Chapter 20. The end is only the beginning

- We are here today to pay tribute to the brave ones who risked their lives so that tyranny never triumphs - Queen Elisabeth of Albion began her speech on the dais built for the award ceremony. - Among these men and women stands out the service rendered by a young Army officer, which we will never forget.

In the audience, seated in folding chairs in front of the rostrum, were all the employees of the AutoLimb Drake Clinic, as well as the Drake family themselves. Marion and Catherine wiped away their tears, while William Drake made a grim face, probably remembering the events that had occurred at the factory that fateful day.

A month had passed since the attack on Drake Industries. After the entire incident was over, the military police had arrested the surviving attackers, including Patrick Gawaine.

After the facts were known, the Albion crown had stripped Gawaine of his status as a peer of the state, as well as all his birth rights and titles. In the trial that took place, he was sentenced to hang for his crimes, thanks to the testimony of all the victims of the Drake Industries robbery.

On the stand, tears were also running down Abygaile Mackintosh's cheeks, along with her brother Gregory, who was wearing a new wheelchair, Jack Drake and Constance Perry. The queen continued her speech.

- Ruslan Drake was a brave and loyal soldier and officer, who rendered distinguished service to this, our great nation, as well as to the crown we bear - His Majesty Elisabeth praised the Drake middle son attentively, prompting Catherine Drake to sob in the front row in the audience, and causing William and Marion to look up at the stage. The monarch continued with her speech. - Not only he did show his honour and his good disposition in his military life, but also in civil life, by always attending to the welfare of the innocent and those in need of help. Not just him but everyone else on this stage. For his service, we thank you.

Abygaile solemnly wiped away her tears. A hand rested on her shoulder, comforting her. The young woman had to look up to direct her gaze to that greenish-blue eye, which was looking at her with affection from more than two meters high. Ruslan smiled at Gaile, and she smiled back.

The young Drake opened and clenched the fist of his new AutoLimb right arm several times. It had only been three weeks since his prosthetic reconstruction procedure, and she still felt it a little stiff. Both he and Gaile had spent the last month at the clinic, recovering from their injuries. As soon as they could get out on their own, they got the news that the incident with Patrick Gawaine, the Iron Hand, and the corruption between members of the government and the security forces were in the public domain. Apparently, Arthur Doyle had leaked the news to several journalists known to him. This had made the Drakes and their Foundation heroes in the eyes of the population. The Crown of Albion itself had intervened in the case and proposed those present on the dais for the title of knight, for their service to the people of Albion in defence of freedom.

Ruslan, Gaile, Gregory, Connie, and Jack stood their ground as the decorations hung from the lapels of their evening jackets. Once the act in the palace gardens was over, the audience rose to applause the honourees.

As they stepped off the stage, their family and friends surrounded the laureates. Constance's parents had come, invited by the Drakes to settle into the family mansion for as long as they wanted, so they could be with their daughter Constance. Alexandra jumped onto Connie's neck as she approached them and kissed her fondly. The Perries were overjoyed to meet young Hayden and asked her to take good care of her daughter, since, in the words of Connie's mother, she was a walking disaster.

On the other hand, Gregory and Catherine conversed pleasantly. The complicity between the young couple had grown as they spent more time together. The attraction between them seemed to be mutual, and the young woman's parents encouraged them whenever they could, making young Mackintosh feel pleasantly welcome in the family.

Frances Solomon and Oscar McBride rested hand in hand, still seated in the audience. The incident at Drake Industries had made them rethink their reluctance to go public with their relationship, and in Frannie's words, who cared. So, they had announced their engagement a week before and were already planning their wedding, since all the members of Drake Industries were invited, it would be massive.

Ruslan stepped away from the crowd seeking some peace. He walked over to a stone railing that overlooked the palace garden pond and leaned over as he gazed out at the calm waters.

He came out of his thoughts when he felt someone grab his left arm. Abygaile Mackintosh laid her head on his arm lovingly. Both of them had accepted their feelings for each other and had begun to forge a relationship based not only on their attraction but also on their camaraderie gained by protecting each other from danger.

- It seems that now you are Sir Ruslan - said the young redhead laughing giving him a slight affectionate push

- And you Sir Abygaile, - Ruslan replied, lovingly returning the gesture.

- And what will happen now? - she asked with her gaze lost in the calm waters in front of them.

Ruslan smiled and turning to look at her, he lowered his head until her gazes were aligned.

