Sister (2)

Pov alex

As I was walking home I was suddenly transported to this wierd place which was completely dark, I tried to slap myself as j thought I was hallucinating but it didn't work. I stood there trying to think what had happened. I just gave up and started to look around, it was pitch-black I could barely see anything.

I just followed the hallway that I was in and just started to move forward, after a while of walking I saw a bunch of girls together bunched up and scared. I just ran towards them to see what had happened. As I was running they screamed "stop" that just increased my worries and I ran towards them.

But, soon I just teleported to them I didn't do it because I wasn't an awakened. But I soon got the answer as I turned around I saw that there was a big shadow covering everything, it soon opened its eyes and started directly at me as if piercing my soul.

I was so scarred that I could piss myself but I managed to not do that, "sit" said the shadow and I sat beside the girl. Soon monsters started appearing, but they weren't normal they were hybrids, way bigger than the normal ones and were way more terrefying.

Every girl started screaming even i was screaming. I started crying and just shouted we all were scarred I thought I would never see my family again but, suddenly a crack appeared close to us. The crack soon turned into a hole and someone appeared and it was the person I wanted to see the most. It was cain my brother.

As soon as he saw me he had a relived face, I just couldn't help but smile back after seeing the sweet smile. He quickli ran towards me and picked me up and threw me outside of the gap "WAIT" I shouted, I understood immediately what he was trying to do, he was trying to save all the girls. "come back" I shouted and all the girls started appearing.

After the last girl was saved the hole started to close. "STOP, COME BACK" I shouted while tears rolled down cheeks. The girls started comforting me but i wasn't going to stay calm, my brother had just sacrificed himself for me if something happens to him it would be because of me.