
Year 2030 humanity experienced a great change many people started gaining various abilities from fighting skills to detective skills and just like the saying goes "with great power comes great responsibility" gates also started appearing.

The first gate appeared in America on 23rd April. Although the American managed to fend off the gate by gathering all the awakened people and sending them inside the gate but it wasn't without a price a lot of military forces were also lost.

The first awakened or now known as hunters completed the gate and were termed as national rank hunters.

Coming back to the present

I am Carl Johnson I am heading home after finally buying an awakening crystal as the name implies awakening crystals help the who absorbed it gain an ability the probability of gaining an ability depends upon the rank of the crystal.

S-RANK 100 %

A-RANK 80%

B-RANK 60%

C-RANK 40%

D-RANK 30%

E-RANK 20%

F-RANK 10%

According to the ranks the price also keeps on increasing reaching upto millions I had barely managed to buy a F-RANK crystal by working part time jobs and saving my pocket money my parents had offered me to buy one but I know they themselves have a lot of money problems and I am not gonna trouble them more.

(A/N-I have terrible naming sense if anyone has a suggestion plz comment it)

I decided to take the short route to my home by going through an abondoned area with the Crystal in my hand I was so excited to see which ability I would get and how much money I could earn by hunting monsters I was in a good mood.

As I was walking towards my home while observing my crystal I heard footsteps followed i turn my attention towards the sound but what I see scared me to the bones I saw five pair of eyes staring at me while drool was coming out of their mouths.

It was a pack of wolf, not normal wolfs but the dungeon one or known as horned wolf's as the name implies it has horns.

Before I could even react one wolf pounced on me and pinned me to the ground while the others smirked as if looking down on me I knew the low level monsters always targeted the weak ones or the ones without mana as of now I had no mana. Sensing no danger from me the let their gaurd down.

I promised myself that I would make them regret ever looking down on me I quickly started to absord the crystal normally it should take minimum ten minutes to absorb the crystal completely but I couldn't afford ten minutes so I took the dangerous route by absorbing the whole mana inside the crystal while chanting in my mind 'no pain no gain'

Suddenly it felt like the world just slowed down and information started flowing in mind i had gained telekinesis my mind was working overdrive and I quickly started forming plans and quickly decided how I was going to do this.

As the first wolf that was on me tried to bite me i quickly used my telekinesis and redirected the wolfs head towards the ground beside my head.


As I had planned it hit the ground breaking its horn. It started howling in pain and quickly got off me and started rooling on the ground. The other wolfs noticed the sudden mana and started to take me seriously but one wolf was still underestimating me and tried to ram me with its horn. I quickly used this opportunity to pick up the broken horn and dodged the upcoming ram and used the horn to stab its eyes.

After seconds of silence As If the wolf suddenly realised that it had been stabbed in the eyes it started howling trying to escape from the me but i wasn't going to let him escape now I quickly took a hold of its neck and pushed the horn even deeper with my physical strength and telekinesis together. The horn completely pierced through the wolfs brain. Blood sprayed everywhere but luckily my clothes were safe after I let go of the wolf it fell to the floor lifeless.

[*level up*]