side he threw her to the ground and pinned her against the canvas of the improvised ring they had set up in the warehouse that served as their base.

- You're still thinking too much, - Ruslan said releasing his hold on Gaile's leg. - You take too long to act, and you end up having to react to your opponent, instead of taking the initiative in the fight.

- It's hard to decide where to attack someone as big as you Ruslan - Gaile complained. - With Connie I don't have so many problems, but you are gigantic, it's impossible for me to reach points like your head or neck.

- That's why I told you that to face opponents bigger than you, you must use their strength against them. Instead of throwing punches you should try to use throws to destabilize me and make me go to the ground, where you would finally have the advantage.

- Easy for you to say - Gaile pouted with feigned anger. - You never hold back so I have to dodge, or I'd get blown up.

- I told you I'd train you, - his friend replied. - What good would it do you if I let you win? I'd be being remiss.

Gaile sat on the ground, still looking frustrated. She could never manage to land an effective blow on Ruslan. Despite his size the ex-military man was very fast. Ruslan dropped a towel on Gaile's head, who looked up with a grateful smile. Ruslan with another towel over his left shoulder advanced toward the rack from which his shirts hung. Gaile was thoughtful again at the sight of Ruslan's scarred torso and left arm. And running her hand along the furrow that marked her own face, she decided to ask.

- Ruslan, were you afraid when you lost your arm?

His giant companion froze as he dressed, leaving his shirt unbuttoned.

- I'd be lying if I said no, - he confessed. - But it's normal to be afraid in certain situations.

- But were you more afraid of losing it or of what others would think when they saw you? - Gaile asked.

- Gaile, it's not like you to ask so many questions, - said Ruslan worried. - Has something happened?

- I have seen that my brother has a guilty look on his face every time he looks at me, he seems to think that this scar is his fault - Gaile commented while she ran his index finger over the mark on the left side of his face.

- It's normal for us to be upset when those we care about get hurt, especially if you are partly to blame yourself.

- You think the same thing when you look at Connie's autolimb leg, don't you?

Ruslan maintained a deep silence, far more eloquent than any answer. He turned to look at Gaile.

- We must all take responsibility for our actions, and the consequences of those said actions, - Ruslan stated emphatically. - In Connie's case, both she and I are responsible; I for leading her, and she for following me. But as I said, everyone must take responsibility for their own actions, so even if they tell me it wasn't my fault, I can't pretend I had nothing to do with it. I suppose your brother feels something similar.

- And tell me, will he ever get better? I mean... It bothers me that every time he looks at me, he gets that guilty expression....

- Don't worry, he'll get better with time... He won't forget it, but he'll get over it - Ruslan answered, throwing his shirt at her.

- Thanks - Gaile said evenly, while she put on the new garment over the sleeveless shirt she used for training.

At that very moment the door of the warehouse opened with a creak, drawing the attention of both of them. Arlington, Gregory and Constance entered carrying with them several paper bags that gave off a strong smell of fish and beer.

- Who wants fish & chips with beer batter? - Connie asked, lifting her bag.

Ruslan helped Gaile up by holding out her hand and the two joined the others at the table in the centre of the warehouse.

After some cheerful chatter as they ate lunch, Ernest Arlington took the lead. He spread a map on the table on which several buildings were marked in red and only one in black.

- Well, it's been a very productive few weeks, - the inspector said, rubbing his hands together. - We have totally dismantled Trusk's organization. All their smuggling warehouses have been eliminated, and thanks to the evidence you obtained from them we have been able to raid all their brothels and safe houses. There is only one place left to visit, their headquarters. There will be crucial information there.

- So how do we do it? - Gregory asked.

- I have to talk to my superiors about it, - Arlington explained. - We may have police support this time.

- So, are we done? - Constance asked.

- Yes, the Iron Hand will never recover from this, - Ernest said with conviction. - You can take a break until I let you know the details of the next raid.

They all smiled in relief, it had taken almost 2 months, but they had taken down the most dangerous crime syndicate in Albion. Ernest left, claiming he had to report to his commanders. While the others gathered their things.

