Two headed wolf

[*host is under 30 feet away from the boss, kill it to defeat the dungeon*]


😐😑😐 "shit" I cursed under my breath as I barely dodge an incoming ice breath, just after dodging the breath followed another set of ice spikes ripping through the air trying to kill me. At this point I had barely any mana left but I cannot as well give up.


I used telekinesis to move my body midair to dodge as many ice spikes I can and redirect the rest of the spikes to other areas. After dodging the spikes by a hair and landing the wolf didn't give me any rest as it charged towards me and its speed was much faster than the others.


I quickly loaded my arrow and started pointing towards the wolf I had no mana left the only option I have is depend on my arrows critical ability, I could not shoot until it is close to me because I may miss its vital. Thump thump came the sound of its footsteps as it ran towards me.


I just took a deep breath and started concentrating on my the wolf, now I had realised how fierce it looked, it had two heads each having one horn it's body was way bigger than any of the previous wolfs and same goes for its mana my observe skill's level had increased a lot so I had started sensing a little bit of mana without using the skill.


It's mana was monstrous that I unconsciously started despairing but memories of my family started appearing in my head, how much fun we had together even if we weren't the richest we were happy together and i want to go back to them and continue being happy together with them.


As the wolf was about to pounce i quickly shot my arrow towards its heart it was leaping towards me so the arrow hit its chest perfectly. [*critical strike activated damage increased by 30%*].


I could finally take a complete breath all this time I could not take a complete breath because of the tension and the mana of the wolf. But it wouldn't be for long and I knew that because two headed wolf have to hearts. But this time I am going to be prepared.


I knew it would follow me right after it broke out of it trance and it would also be more pissed, but thats what we want. I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction of the wolf and soon it also started following. I used all my free points in power and speed and started running even faster.


I was dodging all the attacks the wolf sent towards me it pissed the wolf even more but I just had a smirk after a few seconds of running I quickly shot an arrow towards a tree in my left. The arrow got stuck to the tree tight thanks to my increased strength.


I purposely started slowing down a little to make the wolf catch up and soon it was quite close to me and it also had a smirk on its face like the ones i encountered outside the dungeon, that just made me more excited to kill it.


As we closed towards the tree the wolf stopped using ice attack because it thought that I was starting to get exhausted because of and wanted to see my despaired face, I knew that would happen that is why I particularly started showing a despaired look on my face.


The smirk on the wolf was starting to grow wider than its mouth itself but that ended right after I started smirking as well. As I reached the tree I jumped high, the wolf thought I was going to climb the mountain and jumped too but i repositioned my self by using all the mana that was left in my body. It was pitiful the amount of mana I had gathered only let me control my body for 2 seconds but that was enough.


I repositioned myself to face the wolf and my legs reaching the tree I jumped towards the wolf that was midair now it was his time to dispair using the tree to jump increased the power and I used the momentum and pierced the second heart of the wolf using an arrowhead.


[*host has killed a lvl 15 monster, host has gained 1000 merit points*]

[*host has leveled up*]

[*host has leveled up*]

[*host has leveled up*]


I only heard this message before blacking out


I woke up to see myself lying beside the two headed wolf it seems because of the overuse of mana I lost consciousness, "let's see the rewards of this hunt. I OBTAINED 1000 MERIT POINTS, yahoo I can buy a lot of things but let's just let it be for now"


"Status" I said out loud



AGE - 16


HP - 150

MP - 70

ST - 50

SP - 50

EN - 55

IT - 45



Telekinesis - lvl 2 - - - >3

Allows host to control any object depending upon the size and weight of the object

Increase level to increase the speed and the capacity to carry.


Armor making - lvl 1

Host can make armor leveling up the skill will increase the quality of the armor and make it more durable, host will be able to make different types of armor.


Weapon making - lvl 1

Host can make weapons leveling up the skill will increase the quality of the weapons and increase its durability and damage, host will be able to make different types of weapons


Observe - lvl 2 - - >4

Host can see tracks that are hard to find, host can also see a lot furthur while using this skill

Leveling the skill will increase the distance you can see.


Bow mastery - lvl 3 - - - >4

Shows the mastery of the bow increase mastery of bow to increase lvl.


Skinning - lvl 2

Allows host to easily skin various monsters Inc lvl to make it easier.


damn my stats received a mega boost not to mention the rewards I would be getting from defeating the dungeon I wonder what kind of treasure is in this wolfs hideout but first I need to skin this wolf too like the others I had received a skill just by skinning wolfs.


I am now at the entrance of the wolfs hide out it seems to be in a cave I just started going down through the narrow passage I wasn't scared in the least I was using mana to increase my senses and because of my constant use of observation my eyesight has also become better allowing me to see in the dark.


As I entered there seems to be a chest 😋 was the expression on my face as I started thinking of the various things I could obtain. I opened the chest to find a...... a wolf cub, a pill and some book?


I opened the book but there was nothing in there so I tried using mana in it maybe something cool may happen as I used my mana information started appearing in my head just like the time when I absorbed the awakening crystal.


[*host has gained a new skill - ice manipulation*]


"yahooooooo" I jump while screaming I have obtained a great skill with this my chances of getting into the best hunter school is basically guaranteed.


Now onto the other things I grabbed the bottle of pills and ate one not before using observe on the pill though it didn't say anything about the effects it did say it was good so I just gulped down one and sat in a lotus position and started to spread the energy through my body after a few seconds heart throbbing pain started envoloping me as my body started leaking black substance it was hard just to stay conscious.


After the assault of pain I opened my eyes to see myself covered in black liquid that smelled exactly like it looked 'gross' I thought and started to think how to get this liquid and stench out of my body, I can't go and bath outside I would basically freeze wait how about I use my ice to create water and then bath in it perfect.


I used mana to create a cube of ice and stopped providing mana to it, it turned into water and started removing my stench. After repeating this process I was finally over and just wore the clothes I was originally wearing before the armor.


Now for the final the wolf cub it wasn't a normal horned wolf. Horned wolfs are white while this wolf was pitch black by the looks of it, it probably was a shadow wolfs cub. It was yet to open its eyes so I just decided to make it my beast.


Shadow wolfs were the best soul beasts for beginners or even middle rankers I wasn't going to let this wolf die here plus it was super cute how could you let such an animal die. I used my mana to awaken it any beast after it is borned it needs mana to completely awaken.


"Since here all are horned wolfs no one could awaken it so they left him here. So sad but worry not I will be sure to raise you make you into a strong wolf" I said to the now awakened since it awakened with my mana we were now connected with a soul bond.


"Papa", said the black wolf while jumping around in excitement seriously how could some one be soo cute.


"hello, shade" I said I had already named him.


He just looked surprised for a few seconds and then just started repeating the name while jumping around. after our little introduction I used my return stone and returned with my new partner.