Dacey's Promo - Part 3

Rob breathed a sigh of relief as he heard Dacey speak in the microphone. This segment was saved in the neck of time. If Dacey's lackluster performance had continued any longer, there could be nothing to be done about it.

Even the commentators with all their years of experience could not do much if Dacey failed to perform. There was only so much that commentators could do to carry the segment. The task of performance solely fell on the shoulders of Dacey.

And if she didn't perform, no amount of actions from others could save it.

Luckily, Dacey had enough presence of mind to catch the lifeline that was thrown. No matter what happened from here on, the segment was at least saved. He would train Dacey next week to rectify the mistakes both he and she made this week.

Even if Dacey fumbled, all was not truly lost!