- Whatever the future holds, we will face it together, - young Drake said, smiling genuinely for the first time in a long time.

Gaile smiled back, and taking the initiative, she brought her face close to the young ex-military man. The kiss seemed to last forever. When they both looked at each other, they smiled brimming with happiness. The young woman embraced the gigantic body of Ruslan, and he surrounded her with his left arm, pulling her closer to him.

The Drake family, Connie, and Gregory all smiled as they saw the young couple by the pond. Marion smiled at her husband William, and they hugged in relief. Gregory smiled when he saw her sister so radiant, as Cathe wrapped her arms around his neck from behind. Connie and Alex were smiling along with young Perry's parents. At the time, the future looked bright and promising.


In another part of London, at the same time, several characters, shrouded in shadows and covered by top hats, gathered around a large round table.

- The loss of Gawaine is not very serious. But the fact that commoners were the cause is alarming - one of the shadows at the table said.

- Ruslan Drake is a dangerous enemy, - another grim character replied. - And that small group of his has gone from being a slight annoyance to being a serious inconvenience.

- Ladies and gentlemen - a third shadow said, taking the floor. - We will have to prepare contingency actions to deal with this "inconvenience".

Everyone around the large table nodded, ratifying the intervention proposed by their co-conspirator. Fifty shadows rose in unison, heading for the boardroom door.


A few days after the tribute ceremony, Marion had invited Ruslan and company to the new offices of the Drake Foundation in central London.

- Welcome, - the Drake matriarch greeted them.

Next to her, her right hand, Vanesa Bancroft was smiling at them also welcoming them. Young Bancroft had re-joined even earlier than Marion, preparing the Foundation's new headquarters and facilitating the re-entry of her mentor, whom she had been more familiar with since the incident at the Burke Building.

- Why did you want to see all of us? - Ruslan asked.

- I want to make you a proposition, - Marion answered.

- Sorry, I'm already engaged - Connie joked, apparently Alex had declared himself during the tribute ceremony and now the young Perry could not stop showing off her young fiancée.

- Connie, it's not that kind of proposal, - Marion said, smiling at the young ex-military man.

- You see, at the Foundation we need a security and investigation team - Vanesa explained to the group. - And given your experience, we expected you to accept that job.

Ruslan, Gaile, Greg, and Connie looked at each other.

- Of course, you would not only deal with issues related to the Foundation, - Marion explained. - We have received a request for collaboration from the Army and the Police, not only for the treatment of injured in action, but also to have our future team of investigators available.

- And that would be us, right? - Gaile asked.

- If you accept, of course, - Marion Drake replied.

- What do you think? Ruslan asked the rest.

- I'm signing up, - Connie said quickly.

- Me too, - Gaile added as she crossed both arms over her chest.

- I'm not going to let this opportunity go by! - exclaimed Gregory.

- So, I think it's decided, - Ruslan replied, looking at his mother.

- Well, we will show you your new office, - she said and led them to the second floor of the new office building.

They climbed a short flight of stairs to the second floor. There they found a door with a sign that read "Drake Security and Investigation Agency." Upon entering they were surprised, it was an office with several offices, fully equipped and furnished.

- You also have a safe and a fully stocked security gunsmith, we managed to sign a contract with Augustus Thorne, thanks to the intervention of Arthur. If you need something you just have to entrust it to them - Marion explained. - Well, I leave you in your new domains, we will pass you a couple of orders that have come to us, the phones are already prepared and working.

When Marion and Vanessa had left, Ruslan and the rest of his group examined their new workplace.

- It will be interesting, - Gregory said, smiling. - I can take care of the office. At least for now.

- Sure, Greg, but don't settle, - Ruslan said. - You are the one who has the most experience as an investigator. Connie and I are more of security experts.

- If I learn from Greg, it'll be easier to work, - Gaile thought aloud. - We could form two work teams.

- Then get ready, pup, because I'll give you a crash course, - Gregory said, giving Gaile a conspiratorial pat on the back of her.

At that very moment the phone began to ring. They all stared at Ruslan.

- Hey, it's your name that's written on the door, - Gaile said giving him an encouraging pat. - Go for them big guy.

- Okay, okay, - Ruslan replied laughing.

The gigantic Drake walked over to the phone and picked up the receiver.

- Drake Security and Investigation Agency, - Ruslan replied to the device. - We will take care of your case.