- I have to meet with an old contact - Gregory said. - He seems to have some information he thinks is important.

- I'll go with you, - Gaile said. - You could use someone to watch your back.

- Thanks pup.

- Do you need any more help? - Ruslan asked, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

- No need Ruslan - Greg said. - Besides, my contact would probably be scared to see you.

- Then Ruslan, why don't you come with me? - Connie interjected. - I'm going to stop by the orphanage and Alex has been insisting all this last month that you pay them a visit.

Constance had been going to the orphanage almost every day to see Alex, it seemed that the young girl had fallen in love with the orphan caretaker. An affection that seemed to be mutual, as Alexandra had gone to Drake Manor on several occasions to hang out with Connie. Ruslan was happy for his sister-in-arms and childhood friend, but his new sentimental situation had made Connie even more insistent in trying to bring Ruslan and Abygaile closer, which was becoming somewhat irritating for both of them.

- All right, I'll go, - Ruslan said. - But don't start, as usual, with your matchmaking act, understood?

- All right, Alex has already told me that she's leaving you for impossible.

- Impossible for what? - asked Gaile.

- It's nothing, - Ruslan answered.

Gaile's face showed a curious expression, but she decided not to insist since Ruslan seemed nervous about it.

When they had finished packing up, each couple went their separate ways. Ruslan and Connie headed for the Saint James orphanage for a walk.

- So, how are things going with you and Alex? - Ruslan asked.

- Are you that interested? - Connie asked mischievously. - Do you want the juicy details?

- I just care that you're both doing well, - his friend said. - Alex is a good friend, and you are my sister-in-arms, I just want both of you to be happy, nothing more.

- Man, so you can be emotional if you put your mind to it, - Constance teased innocently.

- Yes, yes, I know, even an insensitive person like me can care about his friends, can't he?

- Ruslan, you're not insensitive - suddenly Connie became serious. - I know better. You've always been very emotional. With your family, with your friends. The problem is that you don't allow yourself to be so with yourself.

- What do you mean by that?

- Well, you always don't seem to let your heart get the better of you, like you think you might lose control or something.

- Connie, don't start that again - Ruslan was fed up with that topic of conversation.

- Come on, think about it. You seem to be punishing yourself on purpose, as if you're not worthy of being happy.

- I am extremely happy, - the giant Drake replied.

- Yeah, right, and I'm the queen of Albion, - Connie scoffed. - Look, seriously, I've seen the way you and Gaile look at each other, so what's the problem with letting each other go?

- You say it like there's something between us, but there's not.

- Okay, I've had it - Constance stopped abruptly. - Are you seriously telling me you have no feelings for Aby? No feelings at all? And be honest.

Ruslan turned to look at his friend.

- To be honest, I don't know, - Ruslan said. - I've never felt anything like that, so I don't know what it means.

- Your sister's right, you're a sucker for sentimental issues - Constance was starting to get irritated. - You like being close to Gaile, don't you?

- Well, yes, but that's merely friendship, isn't it?

- So, you feel the same way about me, is that right? - Connie asked.

- What? Of course not, you're like my sister.

- Well, we seem to be making progress, at least you can tell the difference. How would you feel if Gaile was paired up with another guy?

- That's her right.

- Stop being politically correct and answer with your heart, not your head - Connie was totally furious.

- I don't know how to define it, but it wouldn't feel right, I guess?

- That's called jealousy. Which means that you don't think of her as just a friend.

Ruslan remained thoughtful. It was true that he didn't see Gaile as mere friendship, but then, what was it that he felt? Connie put her hand to her forehead, how could that giant be so slow on such matters. They walked on, this time in silence, as Ruslan thought about what Connie had said.

When they were near the orphanage, they saw a large group of people crowded in the street causing quite a commotion. Smoke and ashes flooded the air with a burning smell. Ruslan and Constance started running towards their destination. When they reached the crowd, they saw the orphanage on fire. The children were crying in the sooty garden, while Alexandra, also with blackened face and clothes, tried to calm them down and check if they were all there.

- Alex! - Connie ran towards the group of children, and hugged Alexandra as she caught up with her. - Are you all right? What about the children?

- Connie - Alex startled and hugged her back. - I'm fine, but I can't find Heather, you don't think she'd be still inside, do you?

The flames crackled, devouring the building, and suddenly, a window opened on the second floor. A little girl no more than five years old leaned out, crying for help.

- Heather! - howled a terrified Alex and tried to run towards the entrance engulfed in flames. - Let me go Connie, I must save her!

- You'll burn to death if you do, Alex! - Constance shouted at her, holding her even tighter. - Calm down and we'll figure out how to help her!

Tears ran down Alex's face, mixing with the soot that darkened her skin, while Connie kept hugging her and tried to calm the children who were also crying and sobbing. At that moment the young ex-military woman saw Ruslan throw his backpack and hat in front of her, and rush towards the burning building.

- Ruslan! - shouted Connie and Alex.

The giant burst through the flames that bathed the entrance of the building and they lost sight of him inside.

The interior of the orphanage crackled with fire devouring the entire structure around them. Ruslan ran to the stairs leading to the second floor and began to rush up, but just as he was about to arrive the wooden staircase collapsed. Ruslan managed to grab hold of the floor of the second floor, hanging above an inferno of flames that burned the soles of his feet through his reinforced boots. He hoisted himself out of the stairwell and advanced toward the room where Heather had opened the window. The door was closed and the frame on fire, Ruslan smashed through it making it splinters. The little girl inside the room was terrified and crying in despair as she held a small teddy bear blackened by smoke.

- Heather, are you okay, are you burned? - Ruslan asked as he approached the little girl.

She shook her head and hugged Ruslan, who took her in his arms and covered her with his bulletproof coat, while he looked around, searching for a way for both of them to get out of there alive.

Meanwhile, outside the burning building, the crowd had been moving away to avoid the heat of the flames. Alex was still trying to calm the children while Connie, who had taken off her coat to move more freely, was taking buckets of water from the well in the garden and throwing them through the door of the building desperately, but in vain. The flames would not relent in the least. Suddenly a shout caught her attention and she put down the bucket to turn around. A man with a tall top hat obscuring his face was holding Alex by the neck with a gun pointed at her head, while the children's cries grew louder. Connie was surprised to recognize the attacker when his face was illuminated by the flames.

- Connie! - sobbed Alexandra.

- It's okay Alex - Connie said as she walked away from the building and approached the attacker. - It's going to be all right.

- Are you sure? - the assailant asked.

- Let her go, you don't have to hurt her.

- What if I don't want to let her go?

- I'll put a bullet between your eyes, - Constance replied, bringing her hand to the hilt of the pistol she had holstered on her belt.

- I don't think so, - the man said as he cocked his gun and pressed it even harder against Alex's face. - Take your gun with two fingers and throw it into the well.

Alex's look of terror increased when he saw Connie do what the man told her to do.

- Connie, don't do it, - the young caretaker said in a sorrow.

- Calm down Alexandra - Constance replied calmly. - You will be fine.

- Yes, she will - the man said. - But you won't.

The attacker pointed the gun at Connie and fired three shots, hitting Constance in the chest. The young woman fell bleeding, while the children cried and Alex screamed the name of her beloved. The man dragged Alexandra to a waiting car across the street, the crowd parted in his wake, and did not even try to stop him. Both Alex and her kidnapper climbed into the vehicle, which sped away from the scene.

At that moment the second-floor window exploded in a shower of glass fragments and a gigantic figure leapt through it, landing in the garden. Ruslan left little Heather on the ground and, after seeing her friend, ran to Constance, who was bleeding unconscious on the blackened lawn of the garden, with three bullet wounds, one in the shoulder, another in the abdomen and a third in the chest, on the right.

- Connie! - shouted Ruslan. - Connie!

The children cried, while Ruslan tried to contain the bleeding from his friend's wounds and thought about what to do. The roar of the flames and the popping of the burning wood drowned out the children's cries and Constance's gasps as she tried to breathe, drowning in her own blood. Ruslan looked at his friend in despair.

"Not again," he thought. "Not again."